The strongest soldier

Chapter 2378 The veteran is fierce

We are not afraid of powerful enemies on the battlefield, but we are most afraid of discord among teammates and disobedience to orders. Everyone in the Veterans Club is a master and has strong combat effectiveness. However, after all, this is the first official cooperation and there is no affiliation. If you do not obey the orders, your strong combat effectiveness will not be used. If he comes out, it will affect the battle situation. Luo Zheng doesn't want to see such a situation happen. He plans to explain the tactical arrangements, talk to everyone, and treat each other with sincerity, hoping that everyone can absolutely obey the command.

Xu Gang and others were not stupid either. They understood this truth and expressed their attitudes one after another. This was also An Luozheng's intention, so that Luo Zheng could command with confidence, so as not to affect his judgment and not be able to display his abilities. He would be timid and worried too much and could not act boldly. In the end, It’s everyone who suffers.

Seeing everyone's sincerity, Luo Zheng was moved and said: "In that case, I will do my duty. The core of my tactics is to use chaos to control chaos, to seize the chestnuts from the chaos, to control the chaos first, and to seize the chestnuts from the chaos. The top priority is to completely mess up the situation. No matter what kind of deal the government forces, the anti-government forces, the Sam State, and the Dark Church have made, even if no deal is made, we will ignore it and give them a random beating so that they can all If we are confused about the situation, suspicious of each other, and wary of each other, then our chance will come."

"I understand, who should we fight first?" Xu Gang asked in a deep voice.

"Everyone, look at the map." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "There used to be a stronghold about a day and a night's walk from here. It was a material transfer base for drug traffickers. The drugs in it were all shipped to our country. This is a cancer. It will be harmful to remove it. It is beneficial to our country. In addition, this cancer is also the main source of income for the anti-government forces. As long as we do it more cleanly, we can find ways to pour dirty water on the government forces and make them suspicious of each other."

"That makes sense. How many people are there at this stronghold?" Xu Gang asked in a deep voice.

"Our intelligence shows that there are about two hundred people, maybe more. They are built on the mountain. The mountain is dangerous. The specific situation can only be known when you get to the place. The intelligence is limited." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Before coming, he gave Luo Zheng a red plum blossom. This stronghold was mentioned in a briefing on the situation in Myanmar.

The action was quickly agreed upon, and everyone rushed down the mountain. Luo Zheng observed carefully and found that Xue Lian was also very fast. Her breath was long and her body was strong while running. She was obviously a master of internal boxing. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Xue Lian didn't If you delay, your chances of winning will increase.

There is no road in the woods going down the mountain. There are thick bushes and trees all over the ground, but they still can't stop everyone's progress. The bushes that are half a person tall jump over in one leap. People are in the air, and they reach out with their big hands and grab the tree body. It was the first time Luo Zheng had seen this kind of marching method. His feet almost didn't touch the ground. He was worthy of being a god-level warrior king. He was really powerful and he imitated it.

It was a bit unaccustomed to it at first, but as the practice increased, I gradually got used to it, and once I mastered the rules, I got used to it quickly. Sangji and others are all masters of internal boxing, and they are very skilled and can learn it faster. The reason why Xu Gang and others use this method Running in a hurry is to show your strength, so that Luo Zheng can know everyone's specific combat effectiveness, so that he can be more specific and bold when formulating specific tactics in the future.

It’s more than a thousand meters from the top of the mountain to the river at the bottom. There are five ways to walk on the mountainside. It would take a normal person more than ten minutes to finish. But everyone solved the problem in a few minutes. They were not out of breath or blushing, and they all looked like fine people. In the face of absolute strength, this road is not a problem at all. After Luo Zheng gained a more intuitive understanding of everyone's strength, he was determined, looked at the long river water and said: "It is only ten meters wide and one meter deep. It is directly Come over?"

"Don't bother, it seems a little narrower over there, just jump over." Xu Gang pointed to the front and shouted in a low voice.

Luo Zheng looked around and saw that there were many houses on the river over there, about six or seven meters. This distance was not a problem for everyone, so he readily agreed: "Let's go around." There were no enemies in the mountains opposite, so Luo Zheng could rest assured. March without worrying about being ambushed.

Everyone went around and soon came to the narrow place. Xu Gang looked at the river bank, chose a place and said in a deep voice: "I'll go there first, everyone will follow." After saying that, he stepped back a few steps, ran to the river bank, and pushed hard with his feet. Kick, the body swooped into the air, five or six meters away. In the air, he took two steps forward with his feet, and landed steadily on the ground, unscathed, and quickly found a place to hide. The muzzle of the gun pointed outwards.

Others also followed suit and jumped over one by one. Even Xuelian jumped over easily, like a flying swallow, light and agile. Luo Zheng was so surprised that he couldn't help but look at the waiting iron eagle beside him and whispered. Said: "Brother Tie Diao, what kind of skill is this, sister-in-law?"

"Yan Zimen's kung fu, light body kung fu is better than mine. No one here can compare to climbing over trees or climbing over walls. He can compare with your brother Shi Qian." Tie Diao explained in a low voice with a smile.

Luo Zheng had heard of the Yanzi Sect, and also knew that there was a Yanzi Li San who had two unique skills, one was the light body kung fu, and the other was the hidden weapon. He didn’t know if Xuelian and the Yanzi Li San were related, but this was a private matter and was taboo in the world. , didn’t want to ask too much, so he urged Sangji and others to come.

Not long after, everyone jumped over easily, and the team continued to march. Xu Gang asked someone to clear the way in front, and reported the situation through the headset at any time. Everyone was on the same channel, and there was no need to relay it. They could all hear it clearly. Time passed unknowingly. It gets darker every day.

The team came to a canyon. The canyon was so thick with bushes that it was impossible to walk. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to walk up the mountainside and up the ridge, intending to follow the mountain ridge. Suddenly, they saw a rustling sound coming from the canyon, which startled everyone. They all lay down to take cover, and soon discovered that it was a wild boar, humming in search of food. The iron eagle was overjoyed and said excitedly: "He is the one who has the food tonight." As he said this, he flew over like a big bird.

The wild boar's skin is thick and hard, and it is extremely powerful. It is not easy to deal with. Everyone came out of the bunker one after another, not paying attention to the iron eagle flying past. They were not worried about anything at all. Luo Zheng looked over curiously, and saw the wild boar suddenly charging towards him madly. The iron eagle charged back, howling strangely and looking violent.

Seeing that the iron eagle was about to be knocked down by the wild boar, the iron eagle suddenly kicked its feet hard, and its body swooped into the air. It turned around, its head and feet, and its huge iron palms swatted at the wild boar's head, like a goshawk. Fighting the rabbit, there was a bang of flesh, and the huge wild boar fell to the ground with a scream, rolled over, and soon stopped moving, its legs twitching, vomiting blood, and its humming voice became fainter.

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