The strongest soldier

Chapter 2205 Start taking action

As the successor of the thieves, Shi Qian has his own confidence and pride. He may not be as good as others in terms of battlefield fighting, but he has absolute confidence in stealing. This confidence is not blind and has superb technical support. Luo Zheng knows that Shi Qian There have been brilliant achievements in stealing people from inside enemy bases, and there have also been achievements in stealing Dzi beads out of exhibition halls without leaving any traces. The eyes that look at Shi Qian can't help but be a little more expectant.

Shi Qian opened a piece of paper he brought with him and threw it on the table. It turned out to be a hand-drawn sketch, which was very lifelike. Luo Zheng looked at the sketch and exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to have such skills. Not bad."

"This is a skill that teachers must master when they are five years old. If you don't talk about it, look at the sketch. This is where Jin Yuan is hiding. It is a manor villa surrounded by woods. It is heavily guarded. The villa is very big and people are sure Indispensable, forceful attack will definitely not work, infiltration is 50% sure, if you go with me, the chance of success is 80%." Shi Qian said with confidence.

"Okay, I'll leave this battle to your command. I'll listen to you, what should I do?" Seeing Shi Qian's confidence, Luo Zheng couldn't help but feel moved in his heart, and solemnly agreed.

"We infiltrate through the woods. There must be various surveillance cameras in the woods. As long as we put on the stealth suit and the other party can't see it, we can easily crack all the surveillance cameras and break through the peripheral defenses. There is a patrol team ahead, and people are definitely indispensable, but it is not a problem. , just need to avoid the wolf dogs, I have medicine, spray some wolf dogs can't smell our breath, don't worry, there is the villa further inside." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

During the day, everyone conducted a rough reconnaissance, and the intelligence collected by Jackson sent people to investigate in advance showed that Jin Yuan's residence had three lines of defense, peripheral surveillance, and manual patrols in the middle. The defense inside the villa was even tighter. Everyone knew some of this in advance. , Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian and asked: "The defense inside is not simple, how do you get in?"

"It's not difficult to get in. The guards in the open are not a big problem, and the guards in the dark are not afraid. We have tactical goggles that can perform thermal imaging and night vision. We can find blind spots and infiltrate them. The key is to find them after entering. Why don't we do nothing?" It would be easy for two of us to sneak out, but it would be difficult to bring one person out." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

"Looking at how confident you are, you must have a plan, right?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Of course, don't we have three sets of invisibility suits? You and I each have one set, and the other one is put on by the target. If he resists it, he won't be discovered. This is just a regular plan. I have another plan, but it needs to be We need to verify it on site." Shi Qian explained seriously.

"Another plan? Tell me." Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"I have studied this villa. Judging from the terrain, they should have a drainage channel on the west side to facilitate the flow to the river not far away. We can penetrate through the drainage channel, and then things will be easier, but This needs to be verified on site," Shi Qian said.

"Oh? And there are drainage channels?" Luo Zheng looked to the west curiously.

To the west is a relatively steep mountain. It is not easy to climb up. Luo Zheng looked at Shi Qian, who explained knowingly: "It is precisely because it is steep that it is safe and conducive to the discharge of sewage." His eyes were shining with the fire of war. .

"Okay, then it's settled." Luo Zheng agreed decisively.

"Yes, give me ten minutes to prepare. We will set off in ten minutes. It is best to find someone who is familiar with the terrain to drive you for a while and get off the car halfway so as not to arouse suspicion. In addition, the security here is very strict at night. No one with the right identity can stay at night It's easy to get caught if you go out," Shi Qian explained.

"This is not difficult, I will arrange it." Luo Zheng said immediately. After sending Shi Qian away, Luo Zheng immediately called the ambassador and asked the ambassador to help send a car. The ambassador agreed and said that he would come to escort him in person. The embassy's car would not be checked along the way, so it was safe and secure. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and expressed a few words of gratitude.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng also made preparations. He packed the pistol, headset, tactical goggles and stealth suit in a bag. He came to Shi Qian's room with a voice on his back. Shi Qian sprayed a bottle of spray on Luo Zheng's body. , there was no smell, Shi Qian explained while spraying: "My dear, wolves and dogs can't smell it, and even mosquitoes won't come near."

"There are still good things like this. Let's prepare some more for the brothers in the bureau." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll prepare when we get back." Shi Qian promised. We are all brothers who share life and death. What does it matter if we take out a few bottles of spray?

After spraying, the two people quickly left with small bags on their backs and arrived at the embassy parking lot. A Hongqi car slowly drove up and parked next to the two people. The driver's window was rolled down. The driver was the ambassador. Luo Zheng threw it to With a wink from Shi Qian, the two quickly got into the car and sat down. Luo Zheng said gratefully, "Thanks for your hard work, Ambassador."

"It's not hard work. It's all for the country. You are not afraid of life and death. What does it matter if I give you a ride? Where are we going?" the ambassador asked politely.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Luo Zheng did not tell the ambassador where he was going, let alone that everyone's goal was gold yuan. Luo Zheng glanced at Shi Qian, and Shi Qian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said knowingly: "Mr. Ambassador, please Just drive forward and I'll show you the way."

"Okay." The ambassador understood discipline and agreed without asking further questions and drove forward.

After driving for a while, the ambassador rolled down his window to check the car at the crossroads ahead. The interrogators saw that it was a special vehicle for the Chinese Embassy. This kind of vehicle represents national sovereignty, and diplomats represent the country. Immunity, knowing that it would be inconvenient for interrogation, the person in charge came up to take a look, confirmed that he was the ambassador, and without asking any questions, just waved his hand and let him go. There is no small matter in diplomacy, and no one will get himself into trouble.

The car left the outskirts of the city and drove forward for a while before reaching a winding mountain road. Shi Qian asked the ambassador to stop and looked at Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng had already gotten out of the car with his things, he also got out of the car immediately. Luo Zheng looked towards The ambassador rolled down the window and said gratefully: "If it's convenient for you, just wait here. This operation is very important."

"Okay, I'll wait here. Don't tell me about the mission. I understand the discipline." The ambassador smiled.

"Okay, I will report the matter truthfully after it is completed. Thank you for your support." Luo Zheng said gratefully.

"You're welcome, it's all for the sake of the country. The better you do, the better our diplomatic work will be. The stronger the country is, the more confident we will be when we speak. Go ahead and pay attention to safety. I will always be waiting here. Until dawn, what do you think?" the ambassador said seriously.

"Okay, thank you." Luo Zheng said gratefully, glanced at Shi Qian, and the two nodded tacitly. With a strong fighting spirit in their eyes, they put on their tactical goggles and quickly climbed into the nearby mountains.

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