The strongest soldier

Chapter 2340 Rescue the target

The castle is more than fifteen meters high, with a barbed wire fence installed on it. Searchlights are shooting everywhere, and people with loaded guns are patrolling at night. The city wall looks like it is made of large stones and looks very strong. The only door in and out is closed, and there is a sentry at the door. , with a machine gun position and a squad of people guarding it. It is very difficult to conquer such a place.

Luo Zheng observed this scene calmly. The city gate seemed to be made of explosion-proof steel plates. It was very thick. He thought that even if the troops were mobilized to attack such a castle, they would not be able to take it down in a short time. As time went by, local reinforcements would When we arrived, it turned out to be the infamous Alcatraz Island.

Everyone arrived near the guard post unknowingly. There was a railing in front of them. The people in the machine gun position turned their guns and aimed at them. The searchlight shone on Luo Zheng, as if facing a formidable enemy. Luo Zheng pretended to be angry and looked at the warden. Chang Sheng explained: "This is the rule, you can only wait here, I will bring someone for you right now."

"It's best this way. You and I can't afford the consequences of wasting time." Luo Zheng said pretending to be angry, while looking around, thinking about countermeasures. If we want to attack by force, how should we attack?

The warden glanced at Luo Zheng and said nothing. He picked up the intercom and shouted, "Bring out the prisoners in No. 7 Warehouse and hurry up."

"Understood." Someone replied.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he secretly became excited and looked at the warden calmly. Could it be that he could really take away the target smoothly this time? If he succeeded, everything would be easy to handle. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became a little excited. He quickly took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He secretly warned himself to be careful. The closer he is to success, the more calm he should be.

A few minutes later, the heavy iron door opened from the inside, and a car drove out. The headlights were dazzling, but they were turned off when they rushed out of the castle. Luo Zheng saw that it was an open-top off-road vehicle. There were two people sitting in the car, one. It's a prison guard, wearing a uniform, and the other one is wearing a gray-white prison uniform and a hood, and it's not clear that it's water.

The off-road vehicle stopped quickly, and the prison guard hurried up, saluted the warden and brought up a document. The warden took it and took a look at it, handed it to Luo Zheng and said, "Please sign for it."

Luo Zheng took it calmly, signed the name on the forged work permit, and handed it to the warden. While looking at the man in prison uniform, he asked in a deep voice: "Is there no mistake?"

"Don't worry, you can check it out." The warden said dissatisfied.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the warden pretending to be dissatisfied and snorted coldly. He walked up and saw that the other person's hands were handcuffed. His fingers were slender and slender. It looked like a woman's hands, but he still felt uneasy and slowly reached out. He grabbed the hood and lifted it up gently, risking a narrow escape to get in. Luo Zheng didn't want to take an irrelevant person away, which would be a big loss.

Thinking of the identity of the person inside the hood, Luo Zheng became a little excited. He slowly pulled up the hood and saw a beautiful face appearing in front of him. The beauty was frowning and the face was gray. He looked very haggard, but he could not hide the beautiful face. This is a holy face, as pure as the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng couldn't help but get excited. He could basically confirm the identity of the other person. His appearance completely matched the person in the photo. Although he was a little haggard, his temperament was also very good. Not everyone has this noble and pure temperament like a snow lotus. He could disguise it, but Luo Zheng still asked in a deep voice worriedly: "Tell me your name."

The other party glanced at Luo Zheng with a cold gaze, then glanced forward, ignoring Luo Zheng at all. He was as arrogant as an elegant swan, disdainful of being with a sparrow. Luo Zheng pretended to be dissatisfied and asked in a deep voice: "Report Your name, otherwise I don't mind leaving a gash on your face." Putting on a vicious attitude, these words were more for the warden to hear, lest the warden suspect anything.

The man snorted coldly and slowly closed his eyes, as if he didn't care about Luo Zheng's presence. Luo Zheng fiercely took out his pistol and pressed it against the opponent's palm. As a hacker, his palm is his second life, and he cherishes it very much. In order to prove the authenticity, Luo Zheng had to resort to a harsh move and shouted coldly: "Say-"

The warden watched this scene calmly. When he saw Luo Zheng pulling out his gun, he hurriedly came forward and said with a smile: "What, you doubt my ability to work? She is the one mentioned in the order. There is absolutely no mistake. If there is any mistake, , that’s because the order was wrong and has nothing to do with us.”

Luo Zheng pretended to be dissatisfied and glanced at the warden, and said in a deep voice: "We don't need you to teach us how to do things."

"Snow lotus." The woman in the car suddenly said coldly, using Chinese Mandarin. She didn't even dare to glance at her. She slowly opened her beautiful eyes and slightly raised her head to look at the night sky. Just in time, a bright moon emerged from the dark clouds. When she came out, the sky was illuminated a lot. The sea breeze was gentle and felt very pleasant on her body. The woman took a deep breath, as if she was enjoying the current moment.

Luo Zheng knew he was right as soon as he heard it. He immediately put the hood on the other person and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the car and follow me." He opened the car door, pulled Xue Lian out of the car, and grabbed Xue Lian's arm. He walked forward, ignoring the calm onlookers of the warden. He walked slowly and calmly, but his heart was filled with excitement.

If Xuelian can be taken out smoothly, everything will be easy to handle. Success is imminent. Luo Zheng kept telling himself to be calm and careful. At this time, he should not be careless. The warden handed the signature document to the prison guard who drove out and got on. After taking the passenger seat, the prison guard immediately turned around and drove into the castle.

Xue Lian was wearing a hood and couldn't see. Luo Zheng grabbed Xue Lian's arm and led the way. There were other prison guards following around. Luo Zheng didn't say anything and was vigilant and secretly on guard, just in case. Everyone arrived at the dock unknowingly. The police assault boat was still there, Luo Zheng took Xue Lian down the steps and boarded the assault boat.

The assault boat started quickly and turned around to head towards the way it came. Luo Zheng looked at the island that was getting away and the assault boat rushing forward. He was secretly pleasantly surprised. Everything went so smoothly. Thanks to Blue Star and the others, this time The Information Department took the lead in the rescue.

Luo Zheng knew very well that if people from the Information Department had not forged orders and allowed him to slip through several identity confirmations, even if he was exposed once, he would definitely die. A strong team is the fighting force. I hope the road ahead goes well, Luo Zheng Staring at the deep night sky, I prayed secretly.

The assault boat rushed forward, setting off countless waves at a very fast speed. Luo Zheng secretly observed the three policemen vigilantly. If there was a slight movement, Luo Zheng did not mind using force to solve the problem. In addition, there were lasers on the seabed. Once exposed, , the laser can definitely tear the assault boat into pieces. As long as it breaks out of the Alcatraz Island submarine laser defense zone, there is nothing to fear. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look back in the direction of Alcatraz Island, silently calculating the distance.

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