The strongest soldier

Chapter 2330 The authorities compromise

The human heart is the most complex thing. When one's own interests are threatened, the responsibility will always be placed on others. The riot police did not rescue well, but the hostages do not see it that way. They will only blame these riot police for their incompetence and that they cannot even defeat the terrorists. , as for the objective reasons, I will not consider them when I face life and death.

Luo Zheng also lay down and stared at this scene in a low voice. He was stunned by Black Widow's tactical arrangements and combat effectiveness. Dozens of riot police rushed up and killed a large area with random shots, and then attacked with grenades. This tactic was It was as if they knew it in advance and had rehearsed it countless times. They cooperated very well, and there was no hesitation when killing. He was worthy of being a member of the Black Widow terrorist organization, which is known for its ruthlessness.

The authorities' forceful attack and rescue operation ended in failure. The main entrance was bombed and there was no cover. The person in charge of the Black Widow gave an order, and some Black Widows came forward, threw the corpses at the door and piled them up, forming a barrier. Dozens of corpses were piled up. They were standing very high, and blood was flowing gurglingly, dyeing each other's clothes and the ground red. Some people stared with anger and refused to rest in silence. Their whole bodies exuded a strange aura, which made people shudder.

The corpses blocked the door, and an invisible aura of death enveloped the hostages. Everyone was extremely uncomfortable being attacked by tear gas and coughed. However, after seeing the ruthlessness of the Black Widow in killing people, no one dared to move. They reminded each other and squatted No one on the ground ran away in panic. There was nothing more sad than death. The attack by the riot police showed their incompetence, and endless disappointment, grief and anger surged up.

After seeing the fighting power of the Black Widow, the police outside did not care about the chaos. The situation was once again deadlocked. The wind blew in through the damaged doors and windows and dispersed the smoke of the tear gas. But everyone was uncomfortable, especially the elderly and children. He had fainted, but due to the fear of the black widow, no one dared to say anything. The endless aura of death enveloped everyone's minds, and no one dared to move.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but cough. Seeing that Liu Xuanyi was only coughing and not feeling any discomfort, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked around vigilantly. He was horrified to find that the black widows dispersed one after another, once again trying to find favorable terrain for passage. , being serious, there is no chance to escape.

"People inside, listen, we're sending representatives in," someone shouted through a loudspeaker.

"Are we going to negotiate again?" Luo Zheng looked at the leader of the Black Widow in surprise.

Soon, the previous priest came in again. Looking at the injured hostages on the ground, his face became ugly. He looked at the leader of the Black Widow who came up and said in a deep voice: "I can't answer your appeal. I came here to ask for help." Take a look at the situation of the hostages and convey your wishes. In addition, the hostages are innocent. Please allow me to send a priest who knows medical skills to come in and rescue you. God will bless you."

"I don't believe in your God. I'll give you three more minutes, otherwise we'll break up. You go ahead." The leader of the Black Widow said coldly, with a firm tone without any hesitation.

No one dared to ignore the determination and courage of the leader of the Black Widow, and no one dared to ignore the impact behind these words. The pastor looked at the other party deeply, turned around and left in a hurry. Instead of getting entangled here, it is better to promote peace talks as soon as possible. , the leader of the Black Widow watched the departing priest disappear, his cold eyes flashing with an intimidating chill.

Luo Zheng keenly captured the determination represented by such a chill. He knew that if the authorities did not compromise, these people would choose to die together. He could not help but lower his voice and said: "Wait for my order, follow me when I take action later, and catch that person."

"Capture the king first before capturing the thief?" Liu Xuanyi asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding, he couldn't help but smile excitedly.

Time passed by, and three minutes was not long. Soon, the person in charge of the computer shouted something in surprise. All the Black Widow members looked at the leader. The leader was stunned for a while, and suddenly raised his hand. He raised his arms and yelled something, and the others followed closely.

"Are you going to take action?" Liu Xuanyi asked in a low voice in surprise, grabbing Luo Zheng's arm. After all, it was his first time on the battlefield, so he would inevitably be a little nervous when the war came.

"No, they got what they wanted, and they are celebrating." Luo Zheng keenly sensed something unusual, and lowered his voice and warned: "Don't move around, don't look around, wait and see."

"Oh? Compromised?" Liu Xuanyi looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked, how could the established empire compromise? This is totally against common sense.

Luo Zheng also found it unbelievable. The established empire had no reason to compromise. There must be something fishy here, but the situation was unclear. He couldn't go to the Black Widow to ask, right? It was impossible to go up and warn Black Widow to be careful. Luo Zheng chose to continue to wait and see what happened. Taking action hastily would only make things more complicated.

Black Widow's terrorist attack killed so many policemen. The old empire of Britain was disgraced and had no reason to compromise. There must be something weird behind this. Couldn't Black Widow see it? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at the leader and saw what the other person was staring at the computer. He couldn't help but wonder, could it be a surveillance screen? The person they asked to be released came out? Is it Snow Lotus?

A series of doubts came up. The situation was unclear and no trade action could be taken. Luo Zheng was distressed, but he had to hold back the eager wait in his heart. After a few minutes, several black widows rushed out. The police retreated in an orderly manner and vacated the room. We came to the road, and not long after, two buses drove over.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately understood. The Black Widow was about to retreat. Did she want to take the hostages and retreat together? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at the leader. He saw the other party yelling something, and someone immediately rushed to the crowd. The leader also came forward and shouted coldly: "Don't make any noise. Listen clearly, the old man and Children, follow me and escort us to evacuate safely. Anyone who makes a fuss will be killed without mercy."

The words contained endless murderous intent, coldness, indifference, and ruthlessness. No one dared to doubt or object. These black widows have proven their determination and courage with actions, as well as ruthless means. Resistance means Seeing death, everyone looked at the leading black widow coldly, protesting silently, but had to obey.

Regardless of whether everyone protested or not, the leader of the Black Widow urged his subordinates to start selecting people. Those who were too old were not allowed, those in their fifties and sixties, and those who could walk. Children were the heart and soul of their parents, so naturally they would not agree and would fight to the death. The leader of Black Widow rarely killed her, but asked her mother to follow her.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly, and his mood became complicated. It was impossible for him to rescue everyone by himself. He could only resign himself to fate. These black widows evacuated with the elderly, children, and women. They were all people who had no resistance. , and these hostage authorities have to seriously consider and treat them with caution, and will not use force halfway. The methods of these black widows are very clever. Is there any expert guidance behind them?

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