The strongest soldier

Chapter 2374 Preparation before war

For a long time, everyone has been accustomed to Luo Zheng's tactical deployment. When encountering difficult problems, they will directly throw it to Luo Zheng. It has been proven countless times that Luo Zheng's final decision is correct. As long as Luo Zheng is present, no one is too lazy to think about it. Luo Zheng looked at everyone speechlessly and said in a deep voice: "This operation is strictly confidential. No movement is allowed anywhere in the operation. We will continue to train."

"Then who are you bringing up?" Lan Xue asked in surprise. The Operations Department of the Crime Bureau is the sharp knife for external operations. How can people without the Operations Department fight this battle? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously, waiting for a reply.

"If the tentacle monsters defect to the Dark Church, they will definitely pay close attention to us. If we go out, they will know it immediately. Staying in the operations office can also confuse the enemy to a certain extent and make the enemy paralyzed. As for the operation personnel, I will lead Sang Enter Ji, Ji Wu, and Gongsun Wu, it's time for them to see blood." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"Not enough, there are too few people, and they are all new recruits. Even if the three of them are strong in combat, they are still new recruits. I don't agree with this arrangement." Lan Xue said immediately.

"Don't be anxious." Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue cared about him, and his heart warmed, and he interrupted: "The people in the operations department must not move until the time is right. The enemy is in the dark. We can only have a chance by hiding in the dark." If you work with the enemy, you will be exposed at the first move. As for the manpower, don't worry. The Veterans Club will send a team to help. There are five people in each team, plus the team leader Xu Gang, Tie Diao and Xuelian will also come to help, that is eight people. We are here Four on each side, twelve in total, enough manpower."

As soon as everyone heard that the people from the Veterans Club were dispatched, and eight of them came, everyone knew very well how skilled the people from the Veterans Club were. One person killed dozens of Sam Guoguo Jarhead, and you must know that those dozens of people were chasing everyone. They have run a long way and are very powerful. Eight of them are enough to cope with various situations, so you can rest assured.

Lan Xue was also completely relieved. Eight people were enough to operate in the dark, and each of them was a member with high strength and rich combat experience. He glared at Luo Zheng angrily and cursed: "If I didn't tell you earlier, I would have made everyone worry in vain." , Sister-in-law Xuelian will go to the battlefield with you?"

"Yes, she can only fight the tentacle monsters on the battlefield. It is not convenient to be too far away. In addition, Blue Star contacted the chief and handed over our firewall system. All important departments must use our system to ensure network security. The chairman will definitely agree to this. There has been one leak, and there must not be a second one. Our opponents are tentacle monsters, not ordinary people, so we must consider everything." Luo Zheng warned.

"I understand. Compared with ours, the defense systems of many important departments in the country are indeed like paper. As long as the chairman nods, the rest is not a problem." Blue Star agreed with some pride.

"We are also thanks to Xuelian's help. Otherwise, where would such a good defense system come from? Maybe all the information has been stolen. The opponent is too powerful and we must not take it lightly." Luo Zheng reminded.

"Yes." Blue Star solemnly agreed.

Luo Zheng looked at Dongfang Ling, with a look of expectation in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Can we rush out a batch of dragon tooth bullets? They will be used in this operation. Whether we can defeat the enemy may depend on the dragon tooth bullets. "

"In the last 500-meter test, the attack power of the dragon tooth bullet was enough. It could barely penetrate the armor within a thousand meters, which is not ideal. This technology has not been completely solved yet." Dongfang Ling said in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. This operation is in the jungle. There are jungles everywhere in Myanmar. You can't see it from far away. Five hundred meters is enough. If you are given one day, how much can you produce?" Luo Zheng asked.

"If we produce according to the existing specifications and let the Equipment Bureau go all out to help, will it be enough to produce 500 rounds a day? It depends on their cooperation. We can do the test bombs ourselves, but for mass production we can only ask them to help. ." Dongfang Ling reminded gratefully.

After the establishment of the National Security Strategy Department, the Equipment Brigade was changed to the Equipment Bureau, the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade was changed to the Secret Service Bureau, and the Crime Bureau was added. Everyone belonged to the same organization. Luo Zheng immediately looked at Lan Xue, and Lan Xue understood. Said: "I will contact my superiors immediately and let them coordinate. Don't worry."

"Okay, the more Dragon Tooth bombs the better. The enemy situation is unknown this time. It may be a tough battle. Sufficient ammunition must be prepared. The Information Department is responsible for upgrading the defense systems of relevant domestic departments. The Scientific Research Department keeps an eye on production. Xue'er, you will take the lead. The Intelligence Department will help me figure out the current situation in Myanmar and give me a briefing." Luo Zheng said and looked at Hong Meihua.

"Yes, is there any point?" Hong Meihua agreed.

"There are two key points. First, the latest developments among the senior leaders of the Burmese government and the anti-government armed forces. My judgment is whether he was bribed by the Dark Church or the Sam State agents. These two forces cannot be ignored. I even suspect that the two forces have colluded. Okay, those who are deliberately acting, they don’t care about the life and death of innocent people. Secondly, look at the movements of agents and mysterious figures from various countries operating in Myanmar to see if they can find suspicious targets, so as to determine whether tentacle monsters or those who attack our troops The murderer's hiding place." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood, I'll do it right away." Lan Xue promised in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's all take action. Remember, we only have twenty-four hours. The meeting is over." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone stood up and shouted in a deep voice.

Everyone walked out of the conference room, but Luo Zheng did not move. He looked out the window and began to think deeply. Someone had naturally done the preparations well. As a commander, Luo Zheng was more concerned with tactical deployment. One wrong step and everything would be lost. The case office couldn't afford to lose, and Luo Zheng knew very well that he couldn't afford to lose either. Lan Xue walked to the door and turned back, saying worriedly: "You look very bad, do you feel bad?"

"Yes, I can't figure out the enemy's situation at all this time, and I don't know what's going on in my heart." There were no outsiders, and Luo Zheng confessed his thoughts without hesitation, his brows furrowed, and his face became increasingly serious.

Lan Xue said understandingly: "Anyway, we can't figure it out anymore, so let's mess around. If we mess up, the enemy won't be able to figure it out, and they might be led into chaos by us. Let's face the unchangeable facts calmly. , just think of a solution, I believe you have a solution."

"Using chaos to control chaos?" Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly felt his eyes brighten up, and the layers of fog disappeared. He couldn't help but look at Lan Xue and said with a smile: "Great, you are really my lucky star. This strategic idea is good, and the enemy has painstakingly designed it." , step by step, we will give him a random beating to make them confused, reveal their intentions and then act according to the situation. It is useless to think too much, so just do it." As he said, a more perfect plan emerged.

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