The strongest soldier

Chapter 2176 Found clues

Ancient clans were very powerful and united. A genealogy records the whole family's ins and outs in great detail. This clan culture phenomenon still exists today. The genealogy not only records the important events of the family, but also records the names of everyone. , unless the family is expelled, although Fenghuang Village has traced it afterwards, it does not know the true identity of the salesman and cannot find out his whereabouts, so it can only leave it alone. But Cao Xi is different. For people in the industry, it is not difficult to find the suspected target. Of course, Is it still necessary to seek confirmation?

Of course, Luo Zheng knew that the target was just a suspect and needed to be investigated. Although walking in ancient times required guidance, it was not impossible to commit crimes across borders, especially for tomb robbers, who did the business of removing heads. In order to make a fortune, they would die. Even if you are not afraid, what else can restrain you? But I finally have a goal.

Ten minutes later, the two gathered together with their belongings. Luo Zheng called a brother to help drive them to the airport. Blue Star booked the fastest flight for the two of them, and they arrived at the airport and waited for less than half an hour. The plane took off and arrived at its destination around eight o'clock that evening.

After leaving the airport, the two hailed a taxi and continued on their way. An hour later, they arrived at a small county town and went straight to the county public security bureau. The person in charge received a call from his superior and was waiting in the office. He was a man in his fifties. The middle-aged man, who was a little overweight and looked very shrewd, looked at the two of them curiously. Seeing that they were coming from an extraordinary place, he knew that his identity was not simple, so he didn't ask any more questions. He enthusiastically helped the two of them sit down and poured water himself.

After the person in charge confirmed the identity of the two people, he saw that they were in a hurry and looked worried. Without delay, he went straight to the topic and asked: "You two are more anxious, right? Just tell me what you need me to do."

"Thank you very much. There is Tangjiawan 30 kilometers away from the county seat, right?" Cao Xi asked bluntly.

"That's right, everyone in Tangjiawan is named Tang. It is said that they are a wealthy family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The folk customs are strong. Are you going to arrest people there? That may be a problem." The person in charge said quickly. It seems that the people who came through the public security system must be related to the case.

"Instead of arresting people, I want to see their genealogy, okay?" Cao Xi continued to ask.

"Genealogy?" The person in charge didn't expect that the two of them were actually looking at a family's genealogy. They were very curious, but they knew the rules and didn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. He thought about it and said, "This is not difficult. I'll make a call." He took out the phone number and dialed it. He spoke in local dialect, which Luo Zheng and Cao Xi couldn't understand.

After waiting for a while, the person in charge hung up the phone and said in surprise: "There is a person in Tangjiawan who is from the cultural bureau of our county and is responsible for compiling topography. He happens to have a set of genealogy there, which is quite complete. We will go to his house now. It has been agreed that he will be waiting at home."

"Then I'll excuse you." Cao Xi said politely.

"No need to bother, it's all for work." The person in charge said quickly and politely. The superiors had issued strict orders and they must cooperate fully no matter what they do. This means that the other party has a good background and the person in charge is not stupid and knows when to do it. Whatever you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are today.

Everyone walked out of the office building and went to the yard below. The person in charge personally drove out his car, an ordinary off-road jeep. Luo Zheng and Cao Xi got in the car. Everyone rushed out of the gate of the County Public Security Bureau and went onto the street. Due to the night, Because of the accident, there were no people in the small county town. The person in charge knew that Luo Zheng and Cao Xi were in a hurry and drove very fast.

Ten minutes later, the off-road vehicle arrived at a residential area. After parking, everyone got down. The person in charge led the way, and took the elevator to a unit building. After coming out, they rang the doorbell of a room. Soon, a five-year-old man came out. A sixty-year-old man came out to open the door, wearing glasses and looking like an old scholar, and enthusiastically welcomed everyone in.

Everyone came to the living room and sat down. The person in charge went straight to the topic and said: "Brother Hai, I'm sorry to bother you late at night. These two are staff sent by the superiors. They need to check the Tang family tree and operate in secret. Please keep it confidential. You shouldn't ask anyone else." Ask, you know the rules, please bring out the family tree."

"Okay, wait a minute." The other party agreed very politely, glanced at Luo Zheng and Cao Xi, walked to the back room, took out a stack of thread-bound books, put them on the coffee table and said, "They are basically all here, they are all reprints. , I wonder what you two want to check?"

"The one from five hundred years ago is also here?" Cao Xi asked in a deep voice, but did not turn over it immediately.

"Five hundred years ago?" The other party was shocked and looked at Cao Xi curiously.

The person in charge of the nearby county public security bureau quickly said: "If you have it, take it out."

The other party pulled out a thick book from it. Cao Xi took it and looked through it. Who was the ancestor of the Tang family? In what year did they settle in Tangjiawan? What were the names of the following children? It was clear to Cao Xi. He was very familiar with this genealogy, and after flipping through it skillfully, he actually found a person named Tang San on it.

The genealogy not only records the name, date of birth, and time of death, but also a brief biography of the individual. Tang San's record is very simple, with only two lines: "Trade business, raise a son." Hongshang is a businessman who travels around the world, commonly known as a salesman. He sells small goods such as needles, threads, and brains all over the world. Cao Xi knows very well that this is just a cover to hide his identity. It is a method used by a family of tomb robbers. No one will write his life history in the family tree. "Graverobber".

An expert in the doorway, Cao Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the word "Xingshang", knowing that he had found the right one, and then found the other party's son. There is a record below. He followed Tang San's son and searched down, and there were more children later. But Cao Xi is an expert and only cares about the eldest son. This is the clan rule and the family property is passed on to the eldest son.

After tracing all the way, although there are many branches and leaves, Cao Xi always adheres to the principle of the eldest son and checks down from generation to generation. After reading the total score, he looks at the branch genealogy, which is a family tree that lists a certain branch separately. The family tree is the composition of the family tree. Partially, but what is recorded is the children under a certain house, and those in brothers' houses are not recorded.

Cao Xi investigated one by one and never said what he was investigating. The person in charge of the county public security bureau was very curious and wanted to ask several times, but he finally held back and signaled the owner not to ask any more questions. After ten minutes, Cao Xi found out the latest generation. I secretly jotted down a few names and basic information, and then said to the person in charge: "Excuse me, we didn't find the information we wanted. It's getting late, let's evacuate first."

"That's fine. The county government has a guest house. It's too late. How about staying here first?" the person in charge said politely.

"No, please arrange a car to take us to the city." Cao Xi said politely, but in a firm tone.

Seeing that Cao Xi was eager to leave, Luo Zheng obviously found something. It's hard to say here. He was secretly happy. Seeing that Cao Xi was eager to leave, the person in charge of the County Public Security Bureau agreed and said that he would drive there himself. Everyone said goodbye to the owner of the house and left. The owner of the house was confused and didn't know why.

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