The strongest soldier

Chapter 2237 Unexpected Discovery

In the dim underground passage, the visibility was very low. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian squatted on the ground, looking towards the passage ahead with solemn expressions. There were dense footsteps and the sound of people shouting in front of them. It sounded a lot, and the voices became more and more intense. Luo Zheng knew he couldn't wait where he was. The passage was not big and it would be easy to be exposed if there were many people passing by. Luo Zheng immediately greeted Shi Qian and quickly retreated.

Shi Qian also felt someone coming straight ahead, so he quickly retreated. The two of them got in at a fork in the road, squatted on the ground and waited. He felt a little nervous in his heart. He didn't know what these people were doing. Was it exposed? Luo Zheng stood in front of Shi Qian, his sharp eyes staring straight ahead.

Soon, some soldiers with guns and live ammunition rushed past the main channel in front. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly held his breath and waited. His eyes were wide open and he did not dare to move, so as not to alarm the team. It took a while for the team to finish. Afterwards, Luo Zheng estimated that there were nearly a hundred people, but he started to wonder, what were these people doing? Could it be that he wanted to open an exit channel to save himself? Or are you preparing to evacuate?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng walked to the fork in the road and looked at both sides. After losing sight of the enemy, he lowered his voice and said, "Shi Qian, the enemy just now might want to rush out. There's no need to worry. We have to move as quickly as possible." Rush in, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Shi Qian whispered in a suppressed voice.

"Let's go." Seeing that no one came out, Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and rushed underground quickly. Shi Qian followed closely. The two of them were like ghosts in the passage, and they met one or two lone people on the way. He ignored it at all, found a place to squat down and waited for the other party to pass before continuing to rush down.

Not long after, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge underground space appeared. It was more than twenty meters high, more than a hundred meters wide, and bottomless. There were dim lights flickering everywhere, and in the middle was a river and a small submarine. Docked in the river, someone was making preparations for the nuclear submarine before diving.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. His eyes stayed on the small submarine for more than ten seconds, and immediately landed on the river. He found that the river was rippling, and there was no wind in the underground world. How did these waves occur? Luo Zheng curiously looked along the river, but it was too dark to see clearly. He guessed that the river was connected to the sea, but for some reason it was not searched by his brothers.

In the middle of the underground space, many people were busy packing. Computers were turned off and equipment was packed. Luo Zheng was quickly attracted to a huge dust-free research room. There were some people in white coats inside who were busy with something. He couldn't understand. Luo Zheng Seeing this scene, his face changed slightly. He didn't expect that this underground was not only a military base, but also a research base. Suddenly, the bullet-proof armor appeared in his mind. Could it be that he was studying this?

Luo Zheng quickly found a safe place to hide. With the invisibility suit and dim lighting, it was difficult to detect him even if he was not paying attention. Luo Zheng continued to check the research room and noticed that the people inside seemed to be clearing data. It wasn't a big surprise, these data were all good stuff, but when I thought about the two of them coming in, they couldn't defeat the soldiers everywhere, so I had to give up and look at Shi Qian.

Shi Qian also found a place to hide. It was difficult to tell the exact location with the naked eye. Luo Zheng could only feel a general idea and said in a low voice: "You go and put the poison. I will try to get the research data. I didn't expect that this underground place is actually a research base. We’ll meet here in five minutes, is there any problem?”

"No, just be careful." Shi Qian agreed and went off on his own.

Luo Zheng looked at the research room expectantly. If there were ready-made data, he would be able to save a lot of trouble. He felt something in his heart and was about to touch it when he suddenly saw two people coming out carrying a stretcher. It was the man wearing bulletproof armor. The armor was still on his body. His face could not be seen. His body was motionless and there was no blood stain. He did not know whether he was alive or dead, and he walked towards the submarine.

"Want to run away?" Luo Zheng was shocked. If the other party took away the armor, wouldn't his work be in vain? He must get the armor and find a way to break it. If all the troops of the Dark Church were equipped with armor, then this battle would not need to be fought. , unless strategic weapons are used.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng rushed forward quickly, and suddenly saw a man rushing out of the research room, holding a suitcase in his hand, handcuffed his wrists, wearing a white coat, with a solemn face, followed by four fully armed men. He walked quickly towards the nuclear submarine. Luo Zheng was shocked and hurriedly went up in a roundabout way, his feet moving very fast.

Fortunately, the soldiers in the underground base looked panicked and had no intention of fighting. The lights were dim, and Luo Zheng was assisted by a stealth suit. He rushed past some enemies without being discovered. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and almost ran away in one breath. Arrived at the submarine.

Perhaps because they were at the base, there was no one to guard the submarine. Luo Zheng knew that he had to prevent the submarine from diving. It was good to penetrate inside, but the risk of exposure was also high. Luo Zheng looked around and saw that there were no suitable tools. Seeing that those people were about to come and board the submarine, Luo Zheng's heart crossed and he entered the submarine directly from the entrance.

There were people busy in the submarine, and no one paid attention to Luo Zheng who had penetrated in. Luo Zheng found a corner and squatted down, observing carefully for a few times. He saw that everyone was either doing maintenance or passing by with something. He didn't know what they were doing. , Waiting in his heart, it will be easy as long as he is not discovered, Luo Zheng quickly walked towards the direction of the power equipment.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the power unit, took out a few button bombs and adjusted them to detonate in three minutes. He quickly threw them away, and then walked outside without looking back. As long as the power unit was bombed, the submarine would be destroyed. Once it is abolished, there is no need to worry about the enemy taking away the information and armor.

As soon as he reached the entrance and exit, Luo Zheng saw a person wearing armor being carried in. His face could not be seen. The whole person was wrapped in armor. The armor was very special. It was not arc-shaped, but had countless long strips and triangles on the outside. Objects are all over the body, like a tight, sharp edge, like a triangular scraper. This makes the surface of the armor irregular. It is not easy for bullets to hit the body vertically, and the angle will be changed by the triangular object and the attack power will be removed.

This kind of detailed design may seem redundant, but in fact it can play a great role in avoiding bullets. Even the helmet design has some raised triangular objects. These detailed designs can not only change the angle at which bullets attack, but also play a role in avoiding bullets. The attack effect is that no one can bear the impact of this spiked armor.

Luo Zheng didn't have time to look further. The man carrying the password box hurriedly boarded the submarine, followed by four bodyguards. They all looked very complicated. He couldn't make a move. What should he do? Luo Zheng became embarrassed.

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