The strongest soldier

Chapter 2216 Escape smoothly

"Ding dong——" The elevator door opened, and there was no one inside. Luo Zheng estimated that the elevator had been remotely controlled by Blue Star, so he took Cooley in with confidence. With the power of Blue Star and the team, it was not easy to control the elevator remotely. Difficult, Luo Zheng had great confidence in Blue Star. The elevator door closed and Shi Qian pressed the button of the underground garage on the first floor. The two of them lowered their heads silently in tacit understanding and clamped down on Cooley.

Cooley was in a coma with his head lowered. His hair was turned black and his face was covered with black ink. It was difficult for the camera in the elevator to see the truth. The elevator went down without stopping. This made Luo Zheng Feeling calm, he waited until the elevator reached the first floor. The elevator door opened and it was empty outside. Only the dim lights flickered. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly and Shi Qian took Cooley out.

The three of them walked to a pillar. Luo Zheng handed Kuli to Shi Qian. Shi Qian leaned Kuli against the pillar to steady him. Kuli lowered his head and fell down. His hands and feet were weak. He looked like he was drinking. The drunk man was held tightly by Shi Qian, while Luo Zheng took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call when a car suddenly turned on its lights. The bright lights illuminated the dim garage, and the car quickly Rushed up.

Luo Zheng was startled and instinctively hid behind the pillar, took out his pistol and aimed at it. His movements were smooth and flowing. The car lights suddenly went out. Luo Zheng saw clearly that it was the ambassador's car. He took a long breath and threw it to Shi Qian. Looking at it, Shi Qian nodded knowingly, carried Cooley to the trunk of the car, opened it and threw Cooley in.

The two hurriedly got into the car, and the ambassador drove away quickly. After rushing out of the underground garage, Luo Zheng saw that the main road outside was quiet and no one noticed him. He felt completely relieved and looked at Shi Qian, his eyes full of questioning. Shi Qian understood and said immediately: "Don't worry, I won't wake up within an hour."

"That's good, Ambassador, we must return to the embassy as soon as possible, please excuse me." Luo Zheng looked at the Ambassador and said in a deep voice, his eyes firm, while taking out his mobile phone.

"No problem, we'll be there in less than ten minutes." The ambassador said confidently. He glanced at Luo Zheng, with a flash of curiosity in his eyes. He couldn't figure out why the two kidnapped a person, got into the car, and brought him back to the embassy. If word spread, it would definitely cause huge trouble for diplomatic work. If it weren't for the strict order from his superiors, the ambassador would never cooperate. He was full of curiosity, but he couldn't ask due to discipline.

Luo Zheng understood the ambassador's curiosity, but didn't say much. He immediately dialed Blue Star's number, and after being connected, said, "Clear the tail."

"Understood." Blue Star agreed knowingly, and immediately organized people to clear all the surveillance videos of the hotel, and threw a fake surveillance picture over. In this way, the hotel security system was gone. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian entered the hotel and hijacked the library. Lee walked out of all the surveillance footage in the hotel as if he had never been there before, clean and without leaving any clues. This was a piece of cake for Blue Star.

After Luo Zheng hung up the phone, he looked at the ambassador and asked, "Is Jackson here?"

"Here we come." The ambassador responded in a deep voice. After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't ask out his curiosity.

"Are you evacuating overnight?" Shi Qian reminded from the side.

"Don't worry, it's not safe." Luo Zheng said thoughtfully, frowning. After finally tying up Cooley, he naturally had to interrogate him. How should he deal with Cooley after the interrogation without leaving any clues?

Shi Qian saw Luo Zheng's contemplative look and didn't ask any more questions. Everyone fell silent. The ambassador concentrated on driving and unknowingly arrived at the parking lot inside the embassy. Luo Zheng looked around cautiously and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure there was no one around. , looked at the ambassador and said: "I need a secret place to hold and interrogate this person. Is there such a place?"

"Yes, there is a secret room in the underground parking lot. I will take you there." The ambassador started the car again and drove towards the underground parking lot, finally stopping at the door of a miscellaneous room.

Everyone got out of the car. The ambassador looked around and made sure no one was around. After making sure that no one was there, he opened the miscellaneous room. Then he pressed an inconspicuous brick and turned the drill over. The ambassador broke it off and the wall automatically popped open and turned over, revealing a In a dark room, the ambassador went in and turned on the light, while explaining: "This is where weapons are stored. If the ambassador is attacked, open this place and use weapons to defend yourself."

"It is indeed hidden enough. Who would have thought that there is a weapons depot and a secret room in the miscellaneous room?" Luo Zheng came in and saw various weapons hanging on the walls of the small room. Ammunition boxes were stacked on the ground, as well as grenades, enough for a platoon. After getting the equipment, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "There are a lot of things. How many people in the embassy know how to shoot."

"Basically, everyone has received training, and there is no problem in shooting. The dozen or so guards have all received special training and can block emergencies to a certain extent." The ambassador explained.

"That's good." Luo Zheng responded casually. When he saw Shi Qian and Cooley coming in, he said to the ambassador, "Please wait outside and close the door."

"Understood." The ambassador knew that he should avoid suspicion, so he agreed. After walking out, he turned off the machine. After everything was restored as before, the ambassador went to the car to wait.

Shi Qian threw Kuli on the ground and looked to the left and right. There was a long stool with two legs on the left and right. He moved it over, placed Kuli horizontally on the stool, and found a rope to tie it up. Firmly, he then turned the stool upside down and put Cooley's head down and his feet up. He looked at Luo Zheng and said, "The backward flow of blood is not conducive to his thinking. The interrogation will be much easier. Do you want to start now?"

"Okay." Luo Zheng nodded in agreement.

Shi Qian immediately took out the antidote, a black wooden bottle, opened the lid and put it under Cooley's nose and shook it twice. He put the black wooden bottle away and left it alone. Cooley woke up leisurely and opened his sleepy eyes curiously. Looking around, he felt something was wrong. He suddenly woke up, opened his eyes wide, and looked around warily. His whole body tensed up. After feeling that he was being tied up, Cooley reacted and looked at the two people in front of him in panic.

"Are you awake? We can tie you out of the hotel and make you disappear from this world silently. Should you answer the question honestly or be stubborn and stubborn?" Shi Qian squatted down and said coldly.

"What are you? Do you know who I am? Just wait for the Sam Country agents to hunt you down, and have fun if you can. You devil, you will go to hell." Cooley shouted in anger.

"Wrong answer, how should I punish you?" Shi Qian said coldly, not minding Cooley's insults.

"Cut off his ear. The ear will bleed very slowly and won't be fatal immediately." Luo Zheng said coldly, cooperating with Shi Qian's interrogation and singing along, which can create huge pressure on the person being interrogated.

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