The strongest soldier

Chapter 2320 No one can be trusted

Agents have firm beliefs, but that is not all. When someone catches someone, it is reasonable to rebel in order to survive. This beauty is only a peripheral intelligence collector, not a core member of the KGB. She received different training. The belief is also different. The willpower is relatively weak. Forced by the situation, he has to be Luo Zheng's insider, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about his own life or death.

"You go to the Chinese Embassy in Britain in an hour to see the ambassador." Luo Zheng knew that the other party was afraid of death and wanted to have a guarantee. After thinking for a moment, he warned that the other party's identity and position were very important. This operation can The key to success is to give the other party a little sweetness first and let the other party do their best.

"Okay, if you can get the nationality in an hour, you will get more information, I promise." The other party said immediately in surprise.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng looked at the blue sky and white clouds in front of him and pondered. His plan must have been exposed. He didn't know who the traitor was. Any move would be immediately grasped by his opponent. He was completely passive. If he hadn't accidentally bribed a The opponent is on the inside, and he is still in the dark. He doesn't know how he will die. It's so dangerous.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng broke into a cold sweat. He stared sharply at the empty sky in front of him and began to ponder. After a while, he immediately dialed Hongmeihua's phone number and asked Hongmeihua to notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for assistance and give him a nationality. For the sake of the mission Success, in order to survive, there is no way to compromise. Besides, it is worthwhile for a nationality to bribe a KGB agent.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng looked at the light and breezy sky and continued to think. The hiding place had been exposed and the matter had to be resolved. However, who among the Veterans Club members around him could believe it? Luo Zheng suddenly thought of Tie Diao. The person he rescued was Xuelian, Tie Diao's fiancée. No one was more trustworthy than Tie Diao.

Luo Zheng called Lan Xing and asked Lan Xing to find Tie Diao. Tie Diao's voice soon came over the phone: "Brother, what do you want from me?"

"There is something I hope you can calm down after listening to, and don't be impulsive." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"What's going on?" Tie Diao's surprised voice sounded through the phone.

"I have always suspected that my sister-in-law was arrested because someone leaked her whereabouts. With my sister-in-law's information capabilities, no one can locate her through IP. How could the location be exposed? Unless someone leaked the secret, but I know you won't believe this speculation, so I didn't "Today, I have discovered something strange, which further proves my judgment that some of you are traitors." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"What, this is impossible." Tie Diao shouted in surprise, as if he was insulted.

Luo Zheng did not answer to explain, and waited calmly. Tie Diao continued eagerly: "Brothers live and die together. We have fought together for so many years. They are all worthy of our lives. There can be no traitors. You must have made a mistake. , Yes, you must have made a mistake, brother, I know your ability, but no one can make mistakes without being a saint. If you think about it carefully and investigate, there must be something wrong somewhere. There will never be a traitor. "

What he said was very urgent and his tone was firm, for fear that Luo Zheng wouldn't believe it. After finishing speaking, Luo Zheng didn't reply. Tie Diao calmed down and thought along Luo Zheng's words. After a while, Tie Diao asked uncertainly: "Brother, I know you are not a random person. You may have a point in saying this. Tell me what happened. I need clear evidence."

"Are you sure you are calm enough? I don't want to communicate such a sensitive topic with an uncool person. I know the impact and horror of this matter better than you. If you are not calm enough, then think about your own The fiancée is still waiting for rescue. If the traitor is not eliminated, the rescue plan is doomed to fail and more brothers will die. Do you want to see this result?" Luo Zheng asked calmly.

Tie Diao knew that what Luo Zheng said was true. If there was a traitor, everything would become terrible. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Thinking that his fiancée was still being humiliated, he immediately became calm and said in a deep voice: "Brother , tell me, if there is a traitor, I will be the first to tear him apart, tell me who the traitor is?"

"I can't confirm who the traitor is now, but I can tell you for sure that my rescue plan has been leaked, and the hiding place decided by the brothers has also been exposed. These two points have been confirmed. Don't ask me how I confirmed it. We He also has his own intelligence network. How could his opponent know so quickly without a traitor?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Ah?" Tie Diao was shocked. He couldn't help but believe Luo Zheng's judgment a little more, and asked in a deep voice: "It seems that your judgment is right. Although I don't want to believe all this, I believe you. In order to save Man, let’s assume your judgment is right, what are you going to do next? What do you need me to do?”

"Tell me who among your brothers is the most trustworthy?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Thunder Runner Xu Gang is Xue Lian's cousin. It's believable. Tan Leg Wu Jie, Wuying Leg Huang Can and Scud Ye Tong should also be credible. But after you say this, I have no idea, but Xu Gang is absolutely credible. We have a life-long friendship, and he and Xuelian are relatives, so there is no reason to betray him." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng didn't trust Xu Gang very much, but Tie Diao was so steadfast in his words that he didn't say much. After pondering for a moment, he said: "I know, remember, you just pretend this never happened. Believe me, I will definitely take care of it." My sister-in-law brings her to you, and I swear on my military honor."

"I know, and I believe you." Tie Diao said gratefully.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng began to think deeply, and suddenly found that no one around him could be trusted. Tie Diao swore that Xu Gang could be trusted, but the matter was so important that Luo Zheng was more willing to believe in himself and did not dare to take any chances. This kind of thing was not risky. The price was Xuelian's life. After a while, Luo Zheng pushed open the glass door and entered the house. He closed the door and lay down on the bed to rest. His mind was filled with the word traitor. If he didn't find out the traitor, the consequences would be very serious.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly realized an important issue, that is, his whereabouts may have been exposed. The reason why the enemy did not take action should be waiting for an opportunity. Since the hiding place has been exposed, the opponent will definitely take retaliatory measures. In the end, The best way is to notify the authorities to arrest them and catch them all. However, if you inform everyone to retreat now, they will still be exposed.

Traitors are hateful and deadly, exposing everyone's action plans to the eyes of the enemy. Luo Zheng fell into deep thought, his eyes slightly condensed, and his face as solemn as frost, like ice that could not be melted.

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