The strongest soldier

Chapter 2239 Brothers come to kill

Every successful scientist has his own paranoia and fanaticism. The results of his scientific research are children and must not be allowed to be destroyed. However, different positions have different ways of doing things. Military officers have their own responsibilities and positions and scientific research must never be allowed. The result was given to the opponent. Seeing that the white coat disagreed, he immediately became anxious. His eyes flashed with cold murderous intent. He held the trigger with his index finger and said in a deep voice: "The thing must not be given to the enemy. This is my duty. I say it again. Open the box or I'll shoot."

"My duty is to research it and pass it on. I don't care who I give it to, as long as it contributes to mankind. Just shoot. Anyway, I have lived enough." The white coat said without giving in at all.

Luo Zheng, who was not far away, suddenly became anxious when he saw this scene. The white coat seemed to be a pure scientist, with no political stance, only science. Such a pure person has great wisdom. If he can be rescued, it will be of great benefit to him. The advantage is that there are countless officers and soldiers around and it is impossible to rush forward, but I have to try anyway. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng slowly walked forward, taking every step carefully for fear of alarming the people next to him. It's best to move. If you move, you will be felt, and there is a risk of exposure.

At this time, the officer shouted angrily: "Even if you don't want to open it, I will destroy it. If it can't be opened, I will blow it up or crush it. I don't believe it anymore. Go to hell." He was about to shoot.

The man in the white coat seemed to be afraid of something, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Wait a minute."

The officer who was about to shoot stopped and looked at the white coat coldly. At this time, the white coat took out the key and opened the handcuffs on his wrists. Everyone looked closely at the box in the white coat's hand, expecting to open it. , at this time, the white coat suddenly rushed towards the river like crazy, knocking away several people at once.

The officer reacted and became furious. He raised his hand and fired. The bullet hit the back of the white coat and spattered a bloody arrow. How could the white coat withstand the bullet attack? He staggered forward and rushed forward. The moment he fell to the ground, he swung his white coat and the box flew out of his hands, arced in the air, and fell into the river.

All this happened so suddenly. No one expected that the white coat would sink the boat and throw the box into the river without giving the officer a chance to blow it up. His persistence and enthusiasm for science are admirable. But it aroused the wrath of the officers.

The officer separated from the crowd and rushed forward, aiming his gun at the white coat, and yelled in shame: "Do you think it will be fine if you throw it into the river? Even if I can't find it, the enemy can't find it, because they don't know it at all. Thing, you old stubborn, go to hell."

"Bang bang bang!" Three gunshots rang out, and the bullets mercilessly penetrated the white coat's head, and his head was smashed.

Luo Zheng, who was not far away, had no chance to save people. There were too many enemies around to squeeze in. Shooting would only expose himself. It didn't matter if he died. No one would know that the box was in the river. Luo Zheng looked at this angrily. In one scene, I looked at the river again. I wonder how much there is below. What if the box is taken away by the rapids?

Thinking that the box was swept away by the undercurrent, Luo Zheng hurriedly walked over. At this time, more people rushed to the officers to report their work. The surrounding officers and soldiers heard the news and started commotion. Luo Zheng didn't know what happened, but saw that no one paid attention. On my side, I slowly went down to the river and dived quietly without making any noise.

In extraordinary times, any noise would alert the enemy and trigger a barrage of bullets. After diving, Luo Zheng found that it was very deep and pitch black, and he couldn't find the box at all. Instead of getting anxious, he stabilized himself at the bottom of the water and felt the water flow. Don't worry, the box shouldn't float very far.

The field of vision was limited and the depth was bottomless. Luo Zheng had no choice but to slowly surface. He wiped the water on his face and saw that the officer was commanding people to set fire everywhere. He obviously wanted to burn this place down. There were not many people left standing, and more people were knocked down by the poisonous smoke.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng guessed that the enemy was gone, so he immediately came ashore and wanted to rush to the research room to have a look. At this time, the research room suddenly remembered a huge explosion, and a powerful red light rushed out, shaking everything around it. , the research room was blown up.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked at the officer angrily and found that the other man's body was shaky and he would fall to the ground at any time. He was still shouting something, but unfortunately he couldn't understand a word. Luo Zheng gave up and fired quietly. Looking at this scene, the enemy is gone and there is no need to take action again.

After waiting for a while, a burst of intensive gunfire rang out. Luo Zheng turned around and saw that Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle had rushed in. They opened fire on sight and looked eager. Luo Zheng was startled, and then he guessed that it might be time. The reinforcements that had been brought in were overjoyed and rushed forward to greet them.

"Da da da -" The three ghost hands are like tigers in the sheepfold. They open fire when they see anyone standing. They are not affected by the poisonous smoke in the underground space. They obviously have taken the antidote, but the enemy is different. As the concentration of poisonous smoke increased, not many could stand, and even if they didn't fall, they had little fighting power. They were all shot at by the three ghost hands, and they all fell to death.

Luo Zheng saw the three men chasing and killing them everywhere, and worried about accidental injury, he quickly found a place to hide. Bullets don't have long eyes. After a while, the three men knocked down all the standing enemies and shouted eagerly: "Brother, what's going on here?" Where?" He spread out and searched like crazy.

This kind of friendship between life and death cannot be described in words. Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart and shouted quickly: "Here." As he said that, he quickly took off his invisibility suit and revealed his true face.

Everyone quickly found Luo Zheng's location and rushed up excitedly. Seeing that Luo Zheng was not injured, they were all relieved. Luo Zheng didn't wait for everyone to ask, and said quickly: "Snow leopard, mountain eagle, you two go out. Come in with your diving gear on your back, I need to go down and grab something, it’s very important.”

"Yes." Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle didn't ask any more questions. It must be extraordinary to attract Luo Zheng's attention, so they hurried out.

"Where is Shi Qian?" Luo Zheng looked at Guishou worriedly and asked.

"Here." A voice came from not far away. Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw a person hiding not far away. Unfortunately, he couldn't see it. Knowing that it was Shi Qian, he couldn't help but smile and asked in a deep voice: "It's okay. Bar?"

"It's okay." Shi Qian agreed, taking off his invisibility suit and revealing his true colors.

"It's okay. Let's go take a look at that armor. We have to get it out." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice and quickly walked towards the armor. The armor was lying on the stretcher. The person inside the armor was motionless and unconscious. Luo Zheng walked up quickly and knelt down to check. Guishou and Shi Qian couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the armor for the first time. They had never seen such a uniquely designed armor.

Shi Qian touched it, knocked it, and said in surprise: "Head, this material doesn't look like it's from this earth, or it doesn't look like a known material. Anyway, I've never seen this kind of material."

"Is it a new material developed by the Dark Church?" Ghost Hand shouted in surprise.

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