The strongest soldier

Chapter 2364 A strong attack

As night fell, the street lights in the bustling capital city flickered, and many office workers gathered under an office building. Everyone watched nervously and curiously as a dozen motorcycles slowly drove by. Two people were sitting on the motorcycles, waving weapons. At first glance, he didn't look like a good person. In the open space, a young man stood calmly, watching the motorcycle slowly approaching. It was Luo Zheng.

Two policemen rushed up, one on the left and one on the right, looking at the slowly approaching motorcycle with vigilance. Their faces were very ugly, showing fear, worry, and anger. On the contrary, there was a young man not far away. He watched this scene leisurely, his eyes full of sneers, as if he didn't take this scene seriously.

On the field, Luo Zheng was really angry this time. These gangsters were so arrogant that they dared to attack people in a big name. That young man was nothing, so he went back to deal with it. At this time, the motorcycle was ten meters away from Luo Zheng. They stopped everywhere and kept cheering, but looked at the young man. The young man pointed at Luo Zheng. The gangsters nodded knowingly and looked at Luo Zheng with evil eyes.

The young man instructed the gangsters to take action in high spirits. The gangsters did not notice that their words and deeds were being monitored. The gangsters slammed the accelerator, and the frantic engine sound was heard far away. The invisible pressure was dissipated, and everyone in the audience was worried. Looking at Luo Zheng, he couldn't run. How could he outrun a motorcycle with two legs? Fighting is not possible, there are twenty or thirty gangsters, all of them look unusual, how to fight?

Everyone watched this scene worriedly. People kept calling the police, and more people took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Suddenly, two motorcyclists rushed up on their motorcycles, one to the left and one to the right. The driver lowered his head and bent down, behind him. The people sitting there were waving the rubber sticks in their hands and making strange noises.

Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly, with a cold look on his face. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward and rushed forward a few steps. Suddenly, his body twisted strangely and avoided a stick coming towards him. He flew up with a kick and knocked a motorcycle into the air. The car flew out, and he used the force to rush to the other side. He grabbed the driver with his big hands, pulled hard, and tore the driver off the Mercedes-Benz motorcycle and threw him to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a motorcycle was kicked to the ground, and two people fell to the ground and rolled over. Another motorcycle fell to the ground without the driver, and the other person sitting on it also fell to the ground. In this scene, everyone around him could be seen People were stunned, it felt like a blockbuster movie, and they quickly started cheering.

Luo Zheng walked up, picked up a rubber stick and used it as a cushion. It was a little light, but it could be used. He walked towards the other gangsters and made a gesture asking them to join them. These gangsters saw that one of their own was being let go. However, the opponent was a little bit prickly, but did not flinch. Whoever shouted something, they all slammed the accelerator and rushed forward.

This kind of group fight relies on sharp eyesight and quick hands, and relies on ruthlessness. Luo Zheng has been through mountains of corpses and seas of blood countless times, how can he care about such a small scene? Instead of retreating, he rushed forward. The rubber stick in his hand suddenly came out and hit a motorcyclist directly in the heart, knocking him to the ground.

Luo Zheng took a step forward, and suddenly his body rose into the air, exceeding the height of the motorcycle that rushed up. He kicked up and kicked the motorcycle rider to the ground. He landed firmly and saw two motorcycles roaring away. Come, Luo Zheng rose into the air again, and kicked the motorcycles roaring on both sides almost at the same time, sending the two motorcycles flying far away, hitting other motorcycles around, and falling to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, five or six motorcycles fell to the ground. The people on them were seriously bruised and couldn't get up for a while. Luo Zheng moved his feet and picked up a rubber stick to start. Suddenly he saw several police cars roaring towards him. Come, knowing that the fight would not work, he threw away the rubber stick and locked his sharp eyes on the young man.

The young man didn't expect Luo Zheng to be so good at fighting, and immediately panicked, especially when he saw Luo Zheng's razor-sharp eyes, with a cold murderous aura, the young man seemed to smell the breath of death, his face changed drastically, and his whole body began to tremble. , Where have I seen such terrifying murderous intent?

Luo Zheng walked up, and the young man shouted in panic: "No, don't come over, don't come over."

At this time, the police car roared in and stopped with a screeching sound. Many police officers jumped out of the car. The leader was Shi Feng. When Shi Feng saw the gangsters rolling on the ground and some motorcyclists who did not run away, his face turned cold. , shouted in a deep voice: "Arrest them all, and shoot those who dare to run away."

The faces of all the policemen changed greatly. They did not expect Shi Feng to issue such a strict order, but they still agreed and rushed forward one after another, taking out handcuffs and pistols. The other gangsters wanted to run away, but the police fired warning shots, but most of them did not dare to run away. , the remaining few wanted to run away, and someone immediately opened fire on the motorcycles. When the motorcycle riders saw that the police were serious about their actions, they immediately panicked and stopped one after another, daring not to move.

Although the gangsters were arrogant and arrogant, they still managed to win people. Shi Feng ignored the others and ran up to Luo Zheng with a sullen face and said, "Brother, what happened?"

"Do you know this bastard?" Seeing Shi Feng coming over, Luo Zheng pointed at the young man and asked in a deep voice.

"I know you, little devil. I have just returned to China for about half a year. The old man is the deputy minister and has a high position. But don't pay attention to him. If he offends you, I will kill you and punish him." Shi Feng looked at the young man coldly and said, There was a flash of ridicule in his eyes, he dared to provoke Luo Zheng, this man is really sick, and he is very sick.

"Uncle Shi, this bastard hit my car and tried to run away. You have to make the decision for me." The young man was so frightened that when he saw Shi Feng coming over, he seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted anxiously. .

"Do you know him?" Luo Zheng looked at Shi Feng and smiled teasingly.

"Huh? Yes, his father brought him to see me. He didn't say anything, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that he wanted me to take care of him when I needed it. This is also an unspoken rule, but don't worry, what should I do? Just do whatever you want, ignore him and his old man, tell me what happened." Shi Feng explained in a low voice.

"Well, there should be surveillance around. Take control immediately to avoid being taken away. Look at the surveillance and you will know whether it is right or wrong. I originally planned to take my little sister home for dinner and give my family a surprise. I haven't been back for a long time. , I didn’t expect to encounter such a boring thing, you can handle it as you please, I will go back to meet my family first, and if necessary, I will go to the police station to record a statement for you." Luo Zheng explained somewhat speechlessly.

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll take care of it." Shi Feng nodded and agreed, looking at the young man with sharp eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "Come on, take him back to the police station and treat him well. "

"Yes." The first policeman who appeared saw that Luo Zheng was very familiar with his top leader, and secretly felt lucky that he hadn't messed up just now. He quickly agreed and tried to show his performance to avoid being settled by the future.

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