The strongest soldier

Chapter 224 Thrilling Valley

It was a cold moonlit night, covered by dark clouds, and the ground was dark. An armed patrol team came over. The leader was holding a wolf dog. The wolf dog licked its tongue, revealing its cold canine teeth. It exuded a terrifying aura under the moonlight. Luo Zheng looked at it in surprise. The team that walked slowly over quickly realized that they were not discovered, but that the patrol was coming this way, otherwise it would not be so slow.

There were only five people in the patrol armed team, and they were scattered and without formation. They could not get together for more than 50 meters. The wolf dog began to get angry and rushed forward. The patrol team members looked around vigilantly and held on to the dog who was trying to break free from the rope. Hound, call others around you to come over.

The distance of fifty meters is nothing to a wolfdog with a keen sense of smell. Luo Zheng knew that the wolfdog had smelled the scent on his body, and he couldn't help being shocked. When the wolfdog rushed up, he would definitely not be able to hide. It was difficult to run at this time. When a heavy machine gun fires, the chance of survival is slim. What should you do?

Luo Zheng became nervous, looked around, and soon discovered that there was a low-lying area not far away from the side. There was some horse manure piled up in it. There were flies buzzing around and the stench was overwhelming. Luo Zheng had an idea, gritted his teeth, and crawled quickly. Entering the low-lying land, he pushed all the horse dung to the front and fiddled with it a bit. He lay down like a frog with his head buried in the ground. The horse dung in front almost made the contents of his stomach bulge out, so he quickly held his breath.

The rotting horse manure was so smelly, and green-headed flies were flying everywhere. Luo Zheng felt that the patrol was only ten meters away from him, so he would lie down motionless. He took out his pistol and held his breath to wait for it. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found that he was able to remain calm. Perhaps he had experienced too many lives and deaths?

"Ouch!" The hunting dog barked and ran over. The patrol member holding the hunting dog was worried that something was wrong. He let go of the rope and let the wolf dog rush forward. He raised his gun and looked around vigilantly. There was nothing but grass on the ground in front of him. None, so I couldn't help but become curious, wondering why the wolf-dog was so frantic.

The wolf dog came to the horse dung and sniffed it. Its sensitive sense of smell was disturbed by the smell of horse dung. In addition, Luo Zheng held his breath and did not make any movement. The wolf dog whimpered and turned back. The patrol team breathed a sigh of relief and lowered their voices. After exchanging a few words, they took the wolfdog to other places.

After a near miss, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and felt cold sweat all over his back. This kind of experience of wallowing in hell was really uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was horse dung to cover it, otherwise it would have been horse dung. He slowly raised his head and found that twenty I don't know when a lot of people gathered in a place meters away. They probably discovered something unusual about the wolf dog and came to inspect it. Fortunately, the wolf dog didn't find anything unusual. These people dispersed to other places.

"Damn dog, I'll chop you up if I get the chance." Luo Zheng said bitterly, spitting out the dirt and feces on his lips, observing vigilantly for a while, and after making sure that the danger was over for the time being, he covered his body with the horse feces around him. Sprinkle it to isolate the human body's breath and prevent it from being smelled by wolves and dogs again.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng endured the extremely smelly smell of horse manure and climbed forward, climbing more carefully. An hour later, Luo Zheng crawled a hundred meters away. Not far ahead was the stable. With several horses, if he ran this distance at full speed, Luo Zheng was confident that he could rush across it in seven seconds, but now it took him two hours, almost exhausting all his patience.

Finally, he got over it. Luo Zheng took a look and found that no one was paying attention to him. He looked at several positions suitable for sniping in the distance and found nothing unusual. Luo Zheng speeded up and came to the stable, leaning against the wall to observe. After a while, this place is only ten meters away from the main building. You can get through with a charge, but you will be exposed.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot, and he continued to climb forward. After half an hour of walking ten meters away, he finally got close to the main building and lurked near the bushes in the corner. He listened carefully and heard that the main building was two stories high. There were lights on inside, but no one was moving around, and everything was weird.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng didn't move. Half an hour later, the patrol didn't pay attention at all and continued to patrol the perimeter. Luo Zheng, like a ghost walking in the night, silently came to the window behind, slowly and again. Cautiously looking inside, the room was empty, no one was there, only the light bulbs emitted dim light.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was surprised. There was no one in the room after such a big battle. This was unreasonable. Unless this place was really a trap, he was just waiting for him to jump in. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless anymore. With great energy, I bent over to the window of another room. There was still no one there, and it was just as empty as the previous room, not even the furniture.

The light on the second floor came down from the stairwell, and it was quiet. It took a lot of effort to climb here, and it was impossible to return empty-handed. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, opened the window gently, and climbed into the house like a civet cat. The room was clear at a glance, and there was no threat. Luo Zheng He walked forward on tiptoe, holding his pistol straight and watching the movement at the top of the stairs vigilantly.

Wearing soft-soled shoes and cushioned by grass, Luo Zheng climbed up the stairs without making a sound. Being disturbed, when he came to the stairs, Luo Zheng looked around cautiously. The second floor was also empty, but there was a person tinkering with a laptop. He didn't look like a local.

"People from the Samsara Killer Organization?" Luo Zheng was startled and quickly shrank his head, full of doubts in his heart. If they were really killers, their relationship with Watta must be unusual, and this place was a trap, waiting for him to fall into the trap. , it seems that the car or the boss's mobile phone should have exposed his whereabouts, enough time for them to adjust their deployment, set a trap, and transfer the hostages.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face turned cold. He looked over again angrily and found that the other person was looking at the computer screen intently. He didn't know what he was studying. There was no one else in the room except this person. The other person was wearing headphones and still eating something. What, a timid expression on his face.

Luo Zheng was so angry that he decided to kill this bastard first. It took a lot of effort to infiltrate in. It was impossible to leave empty-handed. Luo Zheng visually measured the distance. He found that the distance from the stairs to the other party was about five meters. This distance was not far. Luo Zheng pulled out his M9 saber and carefully went upstairs, staring at the opponent and moving quickly.

After stepping onto the last step, Luo Zheng found that the opponent was holding headphones with both hands, as if he was listening to something. His attention was attracted to the headphones, and his eyes were fixed on the screen. This was a rare opportunity. Luo Zheng held his saber behind his back and moved forward carefully. Go and shorten the distance with the opponent. A civet cat is as nimble and agile as a civet cat.

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