The strongest soldier

Chapter 2352 Luo Zheng’s rectification

A snake cannot survive without a head. The elder brother of the Veterans Club is old and no longer has the energy to lead everyone. In addition, the think tank has been arrested, leaving the group without a leader. Now that Luo Zheng is in power, everyone hopes that Luo Zheng can take substantive measures to change the situation. Luo Zheng also knew that the status quo of the Veterans Club must be changed. He had been thinking about this issue for two or three days and brought it up for discussion while everyone was here.

"Just say whatever you have to say." The master said with a smile, clearly stating his attitude.

Luo Zheng smiled gratefully, looked at everyone and said: "The first thing is reform. Brothers are all people with great abilities. I have a certain understanding of how the Veterans Club operates. When the brain trust is there, it will be selected according to the task. If the difficulty is high, send two more. If the difficulty is small, send two less. It will be a loose operation. Am I right?" He said and looked at the Master.

"That's right, all tasks are not difficult for us. When the think tank is here, we will make detailed plans and everyone will follow the plan and execute it. There will never be any mistakes. Moreover, each task has different characteristics, so more suitable people will be selected. It makes sense." Master explained.

"Brother is right. It is good to adapt to the situation, but it cannot form a stable team. I will cooperate with you today and another person tomorrow. There is no fixed team and the cooperation is not tacit. It is good to have a think tank. Once If the brain trust is not there, everyone will run into chaos. If there are squads, at least each squad will not be in chaos. Just like a special operations brigade, each brigade is divided into several squadrons, each squadron is divided into several squads, and each squad gathers talents from all parties. , with complementary abilities, we often fight together, understand each other very well, and cooperate with each other tacitly, so the combat effectiveness can be more than doubled." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"You mean we organize into a small team?" Master looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and said. The Veterans Club was originally a group of like-minded people with a loose organizational structure. The think tank would arrange things and select people to execute them. Everyone was used to freedom. Not willing to standardize, Luo Zheng proposed reorganization to embarrass the master.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, smiled, and said in a deep voice: "We want freedom and gather for a common goal, but we don't want to be restricted. I understand this, but have you ever thought about a question? There is no circle without rules. If we continue to relax, everyone's combat effectiveness will not be superimposed, and the enemy has become much stronger. Can we suppress the enemy?"

Everyone present is a smart person with rich experience. They know that what Luo Zheng said is correct. Everyone has thought about this issue in normal times, but they are used to freedom and are unwilling to standardize management and organize operations. Now that Luo Zheng proposes reorganization, he will lead Many questions arise, who will be the captain? How does it work? How are rights defined? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and said nothing.

Luo Zheng could see that everyone was a little tempted, but they were still hesitating about some things. Once they were used to freedom, it suddenly became standardized. It did take time to adapt. However, if the operations were not standardized and the management was still loose, it would be difficult to improve the combat effectiveness. After thinking about it, he decided To add fuel to everyone's fire, he said sternly: "Everyone, let's think about this again. The tentacle monster has betrayed us. He knows very well how we operate. Maybe he is making a plan to deal with us. If we still follow the instructions The old way it works, the consequences are serious.”

Everyone's expressions became solemn. Although they were unwilling to accept it, it was clear that Luo Zheng was right. If he continued to operate in the original way, he would definitely not be the opponent of the tentacle monster. Something must change. Master also realized this. Looking at the seriousness of the problem, I looked at everyone and saw that everyone was a little moved. It was just difficult to accept the new management method. I couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Should we reform or continue to maintain the original method? Let's think about it carefully and vote to resolve it later. First, please ask the think tank to tell you how to do it specifically?"

"Yes, if we reorganize it, how should we reorganize it? Please give me some advice first and let everyone think about it." Xu Gang, the Thunderman, said with his fists sternly, and several more people agreed.

Luo Zheng pointed to the empty seats and looked at the master seriously and asked: "Brother, let me ask a question first, why are these seats empty?"

"It's left to a few big brothers. They are old and can't come, so they have to leave it empty." Master explained.

"Respecting the elder brother is a virtue and is understandable, but to some extent it will affect the spirit of the brothers. The elder brother needs to be respected, not only in form but also in action. But if you can't come to the meeting because of your age, the chair If it is empty, everyone will have a feeling of disunity and lack of cohesion, so I propose┅┅" Luo Zheng said rudely, deliberately stopping to look at everyone.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. They didn't know what Luo Zheng wanted to say. Why did he talk about the chair? Everyone pricked up their ears. Seeing that everyone's thoughts were led by him, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued with a serious face: "I propose to organize everyone into five groups. It just so happens that there are five vacancies here. Five team leaders come to sit down, so everyone has sustenance and cohesion."

"It makes sense, how do you plan to divide it?" The master asked in a deep voice, frowning in thought.

"It's very simple. The intelligence team is responsible for intelligence collection and information support, the logistics team is responsible for logistics, the operations team is responsible for specific military operations, the supervision team is responsible for internal supervision, and the decision-making team is responsible for strategic decision-making." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

"The intelligence team, logistics team, and action team can all understand. What are you going to do with the decision-making team and the supervision team?" The master asked everyone's doubts in surprise. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and said nothing.

"The inspection team is responsible for monitoring internal affairs. There must be rules and explanations for who is right and who is wrong, right? Proper punishment can build combat effectiveness and be fair, and at the same time prevent traitors from appearing again within the organization; as for the decision-making group, it is responsible for decision-making on major affairs , although the old brothers are old, they have rich experience and unique vision. Together with you and me, there are five group leaders who make collective decisions and will not make mistakes." Luo Zheng explained.

"It makes sense. Your division is in line with our current situation. Let's think about it carefully. By the way, what is the composition of each group?" Master asked approvingly.

"The specific number can be determined by everyone through discussion, or by a decision-making group through collective consultation. I suggest that each group sign up to participate on their own first. Whoever wants to go to which group can sign up by themselves, and then choose the group leader by themselves. It is democratic. As for the action group, I propose the number of people A little more, at least five teams are needed, each team has more than five people, composed of combat personnel and information personnel, led by the team leader and responsible for daily management." Luo Zheng suggested in a deep voice.

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