The strongest soldier

Chapter 2383 The tunnel suddenly appeared

In the dense forest, the leaves fluttered and rustled in the wind, and the golden sunset fell on the dense canopy. It came down through the gaps between the leaves and fell on the ground, swaying in the wind, like golden butterflies. They were dancing gracefully, adding a bit of vitality to this peaceful forest. Suddenly, three armed men emerged from the woods, looking ahead with vigilance, their eyes as sharp as knives, like cheetahs looking for food.

The three of them advanced forward vigilantly, crouching slightly sideways. This posture ensured that they could dodge attacks to one side as quickly as possible. The three of them held their guns flat on their shoulders and moved their guns from time to time, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They walked very quickly. Fast, but landing light and silent, quickly search forward.

Soon, another person came out of the dense forest. The dark oil paint made his eyes particularly bright, like an unsheathed sword. It was cold and sharp. He was vigilantly sweeping around in the dense forest ahead. Not long after, another person emerged from the woods. He emerged from the inside, his body slightly arched, his whole body tense, like a cheetah ready to attack, and he walked forward vigilantly. On his resolute face, a pair of black and white eyes full of vigilance, it was Luo Zheng.

After searching all the way up, no one found any danger. Seeing that they were about to reach the mountain peak ahead, Luo Zheng became more and more cautious and walked forward tiptoe without making a sound. He lowered his body even more and glanced at the towering mountains ahead from time to time. In the mountains, the uneasy feeling in my mind became even stronger.

If it were in the past, Luo Zheng would definitely order the team to stop advancing, but this time is different. The enemy stronghold is very strange. If you don't take risks, you won't know what is hidden behind it. The searchers in front are all experts. Luo Zheng believes that these people will not When I have a problem, I decide to go all out and give it a try.

Without a clear understanding of the enemy's situation, this sneak attack will be difficult to launch. As long as we understand the enemy's situation, it doesn't matter even if we are attacked. With everyone's speed, the enemy will never be able to catch up. Luo Zheng followed the team forward cautiously, feeling uneasy. Emotions boiled in my mind, as if it would explode at any time.

Uneasiness means danger. This has been proven countless times. Luo Zheng did not doubt his judgment, but the surroundings were so quiet that it didn't look like there was an ambush at all. Even if there was an ambush, everyone's strength would definitely be able to sense in advance what was going on. What's going on? Luo Zheng was startled and suspicious. He would definitely understand the situation first and did not issue an order to stop advancing.

The team continued to move forward. There was no sound in the dense forest. Even the chirping of insects stopped. An invisible pressure enveloped the surroundings, as if it would explode at any time. Luo Zheng became more and more frightened as he walked. The more he walked, the more he felt that there was an ambush in front of him. , but the people who searched in front did not report any information. The members of the Veterans Club Action Team are all experts. If there is an ambush, there is no reason not to know. What is going on?

As he walked, Luo Zheng's doubts and worries became more and more intense, and his suppressed breathing became difficult. Luo Zheng believed in his intuition and knew that he could not leave any longer, otherwise disaster would be imminent. Even if no enemy was found ahead, he had to hurry up. He stopped, found a big tree for shelter, and observed with vigilance. The mountains were no more than a thousand meters away, a small river was vaguely visible, and the ground was clear at a glance. There was no enemy.

The surroundings were quiet and the view was wide. It didn't look like there was an ambush at all, but the uneasy feeling was clearly discernible in his mind, as if it would explode at any time. Luo Zheng knew that he could no longer take risks, and was about to order everyone to stop advancing through the headset. , suddenly saw the dead grass on the ground about a hundred meters ahead shaking.

Luo Zheng was startled, thinking that he had been dazzled. He looked carefully and found that a piece of dead grass was slowly removed, revealing a hole. It was a very strange phenomenon. Luo Zheng was horrified and quickly aimed at it. He saw a pair of hands coming out of the hole. There was an automatic rifle sticking out of the hand, and then a head poked out.

To be precise, it was a bald head. After poking it out, he looked around carefully. Because his back was turned, he did not find Luo Zheng, who was full of shock. Luo Zheng did not expect that a person would actually come out of the hole, and he did not expect that the other party would say the tunnel. Digging in this forest, the camouflage was completely indistinguishable. Tunnel warfare immediately came to mind. I was horrified and quickly took out my pistol and aimed at it.

"Bang -" Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation. The enemy had appeared and took the tunnel. Obviously everyone has been exposed. As for how they were exposed, now is not the time to pursue this. The top priority is to kill the enemy and call the police. Luo Zheng After shooting, he quickly shouted through the headset: "There is a tunnel, be careful."

Tunnel warfare is very familiar to Chinese soldiers. They relied on this to eliminate little Japs in the past, and also taught the Yue country tunnel warfare. The Yue country relied on tunnel warfare to drag the Sam country into the swamp of war and block the attacks of the Sam country. , Luo Zheng believed that Xu Gang and others were also aware of the horror of the tunnels. After warning, he reminded uneasily: "Hide in place and pay attention to the underground. The tunnels are very well disguised. Please be careful."

With that said, Luo Zheng rushed forward quickly. The target who came out was killed and his body fell down. There was only one gun outside. Luo Zheng raised his pistol and aimed at the tunnel vigilantly, not daring to be careless at all. He discovered it when he got closer. It was dark inside the tunnel and nothing could be seen.

Luo Zheng took out his tactical flashlight and shined it inside, and found a corpse lying in the cave. The head was shot and blood was pouring out. It was the target from before. There was nothing else. The tunnel was very narrow. Only one person can climb forward, and there are corpses blocking it, so even if there are people inside, they can't get out.

The tunnels and enemies that suddenly appeared made Luo Zheng understand the source of his uneasiness. No wonder no one in the Veterans Club could discover the enemy. It turned out that the enemies were not ambushing in the woods, but underground. Who would have thought that there was a tunnel here? Moreover, the exit was disguised very cleverly, and it was actually hidden from the people in the Veterans Club.

"A very clever disguise." Luo Zheng was secretly surprised. He glanced at the dead leaves that had been removed, and then realized that the cover was made of wooden boards. The wooden boards were wrapped with dry vines, with some dead leaves scattered on them, and the surrounding ones. It was so integrated that it was impossible to see through it. Luo Zheng picked up the cover and looked at it. His face was cold and his brows were furrowed. He realized that the enemy was much more powerful than he thought. No wonder these drug dealers could survive here. No wonder there were only a dozen or so wooden houses. No wonder no one was found after looking for a long time. It turned out there was a tunnel and he was hiding in the tunnel.

"Puff - puff -" Suddenly, two gunshots rang out in the woods not far away. It was the sound of pistols. Luo Zheng was shocked and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"The tunnel and the enemy have been discovered and have been shot." A voice sounded in the headset.

"Me too." A voice sounded in the headset.

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