The strongest soldier

Chapter 229 A succession of thrills

"Want to know about our headquarters?" the other party said coldly, his face was so gloomy that it was dripping with water, his eyes were full of anger, he looked at Luo Zheng with disdain and said, "Okay, help me up first." After that, he Struggling to climb onto the bed, he held the edge of the bed next to him with his beaten palms, which immediately stained the white sheets red, and he frowned in pain.

Luo Zheng felt that the other person was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while. As long as the other person was willing to say it, it was not impossible to help him up, so he reached out and helped the other person up. The person fell forward, and Luo Zheng took a step back. , using strength in his hands, he stabilized the other person. The man sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Luo Zheng with a sneer.

"Why are you laughing?" Luo Zheng shouted coldly, his heart full of doubts, and the abnormal thoughts became stronger. He couldn't help being startled, and he scanned the other person's face vigilantly, his eyes fell on the window, and he suddenly realized that this position and The windows became straight lines without any obstruction, and a white light flashed through the window of a house opposite.

"No, sniper." Luo Zheng was horrified and pulled his boss aside like lightning.

"Whoops!" A sniper bullet ripped through the air and roared, leaving a bullet hole in the window glass and hitting the wall. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically as he glanced at the bullet hole in the wall. His whole body tensed up instantly, and the muzzle of the gun Aiming at the other party, he found that the other party had a sneer on his face, his eyes were full of disdain, and he had no intention of avoiding it.

"Not good." Luo Zheng was shocked, but it was too late. Another sniper bullet whizzed over, making a terrifying whistle, and penetrated into the back of the opponent's head. After the sniper bullet turned the opponent's head into a ball of paste, it was lifted. The head came out from the front and sank into the opposite wall, leaving a bullet hole. Red and white things flew out, and a bullet shot to the head.

"Damn it." Luo Zheng was shocked and annoyed. He should have thought that he had lost a prisoner. He was such a powerful killer and had such a clever calculation. He pretended to compromise to create opportunities for his companions. If he hadn't been alert enough, he would have killed him with just one shot. It's over. The sniper was ruthless enough. He simply killed his comrade when he couldn't see it coming. As expected of a killer organization, they are ruthless to their targets as well as their own people.

"Lie down and don't move." Luo Zheng lied on the floor next to the bed and reminded the boss loudly. He threw the killer's gun to the boss for self-defense. He glanced at the window and rushed over directly. He would definitely not be able to do it. He would become a living target and see the dead killer's body. , with an idea, he grabbed the ankle bone, dragged the body over, lifted it up, and threw it forward.

"Whoops!" There was a whistle coming, Luo Zheng took the opportunity to get up, rolled along the bed to the opposite side, landed on the floor, climbed to the window in twos and twos, quickly pulled up the curtain to cover it, then he breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly He opened a corner of the curtain and looked ahead through the gap.

The community was very quiet at night. Every household turned off the lights and could not see the situation in the room. The room directly opposite where the sniper was hiding was no exception. Luo Zheng lowered the curtains and leaned against the wall to meditate. The other party did not hesitate to kill people and silence them. He was indeed ruthless. , the marksmanship is also accurate and difficult to deal with. At this time, the boss suddenly asked in a low voice: "How is it?"

"The sniper should still be there, don't move around." Luo Zheng reminded. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting in the corridor outside. It was very slight. Luo Zheng listened uncertainly, while turning to the boss who still wanted to ask questions. He made a silence gesture and pointed the gun at the door. The boss, who was also a human being, reacted immediately, crawled to the corner of the room, leaned his back against the wall, and pointed the gun at the door.

He couldn't hear footsteps or voices. It was quiet outside, but Luo Zheng felt that there seemed to be someone outside. He didn't dare to be careless. He glanced at the bed and had an idea. He stuck the gun on his waist and pulled up the mattress. He stood up, leaned against the window to increase the visibility of the snipers outside, then hid under the wine cabinet and whispered: "Ask your people to come nearby to assist."

The boss also signaled the danger and immediately agreed and took out his mobile phone. Luo Zheng took advantage of the boss' call to dodge into the bathroom next to the door. Before he could hide, there was a loud bang and the door was kicked. Open, "tap-tat-tat!" A tongue of fire spurted out bullets violently, and it actually shot forward slightly.

The micro-blast is short, the rate of fire is fast, and it is powerful enough. It has 40 bullets, which is suitable for close combat and easy to carry. Luo Zheng was shocked. He did not expect that the opponent had such firepower. He hurriedly ducked to the corner of the door and saw the bullets kept firing into the room. , suppressing the boss so much that he couldn't fight back, Luo Zheng was secretly glad. If he had been hiding behind the wine cabinet just now, he would have been beaten into pieces by now.

"Die." Luo Zheng, who was extremely angry, raised his hand and fired a shot at the fire point at the door without hesitation. The angle was just right, and the distance was only two meters. The opponent who was shooting covertly at the door was hit. The bullet was buried between the eyebrows, and the opponent's body froze. He fell straight at the door and fell into the room slightly.

Luo Zheng didn't dare to pick it up. Instead, he hid his body and waited patiently. He vaguely felt that there was someone else at the door. The boss was cornering in front of the door. He hid on the side. The angle was so strong that he could defend it without using grenades. It was so big. If there is any movement, government law enforcement officials will definitely come after hearing the news.

He was really afraid of something. A grenade rolled in with green smoke. Luo Zheng was shocked. He flew out and grabbed the grenade like lightning. As his body rolled forward, the grenade in his hand dehydrated and he threw it to the door. Outside, it only took a second. Before Luo Zheng could stand up, there was an explosion outside.

"Boom." The powerful air flow swept away, causing fragments and smoke. The whole building seemed to be shaken. Luo Zheng lay tightly on the ground, holding his head with both hands, feeling the strong air flow rushing from behind. He was relieved that he was not hit, and rolled to the corner of the room.

"Are you okay?" the boss asked gratefully. If Luo Zheng hadn't swooped over just now and threw the grenade at the critical moment, the grenade would have exploded next to the boss. The result is self-evident. He came back from the gate of hell. The boss was full of gratitude to Luo Zheng.

"It's okay, be careful." Luo Zheng shouted, and fired two shots in the direction of the door. Seeing that no bullets were fired, he stuck his head out when he continued to shoot. There was no one at the door. Luo Zheng fired while dodging into the bathroom next to him. , one magazine was just finished.

The boss didn't know why Luo Zheng fired a blank gun. When he saw Luo Zheng ducking into the bathroom, he quickly shot randomly outside the door. Even if he couldn't hit anyone, he could deter people from attacking from outside. He didn't dare to rush in easily. Luo Zheng took advantage of this The boss quickly changed the magazine during the gap in the fire cover and looked outside calmly.

It was quiet outside. Luo Zheng motioned to the boss not to shoot, and then pointed at the body on the ground. The boss understood. Seeing that Luo Zheng was aiming his gun outside and preparing to take cover, he stepped out from the corner, grabbed the body on the ground and pointed at it. Throwing it through the door, the body landed on the ground without any reaction.

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