The strongest soldier

Chapter 2234 Adjusting Tactics

In the era of hot weapons, for soldiers, the gun in their hand is an invincible weapon. There is no target that cannot be eliminated. What happened in front of them made everyone completely confused. Unexpectedly, the sniper bullets were not able to kill them and even caused sparks. This What kind of? This phenomenon that completely went against common sense made Luo Zheng a little confused. It was unheard of. Fortunately, the opponent stopped firing quickly. Maybe they were out of ammunition. Minigun's ammunition was consumed too quickly and was too big.

As soon as the frenzied shooting of bullets stopped, Luo Zheng knew that the opportunity was not to be missed, and roared with a cold face: "Sniper, attack the target's head with incendiary bombs, suppress the fire of others, kill!"

The bullets couldn't penetrate, so Luo Zheng decided to use incendiary bombs. Those who were lucky enough to escape stood up one after another, aimed their guns angrily, fired the bullets with fighting intent, and rushed towards the target. Jackson watched as more than half of them were killed and injured. His own troops roared hysterically: "Kill him, use grenades, rush up and blow him up."

"No." Luo Zheng was anxious and shouted quickly. He quickly loaded the armor-piercing bullet into the sniper rifle and quickly took aim while lying down. He happened to see several incendiary bombs hitting the weird target's head, and it suddenly ignited. Fire comes and the fire illuminates the target.

Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw that the target was all dark, as if he was wearing armor. The whole person was covered in armor from top to bottom. Even his eyes were blocked by a passport. Many bullets hit the target, making ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping. There was a loud sound, and sparks flew everywhere, but it couldn't do anything to the other party at all.

"Hiss? Bulletproof armor, what is it?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. He stared at this scene. The future technological civilization suddenly flashed in his mind. Could it be that this is a secret weapon researched by the Dark Church, a shield made of future materials? Bullet armor? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was filled with anger. With a sharp look in his eyes, he quickly aimed at the target's head.

"Wha--" The sniper armor-piercing bullet roared away, piercing the void with Luo Zheng's endless anger, making a shocking scream, and hit the target's head hard.

The target's body shook violently and looked a little painful. The armor-piercing bullet was different from ordinary sniper bullets. It had very strong penetration. Luo Zheng was not sure whether it penetrated the target's armor, but one thing was clear. The armor on the opponent seemed to be invulnerable. It is attacked by incendiary bombs and ordinary sniper bullets, but it is still damaged by armor-piercing bullets.

"Brothers, use armor-piercing bullets to hit the vital parts." Luo Zheng roared in a deep voice.

Everyone changed armor-piercing bullets one after another. At this time, the target staggered towards the back, and was quickly blocked by the bunker. Without the target, Luo Zheng was furious and shouted: "Charge up, kill--" He jumped from the ground. He stood up and rushed toward the target, his eyes filled with hot murderous intent.

Soldiers become stronger when they are strong. The sudden appearance of a target that is not afraid of bullets aroused the competitive spirit in Luo Zheng's heart. When the others saw their companions lying in a pool of blood, they had long been holding back their anger. After hearing the order, they also screamed and moved forward. They rushed forward wildly, shouting to kill loudly. While running, all the snipers replaced their armor-piercing bullets.

"Asshole, I'm going to tear him apart." Jackson roared and rushed forward, catching up with Luo Zheng and shouting: "That bastard just now was clearly wearing bulletproof armor. I don't know if there are such people in other places. This battle It's really dangerous, what's the next step? Just blow up all the entrances and exits and suffocate them inside."

"It's a good idea. Let's inform everyone first. If you find such a target hitting its vital parts with armor-piercing bullets, you must take action first." Luo Zheng calmed down a little while running, grabbed the angry Jackson who was charging forward and shouted, while quickly I got in touch with Ding Yi through the headset and gave him a few words of advice.

Jackson also regained some composure, and immediately transmitted Luo Zheng's words to the attacking troops on both sides through the earphone. Luo Zheng waited for Jackson to finish giving the order and continued: "All the bunkers on both sides were blown up, leaving the one in the middle. I don’t believe it can’t be penetrated, so I’m going to order that armor.”

"No, I want it too." Jackson's eyes lit up, he understood Luo Zheng's intention and shouted quickly.

"Okay, each person takes half and each takes it back for research. In order to better deal with the enemy, the research results can be shared with each other and the research speed can be accelerated. We must find a way to attack this kind of armor as soon as possible. If such a troop suddenly comes to the battlefield, we will surely die. No doubt." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his murderous aura as cold as frost.

"Okay, it's up to you." Jackson knew the importance of this matter and agreed.

"Ta-ta-ta, bang bang bang--" The gunfire from the bunker ahead was like rain, and the fight was extremely difficult. However, the attacking troops were also completely stunned. They rushed forward regardless of the situation, and there was no longer the bulletproof armor they had before. Target, the counterattack force inside the bunker was much smaller, and the firepower was quickly and completely suppressed.

"I'm on top of them." Luo Zheng suddenly heard a voice ringing in his headset. Knowing it was Shi Qian, he was overjoyed and shouted: "Attention, all units, stop shooting and find a place to hide."

"Yes." Guishou and the others quickly agreed, not knowing what happened. However, out of trust in Luo Zheng and obedience on the battlefield, everyone retreated a little and found various places to hide.

Jackson's men did not understand Luo Zheng's order in Chinese Mandarin and continued to charge forward. Luo Zheng looked at Jackson and shouted: "Quick, ask your troops to stop attacking and find a place to hide."

"Ah?" Jackson's face changed drastically. The troops were fighting smoothly and were about to attack. What's the point of giving up the attack at this time and finding a place to hide? He looked at Luo Zheng without any surprise and saw that Luo Zheng had a stern look on his face. He didn't seem to be joking. He suddenly realized that Luo Zheng had other arrangements and immediately conveyed the order.

Although the attacking troops were reluctant, they were very disciplined and retreated one after another, looking for places to hide. The enemies in the suppressed bunker suddenly felt relieved and jumped out to fight back. They fired wildly at the outside, wailing strangely. Yelled, very enthusiastically.

At this time, Shi Qian, who was wearing a stealth suit, quietly came down from above. All the enemy bullets were fired at the bottom. The troops below stopped firing. Shi Qian was no longer threatened by bullets. He dexterously approached the bunker and took a closer look. It was densely packed with people inside. It was people, far more than one platoon, all squatting in the bunker and waiting for orders, all of them with murderous intent.

The inside of the bunker was completely dark and blocked by people. The man wearing bullet-proof armor was nowhere to be seen. Shi Qian knew he couldn't wait too long, so he quickly took out a handful of button bombs and quickly threw them inside one by one. Too It's easy to expose, and a single throw is very concealable.

Not long after, all the button bombs were thrown, Shi Qian quickly retreated, ran for more than ten meters, took out the remote control and calmly pressed the detonation device. Since learning how to use button bombs, Shi Qian has become particularly fond of this weapon. , the stealth suit and the button bomb are simply a killer weapon.

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