The strongest soldier

Chapter 2354 Good-natured intimidation

There is a probability in drawing lots, especially this kind of random drawing. Whoever is drawn first has a chance of success. Although the chance of winning the lottery later is very high, who can guarantee that the first one will not be drawn? Xu Gang's objection was recognized by everyone, and they all expressed their disapproval. Xue Lian looked at Luo Zheng with some laughter and tears, and asked for help: "Everyone doesn't agree, what do you think we should do? You are a think tank, please give me an idea."

"Yes, a think tank must be fair when choosing one." Xu Gang shouted.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood. It was a good thing to rush to go, and military morale could be used. It would be bad if everyone did not rush to go. Naturally, he would not object. After thinking about it, he said: "It is better to imitate the welfare lottery method. How many people can do it?" Roll the ball numbers together, and the one that wins in the end will win.”

"This is a good idea." Xu Gang looked at Xuelian happily and said, "Brothers and sisters, you are not allowed to cheat. You are the best at the system. It is easy to make someone win. Therefore, Brother Tiediao is not allowed to participate. This is only fair."

"Yes, if Brother Tie Diao participates, he will definitely win. Wouldn't this take away everyone's credit?" Others agreed one after another, and the scene became much more lively.

"Why don't you let me go?" Tie Diao shouted angrily: "I'm already injured. If you don't accept it, let me fight. The one who wins will go."

"Are we competing?" Xu Gang shouted with a smile, looking eager to try.

Tie Diao was so deflated that he couldn't speak, and he was breathing heavily. He was obviously not as good as his opponent. Luo Zheng had seen Tie Diao's strength before, but he didn't expect that this Xu Gang was even more powerful. He couldn't help being shocked and looked at Xu Gang calmly. Then she looked at Xuelian. Xuelian didn't look at Luo Zheng, but looked at everyone and said with a smile: "You want him to go, but I haven't agreed yet. The injury hasn't been cured yet. If there is an accident, won't I be a widow for the rest of my life, brother?" Don’t worry, I will be fair if he is not allowed to go.”

"Yes, brothers and sisters will feel relieved if you have younger siblings." Xu Gang said with a smile.

Tie Diao looked at Xue Lian with a bitter look on his face, and wanted to argue a few words. Xue Lian glared at Tie Diao, and Tie Diao stopped moving. Everyone saw this and smiled kindly. Xue Lian immediately turned on the computer and started typing. When the keyboard came, Luo Zheng knew that Xuelian was making the election program on the spot, so he looked at the Master and smiled: "Brother Master, the brothers are in harmony."

"Yes, thanks to your joining, the brothers have seen hope and opportunities. This is a good thing. Have you finished your three things? If you have anything to add, just say it. The brothers will listen to you carefully. ." The master said with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

"No more." Luo Zheng replied gratefully.

"Okay, I will discuss it with a few brothers later. Everyone is free to choose the group to participate in, select the group leader, and the results will be announced in the afternoon meeting. You will stay here for the whole day, right? I have to have two drinks with you at noon. "The master said with a smile.

"Okay, that's enough work. Brother, please be more careful about the reorganization. I'm not very familiar with everyone, so I won't participate too much." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"That's fine." Master knew that Luo Zheng didn't want to participate in specific affairs, so he agreed with understanding.

Next, the Master announced a ten-minute adjournment of the meeting and took Luo Zheng into the back room. Liu Xuanyi made tea for the two of them, while the others discussed joining the group outside and formed their own teams. Liu Xuanyi elegantly and skillfully Making Kung Fu tea for everyone, I peeked at Luo Zheng and secretly admired him. The Veterans Club was already on the verge of disbandment. I didn't expect that being reorganized like this by Luo Zheng, it immediately showed new potential. This is ability.

The master exchanged some polite words with Luo Zheng. Seeing Liu Xuanyi's worried look, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Xiaoyi went out with you to perform a mission and came back. She has become calmer and more mature. This is a good thing. I will take you with you next time." She walked around, exercised, and it was time to fly out.”

"Thank you, Master." Liu Xuanyi smiled in surprise, his eyes narrowed as he smiled, and he looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "Although I will be annoyed by following my junior uncle, my junior junior uncle is very capable and can definitely learn from it. I'm short of something, so please give me some advice, but I don't want to keep me in the dark like last time by not saying anything."

"That's not okay. Just follow the rules, otherwise everyone will criticize you. You choose a group first. What exactly do you want to do?" Luo Zheng refused without hesitation.

"Yes, why did I forget the rules I just made? Let's choose a group first. Which group do you want to join? Then it will be based on military merit." Master said with a smile.

"As long as I can go to the front line," Liu Xuanyi said quickly.

"Going to the front line may not be suitable for you. There are too many disadvantages and problems for women on the front line, which are difficult to solve. Unless you are very familiar with hot weapon combat and have the determination to commit suicide, otherwise once you fall into the hands of the enemy, your life will be ruined. There is no morality on the battlefield, only killing. Killing without mercy is no joke. You can go to the intelligence team." Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice.

"The intelligence team can't go to the front line, it's not fun." Liu Xuanyi refused without hesitation: "Besides, I understand, isn't your fiancée also a woman? Why can she go to the battlefield."

"Because she didn't regard herself as a woman when she went to the battlefield, and everyone didn't regard her as a woman or a soldier. Every soldier will prepare a glory bomb for himself. When he runs out of ammunition and food and is unable to escape, he will pull Can you do it with a glorious bomb and kill yourself?" Luo Zheng looked solemn and asked in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Liu Xuanyi thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but if the time comes, can you give me a shot? I won't blame you."

"What if there is no one around?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Isn't there more than one team for each operation? How come there is no one?" Liu Xuanyi asked curiously.

"Not necessarily. Most of the time you act alone. Even if the team is dispatched, what if everyone else is killed? Who will help you fire that shot? Moreover, no one will shoot his comrades because they can't do it. , you have to solve it yourself, otherwise how could our army have the tradition of glorious bombs? With a bang, the body turned into a pile of minced meat, are you sure you want to go?" Luo Zheng said in a frightened manner.

"Don't scare me, I'm not afraid." Liu Xuanyi gritted his teeth and said, but his face turned pale.

Luo Zheng took a deep look at Liu Xuanyi, then looked at the master, and shook his head. The master nodded knowingly, gave up the thought of letting Liu Xuanyi go to the battlefield, and started a digression with Luo Zheng. After a while, The master changed the topic and said with a smile: "Okay, they are almost ready. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay, let's go." Luo Zheng said with a smile, got up and followed his master outside, with a look of expectation in his eyes, hoping that everyone could successfully complete the reorganization and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Lao Lang's new book: "The God of Jungle War", please stay tuned! If you have a vote, please vote, thank you.

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