The strongest soldier

Chapter 2324 Arrange to receive goods

The appearance of the police didn't matter to Shi Qian, they just confirmed it with words, but it was different for Liu Xuanyi. After all, he didn't have much combat experience and everything was curious, especially Luo Zheng who broke everyone into pieces. Everyone has gone into hiding again, and now someone comes to the door again. What does this mean? Liu Xuanyi was not stupid. After confirming his judgment, he saw that Luo Zheng didn't want to say more, so he stopped asking any more questions.

Luo Zheng sat back on the sofa and pondered. The police would not bother them again after they had harassed them. If they could not find the suspicious person, they would think that the person they were looking for had left the hotel. As for the hotel surveillance, it must have been manipulated by Blue Star at this time. Through The possibility of surveillance finding everyone is zero. There is no need to worry about safety issues. As long as they don't go out and are not seen by relevant people, they will not be exposed. These ordinary police officers do not know themselves.

Shi Qian and Liu Xuanyi exchanged glances, and both chose to wait in silence. There was only the sound of the TV in the room, and the invisible pressure spread. After a while, Luo Zheng took out his mobile phone, installed the battery, and was about to communicate with the outside world. The call came from a local unknown number. After thinking for a while, he immediately answered the call and said in a deep voice: "It's me."

"I thought you were caught. Just be fine. I don't want anything to happen to you and leave me with no place to hide." The beautiful eyeliner's surprised voice sounded through the phone.

Luo Zheng understood the other party's mood. If something happened to him, the other party would definitely be suspected by his own people and become the target of being hunted. He smiled and said: "There are many people who want me dead, but no one has succeeded yet, and there won't be any in the future." There will be, tell me, is there any news?”

"It's best not to die. I don't want to be implicated. I didn't expect that the target above was you. They haven't returned since they left. I don't know anything else." The beauty eyeliner said quickly.

"Not returned?" Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly understood. People from the KGB must be ambushing around and waiting for the opportunity. The police should have been notified by people from the KGB. With the police taking the lead, the people from the KGB only need to ambush and rob people halfway. , Waiting for work at leisure, what a good plan.

"Well, the exact number of people is unknown. I'll contact you when I have news." The beauty eyeliner said and hung up the phone.

Luo Zheng looked at the hung up phone and pondered. It is understandable that the KGB revealed everyone's hiding place to the police and asked the police to take the lead. If the hiding place was not attacked by the police, it means that the KGB people have targeted everyone. Everyone has been If he evacuated, he would not launch an attack. The hotel was also being watched by KGB personnel. They knew that he had not left, so they knocked on the door.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately sent a message to Lan Xing and asked Lan Xing to follow up and check. A few minutes later, Lan Xing replied. The hiding place was surrounded by a large number of police. The cordon was pulled up and no one was allowed to approach. , Luo Zheng looked at the information and pondered. Did the KGB not know that everyone had evacuated and continued to let the police investigate? Or did he know that everyone had evacuated and deliberately let the police track him down, trying to hide it, confuse himself, and cover for the traitors?

Luo Zheng analyzed it carefully for a while and felt that the latter was more likely. Knowing that everyone had evacuated and letting the police pass by would at least confuse him to a certain extent, making him mistakenly think that there were no traitors. The method was a bit clumsy, but he had to It is said that there is a certain degree of confusion and disguise. If there were no insiders, Luo Zheng would really deny his judgment on whether there is a traitor.

"Aren't you going to take action tonight?" Shi Qian suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Why don't you act?" Luo Zheng suddenly asked. Seeing Shi Qian's confused eyes, he continued to explain: "You go to receive the supplies, I will arrange a safe house, and you go to the safe house to make the needed things. Is there any problem?"

Shi Qian thought for a while, nodded and said, "No problem."

Luo Zheng raised his hand to look at his watch and continued: "The police will evacuate in at most an hour. Find a chance to leave. Do you know how to get there?" As he said that, he looked at the luggage bag beside him intentionally or unintentionally. There is a stealth suit, which is the best safe evacuation tool.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed knowingly.

Luo Zheng immediately sent another text message to Blue Star, and informed Blue Star to call the room if something happened. He then turned off the phone and took off the battery to prevent it from being turned on for too long and exposing his position. Although the phone has a protection program, it is difficult to protect the master. It will not be cracked, so be careful in extraordinary times.

Liu Xuanyi looked at the two of them as if they were playing riddles. She couldn't understand the tacit conversation at all. She wanted to ask, but she held back. Faintly, Liu Xuanyi felt Luo Zheng's wariness towards her, so she didn't mind. He smiled bitterly in understanding and waited silently.

After a while, a call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up and listened for a while, then hung up. He wrote an address and handed it to Shi Qian. The call was from Blue Star, and it was about the location of the safe house. The National Security Bureau has offices all over the world. There are safe houses in all major cities. Safe houses are places where intelligence personnel temporarily rest or hide and take refuge. It is nothing for everyone to use them. They have done this often in the past.

Shi Qian glanced at the address and wrote it down. He picked up the lighter on the counter and went to the toilet to burn it, then flushed away. He arranged his backpack, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "It's basically quiet outside, although the police haven't left yet. But I am confident that I can escape safely and must get to the dock early.”

"It makes sense. Be careful and cancel the operation if necessary." Luo Zheng agreed knowingly. Everyone knows about receiving goods at the dock. There is no guarantee that the traitor will not be revealed to the relevant people. It's better to go there early and have enough time. Be prepared and even spot lurking opponents.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed, opened the door and looked at the corridor outside. After making sure that no one was paying attention, he left quickly and rushed into the fire escape. He looked up and down. No one was coming, so he quickly took out his invisibility suit, put it on, and packed up. After it was done, he left in a hurry.

Luo Zheng knew that Shi Qian's stealing skills were unparalleled, and with the help of the invisibility suit, leaving the hotel safely was not a problem. He was not worried about safety issues. He glanced at Liu Xuanyi who was deep in thought, thought for a while and said: "Call the person responsible for transporting the goods. Come on, tell him that someone else is picking up the goods, and the code for picking up the goods is: Chameleon."

"Okay." Liu Xuanyi quickly agreed and walked to the room to call.

"Use your phone. This call will reveal your location, because the person who answers the phone may not be reliable." Luo Zheng suddenly warned in a deep voice.

Liu Xuanyi stopped and looked at Luo Zheng with a surprised face. He hesitated to speak. In the end, he didn't ask anything. He installed the battery of his mobile phone, turned it on, then dialed a number and said a few words after he was connected. , immediately hung up, removed the cell phone battery again, threw it on the table, looked at Luo Zheng, and couldn't help but asked: "This series of things is very abnormal, is there anything you can tell me?"

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