The strongest soldier

Chapter 2190 Finding the Sword

Everyone narrowly escaped death in the mausoleum, working in vain. Now this underground space is full of mechanisms and is no less dangerous than the mausoleum. If everyone hadn't deciphered the secret and found a way to survive, there would have been no way to infiltrate it. If the things found were the last It was still in vain, and it was difficult for everyone to accept this result.

Luo Zheng was anxious, Shi Qian and Cao Xi were equally anxious, but Ji Wu in the passage was not anxious anymore. Not only was he not anxious, he laughed excitedly, and quickly backed away. Everyone heard the laughter and felt nervous. Suddenly they relaxed and looked at Ji Wu who exited the passage, their eyes full of anticipation.

Ji Wu held the sword in a flower pattern, and the blade of the sword tore through the air, making a buzzing sound. The chill was overwhelming and made people palpitate. They involuntarily took two steps back and looked at the sword warily. Ji Wu flicked his wrist, and the sword The whole body trembled, and a clear dragon roar came out. The sound was not loud, but everyone present felt that it was very penetrating, as if it could pierce the eardrums. They were all shocked and involuntarily took two steps back again.

"So powerful, what's going on?" Shi Qian asked with a solemn expression.

"You see?" Shi Qian suddenly shook his wrist. This time he did not make a dragon roar, but his gestures were very fast. Everyone only saw Ji Wu's palm turned into an afterimage. Suddenly, his palm was loosened, and the sword was hanging in the air. It rotated as if it was not subject to gravity, and everyone was stunned to see it.

At this time, Ji Wu suddenly reached out and grabbed the sword, and he didn't know which mechanism he pressed. The hilt of the sword suddenly exploded with a dragon's sound, and an identical sword popped out, only slightly smaller. Ji Wu pulled out the sword, The hilt of the sword closed automatically, tightly, and intact. Everyone looked at it with shock on their faces. This mechanism was too delicate.

"The sword within the sword, is it really the Emperor's Sword?" Shi Qian shouted in surprise, looking at Ji Wu with intense eyes. Is this the legendary Emperor's Sword? I never thought I would see such a treasure in my lifetime.

Luo Zheng and Cao Xi also looked at Ji Wu with excitement, waiting for Ji Wu to confirm that this kind of treasure was worth it even if it wasn't. The sound pierced people's eardrums and disturbed people's minds. This was definitely the case during a battle. A big killer, Luo Zheng looked at Ji Wu and asked in a deep voice: "Tell everyone, is this the Emperor's Sword?"

"That's right, this is the Emperor's Sword. All its functions are exactly the same as those passed down from our ancestors. I didn't expect that I would be able to use the Emperor's Sword myself in this life. It's worth it, and it's worth dying." Ji Wu said excitedly, but his eyes rolled down. There were tears and excitement.

Luo Zheng could understand Ji Wu's mood. The Emperor's Sword has been guarded by ancestors for generations, but no one has seen it or used it. This feeling is hard to express. He learned that the guard was not a mausoleum, but a similar training base. The Emperor The sword was also missing, and Ji Wu was in an even worse mood. He had no shame in meeting his ancestors. But now it's fine. The Emperor's Sword is intact and has been found by everyone.

"Great." Shi Qian and Cao Xi also shouted excitedly, looking at the Tianzi Sword with fanatical eyes. If they weren't afraid to touch it, they would have rushed over to check it out.

Cao Xi walked up curiously, stared at the Emperor's Sword and asked in a deep voice: "This sword is completely black. It looks like the same color as the stone platform I found last time. The one on it seems to be a urn, right?"

"Yes, it is recorded in the classics that the Emperor's Sword kills too much. Emperor Xuanyuan asked an ancient wizard to carve these talismans in the hope of suppressing the murderous intent on the sword." Ji Wu explained excitedly, knowing that everyone was curious and wanted to take a look, but He couldn't touch it, so he put the sword horizontally in his hand for everyone to see.

Everyone looked at it curiously, praised it, and couldn't help but want to touch it, but they still held back. Shi Qian looked at the sword and said, "This thing has a cold air, it must be very sharp, right?"

"Try it, I don't know, the classics say it's very sharp." Ji Wu smiled and hid the other sword. After combining the two swords, he looked around with the sword and his eyes fell on the rotating arm. , the arms are thick and made of fine steel. Ji Wu smiled and said: "That's it."

As he spoke, Ji Wu moved his sword and slashed hard towards the handle. With a buzzing sound, the sword drew a black line and easily cut off the thick arm, as easy as cutting tofu. The blade was neat and the texture was clear. Everyone was stunned. I praised it. You should know that the handle is made of fine steel and is very hard.

"What a sword!" Luo Zheng admired sincerely. Although his Dragon Tooth Saber was also very sharp, when compared with this Emperor's Sword, it was decidedly superior.

"Hiss? It's really sharp and fierce. With this sword, you can kill seven in and seven out like Zhao Zilong. Who can stop you?" Shi Qian said with shock on his face.

Ji Wu was so excited that he didn't answer. Luo Zheng gradually regained his composure, looked at the sword and asked curiously: "Just now the sword shook and there was a roar of a dragon. This sound seemed to be able to pierce the eardrums and hurt the brain?"

"Yes, this is recorded in the classics. I just tried it a little bit, but I didn't expect that I could feel it inside. If the sound is louder, it can cause a brief shock to the brain and make people lose resistance. I don't know the specific reason. Maybe it's The magnetic field attack generated after the collision of matter and antimatter." Ji Wu explained happily.

"Magnetic field attack?" Cao Xi looked at Ji Wu in surprise and asked. Seeing Ji Wu nodding and shaking his head, he was obviously not sure, so he couldn't help but said: "Magnetic field attack is not unreasonable. The earth has a magnetic field, people also have magnetic fields, and so does the brain. Magnetic field, for example, two close people have telepathy? In the final analysis, the magnetic field of two people is the same, just like two frequencies are tuned together, each other can receive each other's information. If the magnetic field is wrong, it will be injured. The brain's magnetic field is inherently sensitive. It is fragile and more easily injured. The Emperor Sword has a strange material, perhaps containing antimatter elements. When it shakes, it can interfere with the magnetic field and even reverse the magnetic field, making it aggressive."

"It makes sense, but no matter what kind of attack it is, as long as it can kill the enemy, it will be easy to deal with. When I go to the battlefield in the future, I promise to keep a distance from you. By the way, how far is the magnetic field attack you mentioned?" Shi Qian asked excitedly road.

"I don't know about this. It should not be far away. This is the first time I have seen this sword in my life. According to ancient records, the louder the sound, the stronger the attack. But it shouldn't be more than two or three meters away, right?" Ji Wu Said uncertainly.

"That's good." Shi Qian smiled happily.

After receiving the Emperor's Sword and confirming that it was correct, Luo Zheng was in a good mood. Seeing that everyone had regained their composure, he immediately gave the order to retreat: "Okay, this time it's finally not in vain. Withdraw, it's time to find the god-level soldier king."

"Yes." Everyone agreed quickly and evacuated along the original route. Thinking of having the opportunity to join forces with the legendary god-level soldier king to fight against the Dark Church, everyone's expressions became firm.

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