The strongest soldier

Chapter 2391 Luo Zheng’s response

As a commander, you cannot ignore any doubts on the battlefield. You should doubt them and figure them out. Otherwise, you will fall into passivity or even lose the battle. After the heavy machine gunner was accurately shot, he immediately appeared again. For one person to take over the heavy machine gun, it would make sense if it were people around or new reinforcements, but not, this is very unreasonable, and Luo Zheng would feel uneasy if he didn't understand it.

Fierce gunfire rang out, and the two sides fought very resolutely. The drug traffickers relied on trenches and intensive firepower to attack, while the members of the action team relied on precise marksmanship to fight back. The two sides faced off, and no one backed down. The battle entered a stalemate, but the god-level soldiers The king is worthy of being a god-level soldier. There have been no casualties in the battle so far. On the contrary, the drug dealers have suffered many casualties. However, there is no sign of weak firepower.

This abnormal situation made Luo Zheng realize that the drug dealers were not just the ones exposed, but there should be others. Tunnels suddenly flashed in his mind. Could there be tunnels in the trenches? This should be the case, otherwise the newly added manpower Where does it come from? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face darkened and he leaned against the fir tree to think.

The drug traffickers have trenches, intensive firepower, and an unknown number of manpower. If they continue to fight like this for a long time, they may not be able to bear it. Once the ammunition is used up, the enemy will launch a crazy counterattack. By then, everyone What should I do if I am being hunted?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and Luo Zheng immediately had a plan, and whispered through the headset: "Xu Gang, come here right now, others will take aim, save ammunition."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a low voice. The enemy was hiding in the trenches and did not dare to come out. The threat was not great. Everyone could fight each other calmly.

Xu Gang dodged a few times and rushed forward. Luo Zheng was dumbfounded. This guy must be too fast, but he didn't think much. He squatted on the ground, took out a handful of button bombs and put them next to him. He looked at Xu Gang and said, "Here you go. Use branches as thick as your arms to make hand-flinging arrows."

"Simple." Xu Gang looked around. There were some fallen dry branches not far away. They were as thick as an arm. He immediately rushed over and rolled to the ground. When he got up, he had already caught the branches in his hands. Xu Gang jumped with all his strength, as if Li Xianzhi's arrow came near Luo Zheng, took cover, and threw the branch to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng took it, pulled out his tiger-tooth saber and cut off unnecessary branches, leaving only the trunk. He adjusted the two button bombs to a ten-second delay to detonate, then threw them to Xu Gang, who was hiding under the big tree next to him, and pointed at the heavy machine gun. The direction shouted: "Is there any way to throw it in the direction of the heavy machine gun?"

Xu Gang glanced at the direction of the heavy machine gun, which was about a hundred meters away from him. He nodded confidently, picked up a tree trunk about a foot long and clasped it in the palm of his hand. He suddenly swung it hard and the trunk flew forward like an arrow from a string. In the past, a black light was drawn in the void, and it rushed towards the target like lightning.

Luo Zheng was unsure about the distance of a hundred meters, so he asked Xu Gang to come up to help. I didn't expect this guy to be able to do it. He saw the tree trunk hit the machine gunner's head, followed by a loud bang, and the two buttons tied to the tree trunk The bomb exploded instantly, knocking over all the heavy machine gunners and heavy machine guns. The heavy machine gun misfired. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and excitedly gave Xu Gang a thumbs up and shouted: "Well done, you are worthy of being a thunderbolt hand."

Xu Gang didn't expect that the two button-sized things tied to the tree trunk were so powerful. When he found out that they were high-tech weapons from the Mystery Bureau, he was overjoyed and shouted: "Come again." He pulled out his saber and struck it three or two times. He removed the excess part of a branch, leaving only a section of the trunk and threw it to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng laughed when he saw Xu Gang reacting so quickly. He picked up the tree trunk and immediately tied up the two button bombs. He set the detonation time to ten seconds and threw them to Xu Gang. Xu Gang didn't know that the detonation time was ten seconds, but he knew the above. The button bomb would explode at any time, so he didn't dare to delay any longer and threw it towards another heavy machine gun.

"Whoosh——" The tree trunk drew a black light in the void, and instantly hit a heavy machine gunner's head. The opponent was hit hard, his head tilted, and he fainted. A person next to him picked up the tree trunk and took a look, and found that it was above There was something the size of a button tied around it. I didn’t know why, but I was about to touch it.

boom--! The two button bombs exploded violently, like a bolt from the blue. The huge shock wave sent everyone around them flying away, and even the heavy machine gun was blown away and disappeared.

"Hahaha, okay, come again." Xu Gang shouted proudly.

"Brother, what kind of tactic is this?" Tie Diao shouted excitedly not far away.

"No matter what happens without you, I can handle it by myself." Xu Gang shouted excitedly, fearing that Tie Diao would steal his job.

Luo Zheng smiled and said nothing. Seeing Xu Gang throw another section of tree trunk, he took it and removed the excess part. After thinking for a while, he tied five button bombs this time and adjusted them to remote control detonation. He looked at the trees on the mountainside. In the trench, a man holding a cigar was waving his arms and shouting something. He was obviously the leader.

"Follow me." Luo Zheng looked at Xu Gang, who nodded knowingly.

The two of them hunched over and quickly rushed to one side, constantly using the surrounding fir trees to hide themselves. They dodged and rushed out for more than 20 meters. Luo Zheng threw the tree trunk with the button bomb tied to it to Xu Gang and shouted in a deep voice: "Target, take it in your mouth." Cigar smoke in the bastard trenches, throw it in.”

"Ah? Okay." Seeing that Luo Zheng actually let him throw the tree trunk in, Xu Gang didn't mean to hurt anyone. He didn't think much, estimated the distance, raised his brows, twisted his waist, and threw the tree trunk over with all his strength. The tree trunk was in the void. Drawing a parabola, it landed accurately in the trench next to the man holding the cigar.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that Xu Gang could do this. His skill and accuracy were impressive. He gained a new understanding of the fighting power of these people and quickly pressed the remote control.

"Boom -" Five button bombs detonated at the same time, making a loud noise. Everyone around the explosion was like a kite blown away by the strong wind, flying upside down for a long distance, and the surrounding trenches also collapsed. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was overjoyed. , without a command, this unit would be leaderless. There should be a tunnel exit at the leader's location. If it explodes, it might collapse the tunnel and block the people inside from getting out.

"Hahaha, okay, come again, blow up these bastards." Xu Gang shouted excitedly, his body burning with fighting spirit, as if he was possessed by the God of War.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, a violent barrage of fire came from a heavy machine gun. Luo Zheng and Xu Gang hurriedly huddled up and hid, not daring to move around. They held the gun tightly and raised their ears to listen. Once the bullet Shooting past is the best time to counterattack.

"RPG, brother, Brother Xu, run quickly -" Tie Diao suddenly roared loudly, with panic in his voice.

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