The strongest soldier

Chapter 2376 Troops Converge

The enemy is powerful beyond imagination, both in terms of combat power and weapons and equipment. It is difficult to estimate. It is uncertain what new weapons will be used this time. Luo Zheng is not discouraged or discouraged. It does not matter how powerful he is. Victory on the battlefield is not just personal ability and weapons and equipment. , as well as tactics, wisdom, teamwork, etc. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes filled with high fighting spirit, and his whole body seemed to be full of strength.

Half an hour later, the convoy arrived at the border customs. Someone came up to negotiate and took everyone directly to the parking lot inside the customs to park their cars. Luo Zheng told Zhu Wei to watch the equipment and not allow anyone to get close. He left Sanji and others uneasy. People also helped keep an eye on the equipment. The equipment was too important and must not be exposed. I took off the combat uniforms, helmets and other weapons and equipment outside. Wearing only a T-shirt, camouflage pants and explosion-proof military boots, I hurriedly left the parking lot and arrived. Outside Customs Square.

Soon someone gathered around them. It was Xu Gang and others. They were all wearing casual clothes and were difficult to spot among the crowd. Everyone had a small black bag in their hands. They didn't know what was inside. Xu Gang made a gesture and everyone stopped not far away. After coming down and pretending to look around, Xu Gang quickly came to Luo Zheng and said with a smile: "Mastermind, it's great to have a mission so soon. To be honest, hiding on the island for vacation is boring, but the battlefield is more comfortable. "

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, what should we do next? Brothers can't wait to fight the enemy?" Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Brothers, follow me, bring your equipment and go into the forest." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Great, let's go." Xu Gang said excitedly, gesturing to everyone. Everyone nodded understandingly, reminded each other, and followed Luo Zheng hurriedly to the parking lot inside the customs. The guard at the guard box had seen Luo Zheng and received the call. Regarding the order, there was no obstruction and everyone was allowed to go in directly.

Everyone came to the parking lot and saw several military trucks. There were soldiers with loaded guns and ammunition standing on the trucks. They were looking ahead with stern expressions. They were obviously not ordinary soldiers. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Luo Zheng did not explain. Zhu Wei shouted: "Brothers, help, move the things down."

"Yes." Zhu Wei responded in a deep voice and glanced at Xu Gang and the others curiously. He had a vague feeling that these people were not simple. He did not dare to ask more questions and quickly conveyed the order. The troops took action and removed the boxes on the car one by one. Move it down and put it in the open space.

There were six boxes containing weapons, ammunition and other survival supplies. Xu Gang glanced at the boxes and said to the brothers around him: "One for each person." As he said that, he easily picked up one and put it on his shoulders. The two soldiers could work together. The lifted box seemed as light as nothing in Xu Gang's hands, leaving Zhu Wei and other scouts stunned.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said to Zhu Wei: "Your mission is completed. Go back. I'll have a drink with you again when I have the chance." After saying that, he picked up his equipment and put it on again. He went outside before When meeting Xu Gang and others in the square, naturally they cannot wear clothes, otherwise they will be exposed and attract onlookers.

"Yes." Zhu Wei agreed gratefully, took his brother into the car, and drove away quickly.

Luo Zheng glanced at the customs staff at the meeting, and said in a deep voice: "We are going to the opposite side, how to get there?"

The contact person naturally knew that the opposite side that Luo Zheng was talking about was Myanmar. In addition, he had received notification from his superiors earlier and made relevant preparations. He took out a map from his pocket and handed it to Luo Zheng. He said solemnly: "This The map may be useful to you. There is a small road from the back. You can go directly up the mountain. Over the mountain is the border. There is an observation post on the opposite mountain. It is up to you how to avoid it. Follow me."

"Brothers, let's go." Luo Zheng quickly put on his equipment, looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.

Everyone followed the contact person from behind and soon came to a small road. The terrain around the path was gentle and many orange trees were planted. In front of it was a mountain range with an altitude of about fifty or sixty meters. The contact person explained as he walked: "Orange trees are The brothers planted it in their spare time to get some fruits to eat. Mines and surveillance were planted inside to prevent anyone from getting in. You can only take this route when you come back."

"You're very thoughtful, thank you very much." Luo Zheng smiled politely.

"No way, there are too many people trying to break through." The contact person replied with a smile.

The two chatted briefly and passed through the orange grove unknowingly. There were mountains in front of them. The trees on the mountains were numerous and lush. There was a path winding up. The contact person pointed to the path and said: "This is the path we usually walk on." The patrol arrived. It's safe. This mountain belongs to us. There is a small river on the other side of the mountain. The river is the boundary. On the other side of the river is Myanmar. The river is not wide and the water is not deep. You can pass by, but you must pay attention to the observation posts. However, they have been experiencing civil strife and turmoil recently, and the troops have withdrawn, so there should be no observation posts at the moment."

"Okay, thank you for leading the way." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked at the crowd and then at the mountains ahead. His face became solemn and he whispered in a low voice: "Brothers, let's go." After saying that, he took the lead and walked up the mountain.

Everyone followed Luo Zheng up the mountain in silence. The contact person turned around and went back. Ten minutes later, everyone came to an open area on the top of the mountain. After Luo Zheng signaled everyone to stop, he quickly hid behind a big tree and raised his hand. Observing through the telescope, although the contact person said that the situation in Myanmar was unstable and the sentries might have withdrawn, Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless at all, especially the intervention of the Dark Church, which made Luo Zheng realize that there was a huge conspiracy behind this. It means death.

Luo Zheng's vigilance infected everyone, and they all found places to hide, carefully guarding their surroundings, and waiting patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng found nothing unusual, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Brothers, open the box and distribute it. equipment."

"Understood." Everyone agreed in a deep voice, and directly tore open the sturdy wooden box with their hands, revealing the contents. All of them were brand-new supplies. The weapons still smelled of gun oil. Everyone liked this smell and started to express their gratitude. He smiled and distributed the weapons.

Luo Zheng came forward and explained the equipment standards. Everyone was very familiar with guns, ammunition and outdoor survival supplies. Needless to say, they all knew how to use combat uniforms and other equipment. The only thing that was unfamiliar to everyone was the dragon tooth bullet. Xu Gang He picked up a dragon tooth bullet and looked at it for a few times, then looked at Luo Zheng curiously and asked, "Wizard, what is this?"

"It can penetrate bullet-proof armor within five hundred meters and kill people. It can also penetrate armor within a thousand meters, but the bullet will get stuck. Everyone knows this distance scale. We call it Dragon Tooth Bullet. Each of the six of you has thirty Just fire the dragon tooth bullets and distribute the other ammunition equally." Luo Zheng explained.

"What? Have you developed a bullet that can penetrate armor?" Xu Gang shouted in surprise, and others looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

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