The strongest soldier

Chapter 2171 Discovering clues

After eating and drinking, Luo Zheng handed over the troops to Ghost Hands, took Lan Xue and Sanji and followed Ji Wen to a house. The house was large and looked like an ancestral hall. There were shrines, tablets, and candles. Wen burned a stick of incense, knelt down on the futon with Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu, and kowtowed three times solemnly. Then he got up, lit three incense sticks and handed them to Luo Zheng. Out of respect, Luo Zheng took them. He stepped forward and solemnly placed the incense in the incense burner.

Afterwards, everyone sat in a group on a wooden bench nearby. Luo Zheng looked around at the houses. They were all made of stone. They were tall, spacious, and clean. Apparently they were often cleaned. When he heard Ji Wen cough slightly, he looked away. He looked at Ji Wen and said, "Senior, I know you are eager to know the truth. Let your son tell you."

"Okay, you can speak it in Mandarin." Ji Wen said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ji Wu quickly agreed and told everything that happened in the underground world in detail. Ji Wen planned to ask a few questions from time to time, and after talking for about half an hour, he finally told the truth. Ji Wen.

When Ji Wen heard that his ancestors were not guarding the mausoleum, and the Emperor's Sword was nowhere to be seen, his face suddenly turned ugly. If someone else had said this, Ji Wen would not believe it to death, but he said it from his own perspective When his son said it, Ji Wen believed that his son would not lie about such a big matter. However, Ji Wen preferred Ji Wu to lie. All of this was false. The mausoleum really existed, and the Emperor's Sword was also there.

For a while, Ji Wen remained sullen and silent. Luo Zheng understood Ji Wen's mood, but it was difficult to enlighten him about this kind of thing. After waiting patiently for a while, seeing Ji Wen's expression soften a bit, he said in a deep voice: "Senior. , the forest is densely filled with poisonous gas and poisonous scorpions are plundering. No one can easily enter the underground. We found two robbery holes, maybe more, but the Emperor's Sword should have disappeared five hundred years ago, so I would like to ask you to check Check the family tree and see if there are any special records from five hundred years ago."

"What do you mean?" Ji Wen was so sophisticated that he immediately guessed what Luo Zheng meant. He looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding, his face darkened and he was about to get angry. Who could allow outsiders to tarnish their ancestors? After thinking about it, what Luo Zheng said was not unreasonable. No one can easily enter the underground. Who can guarantee what happened five hundred years ago?

Ji Wen hesitated, pondered for a moment and then said, "Okay, I'll check, just wait." After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the shrine. He knelt down and kowtowed respectfully again, muttering something as if he was apologizing.

After a while, Ji Wen stood up and moved a tablet on the shrine. There was a roar, and a stone wall turned over, revealing a dark room inside. The dark room was lit by candlelight. Everyone couldn't see inside from where they were. It was a clan secret, so they all wisely turned away to avoid suspicion.

Soon, Ji Wen took out a thread-bound ancient book from inside, closed the darkroom, walked to sit next to Luo Zheng, and said in a deep voice: "Things that happened five hundred years ago are all recorded on bamboo slips and sheepskin. In this book, please wait a moment, Ji Wu, arrange some tea, I need some time to search."

"Yes." Ji Wu went out immediately, and everyone waited patiently. After a few minutes, Ji Wu came over with tea, and everyone continued to wait while drinking tea.

Luo Zheng glanced at Ji Wen who was reading the classics carefully from time to time, and his heart became heavy. If this clue was also broken, the matter would be more complicated. The matter was so important that there was no rush. Everyone was waiting patiently, and they were not in the mood to talk. , the room was quiet, and a depressing atmosphere spread.

An hour later, Ji Wen flipped through the entire book and didn't see anything suspicious. He looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and shook his head. After thinking about it, he handed the book to Luo Zheng and said, "You should also take a look. Bar."

Normally, Luo Zheng would never touch this kind of book, but now the matter involves national security and is closely related to him, so he took the book and read it, and found that the records in the book were very detailed, what happened in which year, The words were concise and concise, but the facts were clear. Luo Zheng looked at it carefully and did not miss any details.

An hour later, Luo Zheng finished reading the entire book. According to the time records above, major events in Fenghuang Village between 400 years ago and 600 years ago were recorded in detail in the book. For a full two hundred years, if the Emperor's Sword is really It was taken away five hundred years ago, so we should be able to find clues from this book.

However, the things recorded above have nothing to do with the Emperor's Sword. Luo Zheng closed the book, closed his eyes and meditated. The things he saw reappeared in his mind one by one, like a movie. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng was thinking, but they didn't. Excuse me, wait quietly.

After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly felt a flash of inspiration and was attracted by one of the things. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it made sense. He quickly opened the book, found the place where the thing was recorded, read it again, and then handed it to Ji Wen. He said in a deep voice: "Senior, let's take a look again. Maybe there is something to say."

Ji Wen took it and looked at it. It recorded that a young patriarch of the Gongsun tribe was unwilling to abide by the ancestral precepts and married a young patriarch of the Ji tribe. Instead, he fell in love with a young salesman who went into the mountains to sell goods, and eloped with him. , when they were discovered, the two of them had disappeared. This incident became a shame for the Gongsun clan. The young clan leader eloped with others. It was considered a major event and was recorded to serve as a warning to future generations.

"What do you mean?" Ji Wenren, an old man, immediately guessed what Luo Zheng meant and couldn't help asking in a deep voice. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding knowingly, Ji Wen also began to think deeply and frowned. Everyone looked at it inexplicably, but No one could ask questions, so they all waited patiently.

After a while, Ji Wen looked at Luo Zheng with firm eyes and said in a deep voice: "Your guess is very reasonable. I will investigate this matter immediately. Maybe there are other records in the classics. You guys can rest here for a while." Late, we’ll leave tomorrow, Ji Wu, make arrangements for everyone’s accommodation.”

"Yes." Ji Wu quickly agreed.

After Ji Wen finished explaining, he knelt down at the shrine again, kowtowed solemnly and muttered something, and then locked himself in a dark room. Luo Zheng knew that Ji Wen was going to check the classics all night long, so he followed Ji Wu out of the room and followed Ji Wu towards the house. Walking to the yard where the troops were settled, Ji Wu asked curiously: "What exactly did you find?"

"You'd better ask your father. This is a matter within your clan. As an outsider, I can't say anything." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Okay." Ji Wu didn't force it. He took everyone to the yard to settle down and left in a hurry.

Luo Zheng knew that Ji Wu was going to find his father, so he did not stop him. He took everyone to an empty room in the yard to sit down. There were simple furniture in the room. Everyone was not a particular person, so they sat casually. Looking at Luo Zheng, Lan Xue curiously asked what everyone was thinking: "What did you see in the classics?"

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