The strongest soldier

Chapter 231 Finding Lan Xue

After several confrontations with the Samsara Killers, Luo Zheng knew that these guys were ruthless, cautious, and difficult to deal with. The chemical plant in front might be another huge trap, just like that valley. If you enter rashly, you will definitely die. It won’t be until dawn. For two hours, there was no way to infiltrate the evolution factory by entering the valley. Luo Zheng, who was worried, heard that there was a way and asked in surprise: "Really? Is it safe?"

"I'm not sure, but I think I can give it a try." The boss said quickly: "The chemical plant was originally my family's business, and then it was sold to a Westerner. I know that the chemical plant has a hidden drainage channel. It was built secretly without paying sewage fees." After saying this, the boss felt a little embarrassed.

Luo Zheng was too lazy to care about this and asked in surprise: "Are you still there?"

"When the drainage channel was connected to an underground river and sold to Westerners, in order to avoid exposure, I converted the drainage outlet of the chemical plant into a toilet." The boss said quickly.

"Quickly, take me there." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and urged. He glanced at the night sky that was about to dawn and felt much better. However, when he thought of Lan Xue and others whose life or death was uncertain, his heart became heavy again.

"Get in the car." The boss greeted. Luo Zheng didn't ask any questions and jumped into the Ferrari. The boss drove and didn't turn on the lights. In the dark night, turning on the lights would expose him. He carefully took a detour to the other side of the chemical plant and turned off the engine and pointed. The low spot ahead said: "There is a river, and the entrance is right there."

"Let's go." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and urged. After the boss got off the car, he went to the trunk of the car to get a flashlight. The two of them ran forward in a hurry under the cover of night. Ten minutes later, the two of them came to the river. The boss was familiar with the road. Leading the way, not daring to use a flashlight, a few minutes later, the two came to a slope surrounded by lush vegetation.

The boss opened up the growing vegetation and revealed a dark hole, about one meter in diameter. The boss got in first. Luo Zheng stood behind him and turned on the flashlight. The two of them bent over and groped in the dark and walked towards the front. Inside the drainage channel There wasn't much water, it was just feces and the like. The smell was so bad that it was difficult to breathe.

Luo Zheng held his breath. In order to rescue Lan Xue, he could endure no matter how difficult it was. When he saw the boss who was leading the way covering his nose and running quickly without complaining, he felt a little admiration. The drainage ditch was dark and cool, and the frightened rats were running around. The good road is not difficult.

Ten minutes later, the boss who was leading the way suddenly stopped, squatted on the ground, turned off the flashlight, and pointed ahead. Luo Zheng looked up and saw a net made of welded iron bars. A slight stream of water fell from the net. The boss He lowered his voice and said: "This barbed wire fence is not fixed. You can remove it from the top and go out to the toilet."

"I'll do it." Luo Zheng whispered, turned sideways, straightened up slowly, grabbed the barbed wire fence with both hands and pushed it up. Sure enough, it was easily pushed away. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He controlled his strength and speed to avoid making any noise. After a while, , Luo Zheng moved the barbed wire aside and leaned out to take a look. Sure enough, it was a toilet. There was a small pool where he was. Sewage was left into the pool from other sinks. After being filtered by the barbed wire, the debris was left behind and the water flowed to the drainage channel below.

A very good shot. Luo Zheng sighed. After making sure that no one was in the toilet, he retreated and motioned to the boss to go back first. Then he quickly climbed up and came to the door of the toilet. He pulled out his pistol and listened for a while. It was quiet outside. , Luo Zheng was startled and slowly opened the door.

This sight shocked Luo Zheng. Outside was a huge workshop with a lot of equipment and many militants. They slept together in groups. The number of people was hard to estimate. Luo Zheng hurried to the toilet. The window was high. Luo Zheng jumped on his feet, climbed up the window sill with both hands, and slowly looked out. There was grass outside. A hundred meters away, there were several groups of people patrolling with loaded guns and hunting dogs.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was secretly frightened. Fortunately, he didn't come in from the outside, otherwise he would definitely be discovered. It seems that this is where Lan Lan and others are detained, but where will they be detained? It is definitely not possible to go out directly. There are many people outside and we are weak. We cannot defeat them. We must find other ways.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but raise his head and saw a vent. Luo Zheng's eyes lit up. He immediately got into the toilet stall under the vent, stepped on the toilet, slowly pushed open the guard plate of the vent, and stepped on the grate. Climb up, then carefully restore the guard plate to its original position, and then carefully continue climbing forward.

Soon, there was a fork in front. Luo Zheng took a look at the distribution of the workshops and climbed up carefully towards the curve. The curve spanned the workshop. Luo Zheng climbed very slowly and carefully, not daring to make a sound, and passed through. After the car passed, there was another horizontal fork in front. Luo Zheng chose a direction and continued to climb over. After a while, a small vent appeared in front of him. Looking down through the vent, he saw that it was a small office with someone on the sofa. sleep.

Luo Zheng continued to climb forward, and checked five rooms in a row through the small vent. There were people there, but none of them were the people he was looking for. When the front was reached, Luo Zheng pondered for a while in surprise, then turned around and continued to climb up, passing through Branch the pipe laterally, follow the previous pipe back to the opposite side, and continue climbing forward.

There was not one room, not two rooms. Luo Zheng controlled his anxious mood and crawled slowly. He was in a dangerous situation, and his opponent was an experienced and powerful member of the Samsara Killer organization. Any sound could expose him and lead to his death. Come and kill yourself.

It was almost the end of the road ahead. Luo Zheng climbed over with the mentality of not missing out. The repeated disappointments made Luo Zheng a little desperate. The vent was not big. Luo Zheng took a look. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he became ecstatic. It was Lan. Xue and the others, as well as Guishou, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard, were all tied up tightly and were sleeping in a deep sleep.

Great, Luo Zheng took a deep breath, suppressed Kuangxin's mood, forced himself to calm down, and observed carefully for a while. The room looked like a darkroom, with no windows and only an iron door. Once the iron door was locked, no one was inside. Being tied up, there was no fear of anyone escaping.

"Finally found it." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and thought about a rescue method. There is a patrol team outside, and a workshop outside the room. There are many armed men gathered in the workshop. It is not easy to escape safely. It seems that the only way to evacuate is from the original place. I just don’t know whether Lan Xue and others can move normally. Are they injured?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was ready to take a closer look. The iron door suddenly opened, and a man with a beard walked in, holding an AK47 in his hand, followed by two people. The three of them took a cautious look at Lan Xue and others in the room. Jili Gulu said something, and Luo Zheng was horrified. He aimed his gun downwards, and if it didn't work, he took it by force.

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