The strongest soldier

Chapter 2327 Confirm Identity

The spacious and clean commercial building was noisy. Terrorists wearing black robes and black hoods waved automatic rifles in their hands and shouted to customers to come downstairs. They all squatted on the ground in the lobby on the first floor, holding their heads with their hands, and no chaos was allowed. Those who dared to resist were directly killed. Under the strong and iron-blooded suppression, no one dared to mess around. The crying children were tightly covered by their parents. The scene gradually calmed down, and the customers upstairs followed them obediently. People flowed down, and there was not enough space on the first floor, so customers were ordered to squat in the open space on the second floor.

Outside the commercial building, countless police officers roared in and surrounded the surroundings. The roads were cordoned off and the onlookers were persuaded to retreat. Those who were killed or injured at the gate were quickly taken away by ambulances. Countless police officers hid behind the vehicles and raised their hands. The gun was aimed at the commercial building, and someone with a loudspeaker began to shout: "People inside, listen, you are surrounded. Resistance is useless. Putting down your weapons and surrendering is the only way out."

"Whoops -" A sniper bullet whizzed out of the barrel, and in an instant it hit the caller's eyebrows. His head exploded instantly, red and white things flew away, his body fell to the ground, and the loudspeaker fell to the ground and rolled over. The surrounding police officers were stunned. Is this an ordinary gangster? Everyone's faces became ugly, and they all looked for stronger bunkers to hide, not daring to show their heads.

The momentum of the police who came in angrily was shot down with one shot. Some of the leaders hid behind armed vehicles to discuss countermeasures. No one could come up with a good solution for a while. The people who shouted were killed at will, which directly cut off the possibility of negotiation. , this is no longer an ordinary gangster, it is a terrorist attack, which cannot be handled by the police. As soon as everyone adds up, the situation will be reported immediately, and the next step is to wait for the intervention of the anti-terrorism department.

Luo Zheng in the shopping mall heard the sound of the sniper rifle keenly. Although it was very faint, as a sniper, Luo Zheng was particularly sensitive to this sound. His brows furrowed slightly and his face became heavy. There was actually a sniper in this group of people. Hands, this is to use the commercial building as a battlefield. The development of the matter once again surprised Luo Zheng. What is the KGB doing? As expected, he was so ruthless that he directly used the commercial building as a battlefield. Who could do this?

"What's wrong?" Liu Xuanyi asked in a low voice.

"The situation is very bad, it's not an ordinary kidnapping." Luo Zheng replied in a low voice while quietly observing the surroundings. The scene was basically under control. All the customers were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and the children were protected by adults. These murderers It’s not a problem for the children, as long as they don’t make any noise and don’t run around.

In the commercial building, the smell of blood spread, and the atmosphere of panic was even more unsettling. Facing the black muzzle of the gun, no one could keep a low profile and remain calm. Some murderers gathered in a corner and dragged a On the table, someone took out a laptop, connected it to the Internet, and turned it on. One of them waved his hand for everyone to disperse, leaving only the person responsible for turning it on. The two of them started whispering. The distance was too far, and the voice was very low, so Luo Zheng couldn't hear it. , a wave of uneasiness came up, what are these people going to do?

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that there was a camera on his laptop, which was filming people in the lobby. Luo Zheng quickly pressed his hand on Liu Xuanyi's head. Both of them lowered their heads to avoid exposing their identities. After waiting for a while, they estimated After the filming was completed, Luo Zheng slowly raised his head and looked carefully. Sure enough, he saw someone overriding the computer, with the camera pointed at other places, and secretly sighed.

There must be a reason for this group of people to shoot. Maybe the footage will be spread out. Once spread, many people will see it. Through program analysis, skull scanning and facial recognition, everyone's identity can be determined immediately. Luo Zheng didn't want the outside world to know that he was in the crowd. If Lan Xing found out, Lan Xue wouldn't have to rush to the rescue like a madman? That would mess up your plans.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xuanyi asked in a low voice.

"The murderer is preparing to contact the outside world. The purpose of filming is to tell the outside world how many hostages he has." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said while vigilantly observing the surroundings secretly to see if there were people like him lurking in the crowd. Apart from the staff, There were only a few old people, children, and young people. There were not many young people visiting the shopping mall so early, so no one could be seen to be suspicious.

"Why don't we just make a phone call? Why are we filming?" Liu Xuanyi asked curiously in a low voice. Liu Xuanyi didn't want to miss such a good practice opportunity. If she had any doubts, she immediately asked them to make up for her lack of experience.

"The phone will reveal their identities. They all seem to be women. Their accent, voice, speaking speed, etc. can be used to identify their identities." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice.

"So that's it." Liu Xuanyi said suddenly.

As they were talking, a man walked up to the crowd. He was not carrying a weapon, only his eyes were exposed. Behind him were two people with loaded guns. They stared at the hostages sternly, for fear that everyone would take action. The person in front shouted in a deep voice. "Everyone, listen, as long as you don't resist, you'll be fine, otherwise you'll be killed without mercy. Those people are role models." He pointed to several corpses lying on the ground on one side. Some were unconvinced and resisted, while others were confused and confused. Some were beaten to death while running, and some were accidentally shot to death.

Everyone looked at the speaker with horror on their faces, not daring to look at the body. The adults even covered the children's eyes. No one dared to move, and no one dared to be loud, for fear of being shot. The leader looked cold. He snorted and continued: "I am the Black Widow. I only have one thing to do here, and that is to settle a score with your government. You are just my bargaining chip, and no one will destroy the bargaining chip. So, as long as you cooperate, I will To be able to go out safely, from now on, if one person resists, ten people around him will pay with their lives. Don’t doubt my determination and attitude. All you have to do is watch the people around you and don’t mess around."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked around in panic, as if they were afraid that someone around them would resist. Luo Zheng secretly admired this scene. This method of using hostages to supervise them was so clever. It could free up manpower and make up for the lack of supervision. , when life is threatened, no one will let the people around them do whatever they want.

"This guy is quite smart." Liu Xuanyi said in a low voice.

"Don't talk." Luo Zheng warned in a low voice, looking ahead vigilantly. Seeing that the person claiming to be Black Widow did not pay attention to his side, he breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Zheng suspected that these people were the Black Widow terrorist organization from the beginning. , now that the other party admitted that Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. The Black Widows had a reputation for being vicious, and their tactics were unreasonable. They were a group of ruthless characters that it was best not to provoke.

"Are they powerful?" Liu Xuanyi was not a timid person, so she curiously asked in a lowered voice.

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