The strongest soldier

Chapter 2393 Adjusting Tactics

The most taboo things in team fighting are mutual suspicion, internal strife, petty calculations or distrust. Luo Zheng took the initiative to apologize in the hope of gaining everyone's further trust. Seeing that everyone really didn't care, he felt relieved and looked back towards the mountain. There was zero There were still sporadic gunshots, which was obviously the enemy's fire reconnaissance. The RGP stopped bombing, and members of the action team were scattered around on guard, unable to see the hidden location.

The sky is cloudless, the breeze is gentle, the tall fir trees are silent, and the wise men are thinking. Luo Zheng frowns and looks around, feeling a little heavy. The drug dealers are condescending, there are many people, and they have heavy firepower. This battle is not good. Fighting, a night attack is fine, but it's only morning now, and we can't afford to wait. If it's too late, things will change. What should we do?

"Ga——" An eagle flew from a distance, screamed strangely, and landed on the branches of a fir tree. It looked around curiously, perhaps realizing that there was danger. The eagle screamed strangely again, and pounced. After flying away, Luo Zheng frowned and watched this scene. Suddenly an idea came to his mind, and a plan came to his mind. His solemn expression relaxed and he smiled.

"Got an idea?" Tie Diao asked in a surprised voice.

"The entire mountain peak is more than a thousand meters high, with endless stretches on both sides. This kind of terrain is suitable for defense, but not all places can be defended. We can attack from the top of the mountain, or we can go up from both sides, and attack suddenly, completely We can capture the trenches, I have an idea." Luo Zheng looked at the mountains ahead and said in a deep voice.

"What do you think?" Xu Gang asked curiously.

"Send two brothers over there." Luo Zheng pointed to the direction of the wooden house and said: "Fight from top to bottom, burn those wooden houses and attract the enemy to rescue them. Once the enemy attacks, the other brothers will immediately attack from the other side. The two As a group, go straight to the trenches and make more flowers, so that the enemy will focus on one thing and miss the other." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll take someone to burn down the wooden house." Xu Gang agreed in a deep voice.

"I'll go with you." Tie Diao also said in a deep voice.

Burning a wooden house is a dangerous thing. Not only must it be burned quickly, but it must be evacuated quickly. Once the drug dealers pursue it, it will be very dangerous. Luo Zheng felt that it was most appropriate to let Xu Gang and Tie Diao go, so he had no objection and nodded while looking at the mountains ahead. Said: "Okay, you two should be careful and follow the attack route that has been arranged for the action team before."

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed knowingly.

"It can take up to twenty minutes to get back to the enemy's head from here┅┅" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"No, ten minutes at most." Xu Gang interrupted.

"Ten minutes?" Luo Zheng looked at the mountains and estimated the time. Ten minutes was a little too late, but the people in the Veterans Club were very skilled and very fast. Maybe they could do it, so he agreed: "Okay, it will only be ten minutes." , get in position and stand by until I notify you, Xuelian, Gongsun Wu, Ji Wu and Sanji will stay to assist me in my feint attack here."

"You can feign an attack, but once we leave, the firepower will be reduced. Those bastards will definitely be able to see it. Will they be exposed?" Tie Diao reminded worriedly.

"This problem is easy to handle. Set fire to it. The ground is full of dead leaves, which are flammable. Setting fire to it is no problem. The wind is just right to blow the smoke up the mountain. With the smoke blocking it, the drug dealers can't see our specific situation. The people who are left behind spread out. If we find an opportunity to make a cold shot so that the enemy can't figure out how many of us there are, the truth about the division of troops will definitely not be revealed within ten minutes." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"It makes sense, yes." Tie Diao nodded in agreement.

"That's it." Xu Gang also smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Let's take action." Luo Zheng received the support of Tie Diao and Xu Gang and immediately issued an action order. The two immediately dispersed and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Not long after, the people who stayed behind approached Luo Zheng, spontaneously collected dead leaves, and started setting fires around them. Luo Zheng did not set fires, but moved forward and stopped where the trenches could be seen. A large fir tree hid itself. He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at it, quickly locking onto a target.

Only half of the target's head was exposed, and the body was hidden in the trench. Almost no one else could see it. Luo Zheng guessed that the drug dealers were hiding. This person should be responsible for observation. He was not well hidden and half of his head was exposed. Luo Zheng Taking a deep breath, his eyes narrowed, and he calmly pulled the trigger.

"Boom--" The incendiary bomb roared into the air, creating a terrifying air current in the woods. With Luo Zheng's endless anger, it hit the target fiercely. There was a bang, and then, countless incendiary agents exploded. Spread out and set off the fireworks in full bloom.

"Ah——" The target let out a heartbreaking scream, got up and ran around, staggered and fell to the ground, rolling in pain, the scream gradually weakened, and soon became silent, and the incendiary agent continued to be swallowed. It eats away at the target's head, emitting a disgusting corpse smell.

Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly. After seeing too much life and death, his heart became very strong and unmoved. He saw many heads popping up in the trenches. These people looked at their companions who were hit, but no one came up. After checking, they all retracted. Soon, some guns were set up on the trenches. Luo Zheng knew that the enemy was preparing to counterattack, so he quickly hid himself.

"Click, click, click -" A heavy machine gun fired first, and dense bullets were fired randomly in the woods, investigating. Luo Zheng's shot just now was too sudden and weird. The enemy didn't even know where to shoot. The fierce bullets were very It almost hit the big tree where Luo Zheng was hiding, but the trunk was thick and the wood was hard, so the bullet failed to penetrate. Luo Zheng, who was hiding behind the big tree, did not move and waited calmly.

Soon, the heavy machine gun fired over and continued to investigate other suspicious places. Luo Zheng quietly looked over and observed, quickly locked the position of the heavy machine gunner, quickly raised the gun and aimed at it, locked the target, thought for a while, Luo Zheng lowered the muzzle of the gun. He pressed down, aimed at the barrel of the heavy machine gun, and calmly pulled the trigger.

With a squeaking sound, the incendiary bomb came out of the barrel with a shrieking sound, and rushed towards the target. With Luo Zheng's fighting spirit and anger, it hit the target in an instant, and the incendiary bomb exploded, Splattering everywhere and falling on the face of the heavy machine gun, the strong adhesion of the incendiary agent caused the flames to stick to the target and quickly burn it.

"Ah——" the heavy machine gunner screamed, grabbed a handful of soil and covered the wound, trying to extinguish the incendiary agent, squatted down, and disappeared into the trench.

Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the heavy machine gun being burned by incendiary agent. This shot not only killed a heavy machine gunner, but more importantly, it killed a large-scale shooting like a heavy machine gun. Weapons and heavy machine guns are too threatening to everyone and must be cleared before the general attack.

"Head, the fire is burning." A voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that fires had been lit in more than a dozen places and were spreading. Fortunately, the wind was also stronger and the fires burned quickly with the force of the wind. Luo Zheng looked back at the mountain and smiled, his eyes flashing thickly. Strong fighting spirit.

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