The strongest soldier

Chapter 2184 Underground Infiltration

Five minutes later, everyone put on their headsets and left the hotel and took a taxi. On the way, Cao Xi called someone. Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped at an alley. Everyone got out of the car. Cao Xi looked at When he arrived at the black business car parked on the roadside in front, he immediately walked up. There was no one in the car and he kept the key. Cao Xi opened the trunk and took a look at it, then closed it immediately and gave everyone a sign to get in the car.

Luo Zheng knew that Cao Xi arranged for this car to be delivered by one of his people. The trunk of the car must be equipment, so he didn't ask any questions. As a commander, he should learn to trust and delegate power. He should ask about everything and interfere in everything. The people below If you don't know what to do, you won't be able to fight effectively.

Shi Qian drove, Cao Xi sat in the passenger seat, and Luo Zheng and Ji Wu sat in the back seat. Everyone was silent, paying attention to whether they were being followed. The business car drove forward for more than ten minutes, and after confirming that it was not being followed, Shi Qian immediately turned around, drove forward for a few minutes, and stopped next to a small manhole cover on the side of the road.

It was already late at night, and there were no pedestrians on the roadside. Cao Xi signaled everyone not to get out of the car yet. He took a detour and took out a package from the trunk of the car. It contained a flashlight and high-top waterproof shoes. He distributed them and everyone quickly put on the waterproof shoes. Zheng got out of the car and looked around. After making sure that no one was paying attention, he quickly opened the manhole cover and went down first with a flashlight. There were nails on the wall of the manhole. It was easy to step on them. Luo Zheng held the flashlight in his mouth and used it with his hands and feet. , and soon reached the bottom.

The bottom of the sewer pipe was very large, big enough for a person to walk upright. There was a foot of standing water, and the smell was overwhelming. Fortunately, there was still a little wind. There were a few mice running around in panic on the ground. Everyone climbed down one by one. The last one to come down was Shi Qian. When Shi Qian came down, he restored the manhole cover to its original state to avoid being discovered.

"Lanxing, can you listen to the sermon?" Luo Zheng tried the headset.

"The signal is clear, don't worry, this is the latest improved product. Thanks to the firewall source code given by the god-level soldier king last time, the technicians were inspired to improve the signal penetration and reception distance." Blue Star's The voice rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked at everyone, and everyone nodded knowingly to show that they could communicate through the channel. Luo Zheng was relieved. The sewer pipes are like a maze. Without anyone to guide you, you will definitely get lost. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Blue Star, guide us forward. Remember, if we lose contact after daybreak, tell Jackson the truth and I’m sure that bastard will be happy to come to the rescue.”

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly.

"Be careful." Lan Xue hurriedly warned, wishing she could rush to help immediately, but Blue Star represents the temporary command center, and protecting Blue Star is equally important. Gongsun Wu, who is walking out of the mountains for the first time, will definitely not be able to do it. If the command center is blocked, everyone will be completely trapped inside and have to guard against it.

Luo Zheng agreed and walked forward at Blue Star's reminder. He turned left and right for a while. It was very complicated. It would be impossible to find the way without someone to guide him. Everyone trotted forward and arrived at Blue Star's door about ten minutes later. When reminded, stop and look around.

After talking with Lan Xing and confirming the excavation location, Cao Xi signaled Ji Wu and Shi Qian to put down the package and took out a folding engineering shovel and a drill. The drill has a handle that one person can hold. There is a Behind the drill is the engine. The engine can be placed on the shoulder to push forward. It also has a battery.

Shi Qian quickly connected the drill to the battery and powered on, then carried the drill to drill on the cave wall. The drill bit had a thick arm and was about one meter long. The drilling speed was not fast, but it was extremely sharp. He easily drilled a hole in the cave wall. Then, Cao Xi Take out two blades from the package. Each blade is one foot long. There is also a sleeve. Shi Qian connected it and stuck it on the front end of the drill bit. Put the blades in and use them as drill bits, and continue along the hole that has been opened. drilling.

The blade was very sharp and had a certain angle. It cut the soil like a blower at a very fast speed. Luo Zheng was dumbfounded. He really had a specialty in the art. If he had used an engineer shovel, he would have used explosives, but it exploded. It will be exposed, which is not advisable.

It's fine now. The drill is very quiet and only needs a battery to drive it. The drilling efficiency is very high. The big blade moved out when it reached the bottom. Cao Xi picked up the engineering shovel and shoveled away the soil inside. One was two feet deep and one meter deep. The hole appeared. Shi Qian changed the small drill bit at Cao Xi's reminder. After drilling to the bottom, he took it out and changed the blade. Another hole was opened next to it. Cao Xi used an engineering shovel to easily break through the soil between the two holes. Suddenly it got a lot bigger, big enough for everyone to go in.

Shi Qian continued drilling. The inside was not like the outside, and two people could not work at the same time. Shi Qian stopped and took the engineer's shovel, shoveled out the drilled soil, and then continued digging. This was repeated. When tired, he changed people and continued, drilling in every time. It only takes twenty times for one meter or twenty meters, and forty times for two holes. The farther back you go, the harder it is to shovel out the soil, so the speed naturally slows down. Everyone gets in to help, and rows out layer by layer. soil.

Time passed unknowingly. After more than half an hour, a hard cement wall appeared in front of them. Everyone was overjoyed and knew that they had arrived at their destination. Shi Qian stepped forward and took a closer look at the cement wall, and whispered to Luo Zheng with a solemn expression. : "The reinforced concrete structure is very hard and will take some time."

"Change the drill bit." Cao Xi said in a deep voice beside him. He took out a small drill bit about the thickness of his thumb from his backpack, which was more than a foot long. He handed it to Shi Qian and said, "Even steel can be drilled. Slowly and gently." Click, be careful when the drill bit makes a sound and is exposed, after drilling to the bottom, replace it with the one just now."

Shi Qian went over and loaded up the drill. Cao Xi shoveled away the soil outside, carefully identified the wall, and pointed at a location to signal Shi Qian to start. Shi Qian was unambiguous and started drilling at the location. Although the drill bit was small, it was sharp. Extremely, I don’t know what material it is made of. The reinforced concrete wall is as fragile as tofu under the drill.

After drilling to the bottom, Shi Qian changed to a larger drill bit to enlarge the hole, then changed the blade to further expand the hole, and then replaced the small drill bit again and continued digging small holes. Soon, Shi Qian felt that the front was empty, and he was overjoyed and stopped quickly. He came down, slowly took out the drill bit, leaned over and took a look. Sure enough, the inside was empty, and there was light. He looked at the drill bit in surprise, then looked at the hole, estimated the thickness, it was about fifty centimeters thick, and whispered: "It's clear, fifty centimeters." After the break, there seems to be no movement inside, do you want to continue?"

"Let me take a look." Cao Xi whispered and took out a probe from the bag. The probe tube was long and could easily penetrate the small hole. The other end of the probe was connected to the mobile phone. Cao Xi opened the mobile phone program and a picture appeared on the screen. superior.

"What did you find?" Luo Zheng from behind asked curiously.

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