The strongest soldier

Chapter 2294 Thrilling Death

The unexpected discovery made Luo Zheng secretly vigilant, but the other party did not do anything inappropriate, so naturally he could not be arrested for questioning. Luo Zheng said a few words to the captain, asked the flight attendants to pay attention to him, and then returned to his seat to avoid being out for too long. Arousing the other party's suspicion, Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said to Shi Qian after sitting down: "Be careful, there may be something wrong with this person. It seems that this flight will be uneven."

Generally speaking, this kind of matter is under the control of the police or the national security department. Luo Zheng doesn't have to worry about it, but he feels a little uneasy and feels that this matter is unusual. He secretly pays attention to it, talks to Shi Qian in a low voice, and agrees to take turns to monitor it. , the other person rests, ensuring high concentration.

Half an hour passed unknowingly. Suddenly, the flight attendant hurried over, bent down and whispered to Luo Zheng: "Something happened. Please come over. The captain asked you to come over and negotiate."

Luo Zheng was startled, nodded secretly, and signaled the steward to go first, and told Shi Qian to keep an eye on the target. Then he stood up and walked forward calmly, arriving at the work cabin in front. The steward quickly pulled up the shield. The curtain was closed to prevent the connecting first-class passengers from seeing it. Luo Zheng looked at the captain curiously and saw that the captain's face was livid. Knowing that something had happened, he couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Look at this." The captain quickly handed Luo Zheng a note.

The note was small, with a line printed on it: Someone will die in half an hour. I couldn't help being shocked, and looked at the captain. The captain pointed to the flight attendant. The flight attendant quickly explained: "Our flight attendant just delivered a cart with water. When he came back, he was cleaning up the cart and found this note. He didn't know. Who gave it to me?"

"Based on this line, we can't guess the other party's motives. Don't make any noise for now and wait and see what happens." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, while thinking about it, if someone wants to kill someone, why should he make it public? Is it to demonstrate one's ability so as to gain negotiating power?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Immediately contact the relevant domestic departments and call the police. I suspect that the murderer deliberately killed people. The purpose was not on the plane, but somewhere else. The murder was just to force our government to agree to the other party's request. This matter Not small."

"Okay, I'll report it right away." Seeing that Luo Zheng's analysis made sense, the captain quickly agreed.

"Then what do we do?" the steward asked worriedly.

"Don't do anything, wait and see what happens. The other party has obviously figured out the plane. Don't even move the security guards you arranged. Pretend you don't know about it and wait and see what happens. If I'm not wrong, the other party will I wish we were panicked so that we could take advantage of the chaos. Of course, it depends on how your superiors arrange it. We are not affiliated with the same department, so we can only give you suggestions." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Thank you. Your suggestion is very pertinent and objective. We will seriously consider it." The flight attendant quickly agreed. Seeing that the captain was communicating with the outside world, he continued: "There is still half an hour. Please go back first to avoid letting the murderer get away." Your identity has been discovered, and that’s not good for you.”

"It would be great if they dared to attack me openly." Luo Zheng said with a bitter smile. The biggest threat to the murderer was not a frontal attack, but a secret assassination, which was hard to guard against. This was very fatal. He agreed, turned around and left, walking towards his position. When passing by the previous target, Luo Zheng found that the other person was concentrating with his eyes closed. He was behaving normally and did not look like a murderer. However, he did not give up his suspicion. The killer would disguise himself before taking action. He calmly returned to his position and sat down, watching. Move to time.

Shi Qian shook his head knowingly and said he didn't find it. Luo Zheng pondered, if the murderer was not the other party, then who could it be? With doubts, Luo Zheng quietly observed the surroundings and expanded his suspicions. However, he saw that the passengers around him were either sleeping, reading, listening to music, or talking in low voices, and there was no doubt about it.

Time passed by, and Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless. Half an hour was about to pass, but the passengers didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Even the suspected target continued to sleep. Luo Zheng waited for a while. , raised his head and looked at his watch. The time was just right and there was nothing suspicious. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and wondered who might be playing a prank, deliberately causing trouble to satisfy his vanity.

After a while, the flight attendant came over in a hurry. Luo Zheng looked at it and felt something in his heart. He knew something had happened. Without waiting for the flight attendant to come over, he took the initiative to get up and greet him. The flight attendant nodded and turned around and walked towards the cockpit. The two of them After passing through the first class cabin and arriving at the work cabin in front, Luo Zheng saw a person sitting on a stool with his head lowered and his body tied up by a seat belt.

"What happened?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Our flight attendant checked the toilet equipment and found that he was dead inside." The captain said hurriedly.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He squatted down to check the situation and found that there were no wounds on the other person's body. His face was calm, as if he had died suddenly. He couldn't help but become suspicious and said in a deep voice: "I want to untie his clothes and check if there is any problem? "

"No problem. Your identity has been checked above and I am asked to obey your command." The captain said quickly.

"Me?" Luo Zheng was startled and smiled bitterly. However, since he had already started such a thing, he naturally would not back down. Luo Zheng unbuckled his seat belt, took off the other party's coat and shirt, and examined his body carefully after revealing his upper body. There were no wounds, not even pinholes. Could it be a natural death? But this man didn't look like someone who would suddenly die suddenly. He was dressed in elegant clothes and was obviously a successful person. How could such a person suddenly seek death? Even if you want to die, you won't get on the plane.

Luo Zheng uneasily took off the other party's pants and continued to observe. After confirming that there was no trauma, he motioned to the flight attendant to arrange for someone to help put it on. While thinking deeply, the captain didn't know that Luo Zheng didn't like to be disturbed when thinking about problems, so he asked worriedly: " What do you see? We are out of the country and can land if necessary, the nearest airport is an hour away."

"One hour? Let's make preparations for landing first." Luo Zheng agreed quickly, not daring to show off on this issue, and continued to think with a frown. He almost thought of something just now, but was interrupted by the captain's inquiry, and once again pursued what he had just said. The thought was a little difficult, and Luo Zheng's face became serious.

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly looked at the captain and asked: "Why are you checking the toilets at this point? The murderer left a note saying that someone died in half an hour, but you happened to check the toilets at this point, and the deceased happened to be in the toilet. Obviously the murderer didn't want to Let everyone know that someone died, and then deliberately let you discover the deceased, why?"

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