The strongest soldier

Chapter 227 Making a deal

The clues were cut off, and Luo Zheng's anger surged, like a crater about to explode. If he hadn't been calm by nature and knew that anger could not solve the problem, he would have killed the boss long ago. After careful questioning, Luo Zheng found that the boss didn't know much. , or the whole thing is not complicated. Samsara took over the assassination mission. It was very difficult to complete the mission in Pakistan, so he used the Wata guerrillas. In the face of high interests and lies, Wata was deceived into becoming an accomplice. , after tying the person, the Samsara organization hid the person and continued to use Vata to kill himself.

After figuring out the situation, Luo Zheng knew that his boss was right. It was impossible for Huaxia to forgive this matter, even if he asked for it. The dignity of the country would never allow provocation. If he asked for it or made a promise in private, the Song family would attack him. The new excuse put him in a desperate situation, so Watta's only way was to abscond. However, in this way, the traces for tracing were completely cut off.

Luo Zheng glanced at the frustrated boss, took out the satellite phone, called the captain, and briefly explained the situation. The captain did not expect that there were so many twists and turns in it. After thinking for a while, he said: "I We will notify Pakistan to block all ports to prevent them from escaping. Tomorrow the drunkard will come together and you can discuss it. He has rich experience in dealing with the Samsara Killer Organization."

Things can only be like this for now. The two communicated for a while and then hung up. Luo Zheng looked at the boss who had lost a lot of blood. He walked up to him and tore the other man's trousers to pieces. He pulled off the cloth and bandaged the wound. The boss looked at Luo Zheng with some doubts. , asked uncertainly: "You won't kill me?"

"Killing you won't save my people. You are a local snake. Take me to find a place to rest for a night, and then use your power to find out the whereabouts of those who hired you. You owe me this. I can consider it based on the situation afterwards. How about killing you? Is this a reasonable deal?" Luo Zheng asked coldly.

"Okay, this deal is good for me. I owe you. Don't worry. After all, we are also victims. We were deceived by them. I will try my best to help you." The boss was overjoyed when he saw a glimmer of hope and agreed.

Luo Zheng is not afraid of the other party cheating. In the face of the absolute national strength, Ba has no choice but to cooperate. As long as Ba cooperates, the boss will not be enough to kill him. Luo Zheng can see that the boss is a smart man who can see this. Point, there is no need to make any more mistakes and get yourself killed.

The Ferrari started again. The boss was too weak to drive. After getting Luo Zheng's permission, he sat in the passenger seat and gave Luo Zheng directions. Half an hour later, the Ferrari opened the way to a manor villa. There was no one in the villa. It belonged to the boss. A separate courtyard, usually used for vacation.

There was wound medicine in the villa, and the boss took it out to treat himself. After re-bandaging the wound, the two of them sat in the living room and talked in silence. Luo Zheng was worried about the safety of Lan Xue and others, and was anxious, but he didn't know where to find it. The boss also Thinking about his own concerns, after a while, the boss suddenly said: "Those people are all Westerners. Their facial features are easy to identify. They should not run around. It will not be difficult to find them. I'll call." He picked up the countertop. I got on the landline, dialed a number, and chatted.

After a while, the boss said politely to Luo Zheng: "I'm sure the people are at the base. They were discovered when you went there and they moved. In other words, they didn't run too far and are still in Mogan. I have already informed my subordinates around the town, and I believe there will be news soon."

Luo Zheng immediately took out the map, found the location of the base just now, and drew a circle with it as the center. The radius of fifty kilometers was almost all within the scope of Mogan Town. He couldn't help but nodded and asked: "Are there many people who dispersed? "

"Don't worry, not only are my people dispersed, I want to ask other local gangs to help. There are not even a thousand but eight hundred. We will investigate in different areas. They can't hide." The boss said confidently, and the self-confidence of a local gangster emerged spontaneously.

"I'm informing you that the government is also coming to look for you." Luo Zheng said, taking out his phone.

"No, please wait." The boss shouted quickly. Seeing Luo Zheng's questioning look, he quickly explained: "The government and our people will not deal with it. Once they come out, our people will not dare to show their faces. Find someone." This kind of thing is convenient for our people. I have let the wind out and rewarded 100,000 yuan. With the high bonus, they will work very hard. Please believe me, we can’t find it, and the government can’t find it.”

Luo Zheng was right. The gangsters in these places had extensive information, many connections, and were familiar with the environment. It was indeed more convenient than the government to search with all their strength. He immediately agreed and waited patiently. Looking at the boss, whose face was gradually getting better, he couldn't help but sigh that things in the world are unpredictable. , who were enemies before, are now partners.

Time passed by, and the two of them waited anxiously. Suddenly, the phone on the counter rang, and the crisp ringtone broke the silence. The boss looked at Luo Zheng, and Luo Zheng nodded. The boss excitedly picked up the phone and listened for a while, then hung up. He said in surprise, "I found it. He's hiding in a guest house in Mogan Town."

"Let's go." Luo Zheng said in surprise. The two packed up a little and left immediately, driving the Ferrari towards Mogan Town. An hour later, the two arrived at the town. Under the guidance of the boss, the Ferrari opened a road At the door of the guest house, Luo Zheng was startled when he saw that the guest house seemed familiar. He took a closer look and determined that this guest house was where he wanted to get away from the teenager.

"Up there?" Luo Zheng asked cautiously.

"Wait a moment." The boss said and opened the car window. After a while, a young man hurried over, whispered a few words and ran away. The boss closed the car window and said: "It's up there, he didn't come out. Room 402.”

When Luo Zheng heard the room number, his expression became solemn. This was the room he had chosen. He couldn't help but secretly wonder, could it be that the killer from the Samsara Organization found the room, came to assassinate him, and found out that he was no longer there, so he just stayed in the room and waited? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked at his boss.

The boss, a quiet and ordinary person, immediately said: "Don't worry, he must be inside. The young man just now is the service staff of the guest house. My subordinates are trustworthy. He saw people go in with his own eyes and didn't come out. I will accompany you in, by the way." Let’s settle my score with them.”

"Let's go." Luo Zheng didn't trust the boss very much. Seeing that the boss was willing to follow him, he naturally wouldn't object. The two got off the car and headed towards the guest house. The owner of the guest house stood up and asked. When he saw it was the boss, his face was frightened. Not daring to ask any more questions, Luo Zheng sat back and glanced at the owner of the guest house. There was nothing strange, so he and the owner walked upstairs and pulled out his pistol.

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