The strongest soldier

Chapter 2232 Attack

Under the gray moonlight, on an island in the vast sea, five huge fireballs soared into the sky, illuminating the countless black shadows that rushed up. Everyone's stern faces were full of fanatical fighting spirit, and they moved forward calmly. The charge was like a cheetah running in the dark night, full of murderous intent, the steel gun was held flat on the shoulder, locked in front, ready to fire at any time, and the fighting spirit soaring into the sky seemed to ignite the entire night.

Soon, the people who rushed up saw the targets rushing out of the explosion point. Some rushed wildly, and some were ignited by the fire. They rushed out of the bunker screaming and rolling around. Everyone rushed towards the fortifications. The target that came out was a precise burst of fire, shooting the target directly to the ground. The movement was crisp and clear, and the marksmanship was extremely accurate.

The huge explosion not only collapsed half of the underground fortifications, but also destroyed the morale of the defense troops. Faced with such a fierce and sudden big explosion attack, no one could remain calm. Without morale, the target was thrown out of control. He became a living target, and the battle became a one-sided shooting.

Luo Zheng led his troops up a hillside and looked at the attacking brother troops in front. The battle was going extremely smoothly, but there was no joy in his heart. He looked around at the battle situation with cold eyes. Ding Yi ran up excitedly and shouted: "Commander-in-Chief, Brothers, the fight went very smoothly, your tactical deployment was great." Inadvertently, Ding Yi used the honorific "you", but he had no idea, and was completely conquered by Luo Zheng's tactics.

Four people took down five strongholds and exploded at the same time. Ding Yi couldn't imagine how those four people did it. If he were to command it himself, he might be able to win it, but there would definitely be a bloody battle with heavy losses. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Luo Zheng He fell to the ground in admiration, and saw that Luo Zheng's face was as solemn as frost, and he was not happy about the success of the battle. He was startled for a moment, and became curious. After thinking about it, he swallowed his words and did not ask any questions.

Luo Zheng kept observing the battle situation with his stern eyes. Seeing that brother troops from the five strongholds rushed to clean up the mess, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took out his cell phone. He was about to call Jackson to inquire about the situation when he suddenly saw Shi Qian rushing in. When they arrived, they found that the invisibility suit had been taken off, otherwise they would not be visible at all in the dark night. Luo Zheng was startled and quickly asked: "Did something happen?"

"No, during the sneak attack, we found that there is indeed a tunnel in the semi-underground fortification that connects to the underground. The passage is not small enough to accommodate a person walking straight through. I don't know if this is the case in other places. This is the case at the two points I am responsible for. "Shi Qian quickly explained.

"Sure enough, there is a passage. Ignore him. With such a big explosion, all the passages collapsed, and all the ammunition in the fortifications were destroyed, right? No one can get out for a while. Is there anything abnormal?" Luo Zheng asked. road.

"Not yet." Shi Qian said quickly.

At this time, Guishou and Mountain Eagle also hurried over. They also discovered the passage under the bunker. Luo Zheng felt relieved after hearing this, indicating that the enemy's fortifications did not stop there, and quickly dialed Jackson's phone number. , the call was answered quickly, and there were huge explosions and gunshots coming from the phone. Luo Zheng knew that Jackson was launching a fierce attack, and quickly asked: "What's the situation over there?"

"We are under siege. There are five underground bunkers. We will be able to clear out the enemy soon." Jackson shouted confidently.

The fighting power of the Sam Kingdom should not be underestimated. Luo Zheng knew this very well. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Ding Yi, lead your people to guard the west and look for other exits. Be careful of enemies coming from underground. I will go to the east and take a look. , remember, we must not let an enemy come out from anywhere in the west."

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Ding Yi responded in a deep voice. After the battle was like this, all five strongholds were blown up. If he could not hold on, Ding Yi felt that he would commit suicide to thank the world.

"Be careful, never allow the enemy to come out from the west and launch a sudden attack on the allies in the east." Luo Zheng warned worriedly.

"Yes." Ding Yi agreed seriously.

"Brothers, follow me." Luo Zheng glanced at Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle, shouted in a deep voice, picked up his weapon and rushed towards the top of the mountain. Over the mountain is to the east. The detour is too time-consuming and I can't afford to wait. Luo Zheng He walks vigorously like flying, like a tiger chasing its prey, moving like a rainbow.

The others followed closely behind Luo Zheng and ran away one by one, like a pack of wolves hunting. They were far away in the blink of an eye. Ding Yi was dumbfounded. They were also marching over the mountains in a hurry. Ding Yi thought that his troops could not do this at all. So fast, as if walking on flat ground. How good of physical fitness and powerful explosive power is this?

Luo Zheng didn't care about Ding Yi's mood, and rushed up with his men. He talked to Jackson while running, and determined the location of Jackson. He led thirty brothers to fly up, rolled over the mountains, and rushed downhill all the way. I saw people fighting in five places, and both sides fought extremely resolutely.

Seeing that Jackson's men were unlikely to win for a while, Luo Zheng was worried and couldn't help but speed up a bit. After a while, Luo Zheng rushed up to join Jackson. After meeting, he asked eagerly: "What's going on now?" Yes? How sure are you?"

"It's not a big problem, but it will take some time. The bunker is located high up, the fortifications are stable, there are heavy machine guns, and the cannons haven't shown their power yet." Jackson said solemnly.

"The distance is too close, and their cannons can't shoot straight down or downwards. Don't worry, the heavy machine guns can only be dealt with by snipers." Luo Zheng said casually, with a sharp look, he quickly looked around and found Jack. Sen's people may not be able to attack for a while. The underground fortifications have passages connecting them underground, and the opponent can continuously add troops for defense.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's expression changed drastically, and he said in a deep voice: "The enemy can continue to increase troops and support ammunition through underground passages. I have a suggestion."

"You said it." Of course, Jackson also thought about the issue of additional troops and asked quickly.

"Concentrate your forces to attack the strongholds on both sides, encircle them from all sides, rush up and use explosives. Just surround the middle stronghold without attacking it. Ignore them as long as they don't come out. After killing the strongholds on both sides, focus on attacking the middle stronghold." Luo Zheng hurriedly He suggested, a flash of worry flashed in Sen Leng's eyes.

"Okay, it's up to you." Jackson thought about the truth of Luo Zheng's tactics, and agreed wholeheartedly. He gave an adjutant a look, and the other officer immediately contacted the troops through the headset and redeployed them. Jackson looked at Xiang Luozheng said: "The enemy fought very resolutely and their combat effectiveness was very good. One platoon of troops was able to block our fierce attack."

"What problem do you want to explain?" Luo Zheng vaguely felt that there was something in Jackson's words, so he couldn't help but ask in a deep voice.

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