The strongest soldier

Chapter 236 In the basement

The sudden sound of gunshots shocked the people around. Everyone looked at Ete, only to find that Ete was thrown to the ground and dragged away from the room quickly. It seemed that Ete was fine. Everyone looked at Kai with surprised eyes. The white man who fired the gun found that the white man fell back in a daze, his eyebrows were shot, his eyes were wide open, and he was still staring blankly. Everyone was in an uproar and exchanged glances one after another.

Cody also looked at the dead white man with a face full of shock. He didn’t know what to do. He looked at another white man with some fear. The white man’s face was full of shock and anger. Cody hurriedly shouted: "Quick, give me a hard blow." Beat him hard." If he can't take down the people in the room, Cody knows that the sacrifice will be in vain and his own life will be in danger. He can't help but look at the bound person angrily and aim his gun at him, but he still puts it down with some scruples. , his face was ashen.

The one who took action was Luo Zheng, who had been paying attention. When he saw the white man bursting out with murderous intent, Luo Zheng knew something was going to happen and took action first. Aite risked his life to buy time for everyone. Luo Zheng would never watch Aite being killed. , the distance of fifty or sixty meters is no problem for Luo Zheng, especially when there is no interference.

This shot saved Etter and killed a killer. Of course, it also completely angered the militants outside. Countless bullets were fired wildly, and some even threw bombs into the room. Everyone saw such a fierce attack. Knowing they couldn't stop them, they all got into the basement.

"Boom." The room could no longer hold up and collapsed. Countless bricks buried the entrance to the basement. There were no ventilation holes in the basement, and it was even pitch black after being buried. Everyone hid behind the door, and Luo Zheng watched with vigilance. At the entrance, listen carefully.

"Everyone try to breathe slowly, the air here is limited." Lan Xue reminded.

Everyone relaxed and waited in silence. No one knew whether they could survive this or not. In the dark basement, everyone had firm faces and unwavering eyes. They were ready to die. They were born as soldiers and could die in battle. The battlefield is also an honor. Sacrifice for the country without regrets.

"Everyone remember, don't give up unless you have to. If the enemy discovers this place later, don't fight back. Everyone hides. If the enemy throws mines first, everyone will go on the road together. You won't be lonely when you get down there. If the enemy comes down first, we will Charge forward, and the ghost hands will rush out as fast as possible and fight hand-to-hand with the enemy. No one is allowed to give up until the last moment." Lan Xue earnestly warned, and his words were like a needle in the sea, stabilizing everyone's emotions. Come down.

Luo Zheng looked in the direction of Lan Xue with some admiration. It was dark, he could not see clearly, and he was not afraid in the face of danger. These were the qualities a commander should have. No wonder the heroes like Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle were willing to be led by Lan Xue. , I thought about myself again, and found that I was obviously lacking in this aspect. However, it was meaningless to think about it now. Whether I could survive or not was unknown. I couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and said guiltily: "Brothers, I am the one who has caused you trouble."

"It's ridiculous to say this." Shandiao smiled nonchalantly and said: "Everyone has to die. Being able to die on the battlefield is also a blessing for us soldiers. At least it is better than dying in a hospital bed."

"Brother, we are soldiers, brothers of life and death. No one will harm the other. I don't know if I will have a chance to drink the wedding wine between you and the captain. Oh, what a pity. The captain will definitely be more beautiful in a wedding dress than in a military uniform." Guishou said with a smile. The nonchalant tone is reassuring.

Everyone has experienced too many lives and deaths, and they have long taken it lightly and anticipated it. When death comes, everyone faces it calmly. Although Ete cannot understand everyone's words, he can still feel the indifference and face-to-face death. With courage, my anxious heart gradually calmed down. Thinking of Luo Zheng's rescue just now, I said gratefully: "We are sorry for you, please allow me to apologize."

"It has nothing to do with you. It's Wata and those killers. Although you are also a member of Wata, you helped us. We don't blame you." Lan Xue said coldly, with an icy tone, but Ete heard it. The sincerity and kindness in it made me deeply ashamed. Thinking of my father's situation, I became depressed.

"Stop talking, there is a sound." Luo Zheng whispered, and everyone pricked up their ears. Sure enough, they heard movement above. It should be the enemy cleaning up garbage. For the killer, only by seeing the corpse can he be sure that the task is completed. Go back and get other rewards.

Nearly a hundred people cleaned up, and the speed was very fast. In addition, the collapse of the room was not very complete. After a few minutes, someone began to clean up the construction debris above the entrance to the basement. It didn't take long to find the iron door at the entrance. Everyone was ready, with firm eyes, in the darkness. The basement glowed with blazing rage.

Luo Zheng clenched his pistol and made up his mind. Once the iron door opened, he would be the first to rush forward. Even if he died, he would buy a few minutes for everyone. As long as he rushed out and fought hand-to-hand, everyone would have a chance to survive. He couldn't help but Walking towards the wooden ladder, I bumped into someone in front of me.

"I knew you wanted to be the first." The person in front said coldly, it was Lan Xue. At the moment of life and death, and because the surroundings were dark and he couldn't see his fingers, Lan Xue also let go, turned around and hugged Luo Zheng , whispered: "If you die, how will I live? Don't do stupid things, okay? You must live well. I am faster than you. I have a few more chances to rush out, so don't fight."

"Okay." Luo Zheng hugged Lan Xue, feeling Lan Xue's soft body and warm breath, and said affectionately: "If you die, I will kill everyone above, and then go down to find you, I swear ."

"Idiot." Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng meant what he said and could do it. She hugged Luo Zheng's neck and kissed him passionately. The two hearts were tightly pressed together, and their love was sublimating and burning.

"Dong dong!" The iron door at the entrance made a sound. The two of them looked up almost at the same time. Their whole bodies tensed up, ready for the last fight. They held hands, firm and strong, and their eyes were filled with despair and joy. They could die together. , is also a kind of happiness.

"Get ready to fight." Ghost Hand whispered coldly, pushed the bullet up, aimed at it, and continued: "The moment the door is opened, the enemy may shoot inside. If you rush out rashly, you may die. I suggest that after opening the door, we Shoot first. As soon as the gunfire rings out, the enemy will definitely dodge. This process may only take two seconds, but it is enough for a person to rush out."

"Okay, cover me with your firepower. Everyone, take care and prepare." Lan Xue said coldly, watching the iron door make a sound of opening, her whole body tensed, squatting slightly, holding on to the wooden ladder with her hands, and her feet had already stepped on it. Like an angry tiger, ready to attack.

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