The strongest soldier

Chapter 2305 Gaining Recognition

There were so many people talking, it was difficult to agree on something in a short period of time. Luo Zheng had to use strong methods to stabilize everyone's emotions and opinions. He first proposed a plan himself, and then discussed it in a targeted manner to be efficient. We are not ordinary people. When everyone realized this problem, they all smiled and agreed. They all looked at Luo Zheng and pricked up their ears. Liu Xuanyi next to him also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as everyone is willing to listen, it will be easy.

"Everyone's mood is understandable. What the person just said is right. Kidnapping the Queen may not force this government to compromise. The old empire is the best to save face. It will definitely not work for us to do this openly. It will only arouse their anger, which is not good for us. , but this old empire has a weakness." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

Everyone was startled and listened carefully without interrupting.

Seeing that everyone had controlled their emotions, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "The weakness of this old empire is what everyone just said, good face. Good face can make them unite, not compromise, and even fight back angrily. , but good face will also make them hesitate to do things, provided that the matter is not exposed and everything is carried out in secret. In order to maintain face, this old empire will compromise. The key is to make it public or not. "

"It makes sense. Why didn't I think of this?" Xu Gang shouted excitedly, high-fiving him. He looked at Luo Zheng with a more eager look. He realized that he had lost his temper and disrupted Luo Zheng's speech. He explained awkwardly: "I'm sorry, you just said a lot. I agree very much. I'm sorry, please continue."

Luo Zheng smiled indifferently and continued: "Old empires fight back for the sake of face, even if they sacrifice the queen, they will also make compromises for the sake of face. As long as the matter is not exposed, as long as the threat is big enough, they have to consider how to maintain it. When this happens, we will compromise, and what we have to do is to create this incident, an incident that can force Britain to compromise."

"Yeah." Everyone agreed, but no one said anything for fear of disturbing Luo Zheng's train of thought.

Luo Zheng was very aware of everyone's eagerness and did not want to whet everyone's appetite. He continued: "This incident is about the military expo that will be held soon. The British country has spared no effort for this expo, investing a lot of publicity and inviting important officials from various countries. Characters arrive at the scene ready to sell their weapons, including fighter jets, missiles and tanks. If something goes wrong, it will definitely be a huge loss of face."

"You want to rob the expo? No, wouldn't it be exposed by doing this? Isn't it inconsistent with the principles you just said?" A man couldn't help but said in surprise.

"You're the only one who talks a lot and says you don't know this. Listen, don't interrupt." Xu Gang laughed and cursed angrily.

"Haha——" Everyone laughed kindly, and the scene suddenly became more harmonious. Perhaps because they felt that Luo Zheng's idea was good, everyone was in a much better mood, and the eyes they looked at Luo Zheng became eager and less intense. The situation has changed for the better.

"You're right. Direct robbery is definitely not possible. Isn't that an act of terrorism? The old empire will definitely not agree. Why are we doing this?" Luo Zheng smiled and glanced at everyone. He could feel everyone's goodwill and kindness. Acknowledging it, I also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Luo Zheng had tightly grasped the rhythm and guided everyone to think about the problem along their own lines, Liu Xuanyi was impressed by everyone's approval and asked sincerely: "Uncle Master, what should we do?"

Everyone stopped laughing and pricked up their ears. Luo Zheng smiled and said: "This is simple. Didn't I just ask you if you could drive various means of transportation? Before the military expo, they would escort weapons and equipment to the exhibition venue. We started halfway, grabbed the things and hid them, and then threatened them to compromise. If they didn't agree, I wouldn't mind giving them a hard time. It didn't matter if they taught this old empire a lesson. I just took it out of anger for the burning of the Old Summer Palace in order to save people. , I don’t mind being cruel." After saying this, Luo Zheng's face became solemn, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Okay, you have such courage, I admire you." A thin man said solemnly, maybe thinking of something, he quickly added: "Scud Ye Tong." He arched his hand towards Luo Zheng.

"Yes, you dare to do it. What do we have to be afraid of? This is a good idea. Not to mention the specific tactical deployment of running away, from a strategic level, I think it is feasible. If you do it, I will listen to you." Ben Lei Hand Xu Gang said with a murderous look on his face, and raised his hands to Luo Zheng as a sign of respect.

"I haven't said anything, count me among them. As long as we have missiles, fighter jets, and tanks, the old empires will panic and be afraid, and they will compromise for the sake of face. If they don't compromise, then we will attack their capital and fight vigorously. One fight will burn out the anger in their capital city." Tan Chuan Wu Jie also shouted, with a murderous look on his face.

"Yes, let's do it." Others also expressed their opinions, and the scene became heated.

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits and agreed to his plan, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, returned the gift, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me."

Everyone immediately became quiet. They were completely different from the previous confrontation. They all looked at Luo Zheng enthusiastically and pricked up their ears. The scene immediately became quiet. Liu Xuanyi was stunned and admired Luo Zheng even more. He could Convincing these rebellious guys shows that this plan is indeed feasible. If you think about it carefully, the plan is not only practical and can solve the problem, it is also crazy and in line with the habits of these strong men.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanyi couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng with admiration. This crazy plan not only accurately calculated the psychology of the old empire, but also the psychology of the strong men present. It killed two birds with one stone. It's brilliant. If you change the target, , another way, such as kidnapping certain people, these strong men may not be so interested.

Shi Qian next to him had a calm face. From Shi Qian's point of view, such a small thing was nothing at all. Luo Zheng had a lot of clever ideas for difficult things and could solve them all. Sitting next to him calmly, it sounded like Luo Zheng didn't know that everyone He didn't bother to guess what he was thinking, and said in a deep voice: "Let's talk about the specific plan." He pointed to the map.

Everyone lowered their heads and looked at the map. Those who were sitting far away gathered around. Their eyes fell on the map and their ears pricked up. No one said anything to disturb them. Luo Zheng pointed to a place and said: "The military expo is held here. In the countryside, the terrain is open and the view is very good. As long as there is a road, ordinary citizens cannot enter. It is a good place for military expositions. To the south is the city and to the north are mountains. The distance is about 3,000 meters. The highest point of the mountains is only 50 meters above sea level. , the hillside is gentle, which is not conducive to ambush and concealment.”

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