The strongest soldier

Chapter 2157 Negotiation failed

Cao Xi became angry as soon as he heard this. He was scolded for his kindness in helping me, and his temper was also rising. He scolded angrily, "Don't threaten me. I warned you a long time ago that you didn't listen. Now I know it's too late to regret it. If you argue again, I will reward you directly." You guys have a few grenades." You are full of gangsterism. As a former Jianghu man and the new person in charge of Cao Clan, Cao Xi knew exactly how to talk to the people below.

"Everyone, stop arguing." Wang Er shouted in a deep voice: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"First tell me who your employer is." Cao Xi also regained his composure and asked. As long as he finds his employer and follows the clues, he might be able to gain something. As a talented woman with a high IQ, Cao Xi is not stupid. He knows that Luo Zheng What are you most concerned about? Ask for it.

The underground passage became quiet, and Cao Xi continued to shout: "Why, do you want to keep it a secret?"

"You are also a member of the Jianghu. You know the rules of the Jianghu and never betray your employer." Wang Er shouted in a deep voice.

"As expected of the King of Jiangnan, a living dead man who abides by the rules is very good." Cao Xi praised him, but suddenly the conversation changed and became stern, and he shouted in a deep voice: "If you don't tell, the Wang family will be suspected of treason, you know How big a crime is treason?"

"Stop scaring me. Isn't it just a tomb robbery? I'm sentenced to life, so why don't you come too? Everyone is the same, don't scare anyone." Wang Er snorted with disdain.

"It seems that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. I originally thought that Mr. Wang was a person and very smart, but now it seems that he is extremely pedantic. Well, my aunt will open the window and speak frankly." Cao Xi cursed angrily and took a deep breath. After a breath, he organized his words and continued: "The people who hired you are enemies of the country. Didn't you find that they are well-equipped and powerful in combat, and they are all regular troops? This is not a commercial hire, it is a hire by an enemy country. The rules of the world are not allowed. You betrayed the country and the nation, and you still have the nerve to talk about the rules of the world?"

"What? It's an enemy country, are you sure?" Wang Er's horrified voice sounded underground.

"When did you ever hear that my aunt likes to talk nonsense?" Cao Xi said dissatisfied.

"That's right, the nine-tailed fox in the world is cautious in his words and deeds, and he keeps his word." Wang Er said in a deep voice, with a bit of bitterness, and continued to ask: "What happened to you? Did you kill them all? Why not?" Yes, didn’t you promise not to wade into this muddy water? What do you mean?”

"I said I won't wade into this muddy water. I will keep my word and will never take action. But those words were released as Cao Clan. Now I am talking to you as a national soldier. Do you understand? "Cao Xi said disdainfully.

"When did you become a national soldier?" Wang Er shouted in surprise. Cao Xi did not answer, waiting for the other party to digest what he just said. After a while, Wang Er shouted bitterly: "I understand, I understand everything, employer It’s a hostile country, and we were taken advantage of. We originally wanted to exploit the gangsters, but we didn’t expect to hire even more gangsters. But the country found out about this, and sent troops to encircle and suppress them all, and killed them all. Am I right?”

"Yes, Mr. Wang is not in vain. The crimes you committed are enough to kill them all underground. Don't forget that we are soldiers, not police. We will not shout a warning before shooting. This is a battlefield. You are enemies, and there is only one word for treating enemies, kill—" Cao Xi shouted coldly.

"I understand, thank you to the nine-tailed fox for coming forward and fighting for a way out for us." Wang Er said quickly, with a hint of gratitude.

"I didn't tell you how to survive. The leader wants to attack directly. I just gave you a chance. It's up to you whether you can seize it or not." Cao Xi said coldly.

"Tell me, what do you need us to do?" Wang Er shouted quickly.

"Yes, whatever you need us to do, just ask us." Someone inside echoed, showing surprise.

"It's easy to say, you lead the way and don't play tricks. If you really don't have anything after you go in, you will come out and hand it over to the local government. Whether you live or die depends on your fate. At least you don't have to die in the wilderness." Cao Xi shouted.

"No, leaving it to the government will mean death. Brothers, don't listen to her nonsense. It's so big down there, and there's a jungle outside. You can just dig a hole wherever you want. With the methods of the brothers, it won't be a problem to escape." Suddenly one person suddenly shouted urgently.

"Yes, promise them no way out, don't forget there are murders under your hands." Someone else shouted loudly.

Soon, there were more voices of opposition. Those who came out were not fools. There was a murder case on their hands. Regardless of the military or the local area, the result was the same, a dead end. Everyone strongly opposed it, but Wang Er was different. His family was powerful. Even if it was handed over to the government, he could be sure to fish it out. The worst he could do was change his nationality. However, there were too many objections, and Wang Er did not dare to openly suppress him, otherwise he would get angry.

Cao Xi saw that these people were stubborn and could not be saved. He stood up slowly, looked at Luo Zheng and shook his head with a wry smile. He said mockingly: "Boss, I was wrong. I overestimated their nature. Forget it. Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor. Since they chose the road of death, we can't blame them."

"It doesn't matter if you experience this kind of thing once, at least you won't be so kind again in the future. Don't forget that this is a war. I won't give you a chance if similar situations happen in the future. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I understand, I won't make similar mistakes again." Cao Xi said awkwardly.

Cao Xi is not a real soldier. He still has many martial arts habits and ordinary people's thinking. Luo Zheng wants to slowly train Cao Xi through some things. This incident has a great impact on Cao Xi. He is far from a qualified soldier. The Predator took another step closer, stopped blaming, and sneered: "Since they are looking for death, we can't be blamed. You don't have to blame yourself. You should think about what they will do next, right?"

"They just mentioned that the underground is very big. If that's the case, they will dig a hole upwards from the inside, find a place to crawl out, like mice, then hide in the woods, and find a place to run away." Cao Xi said quickly. .

At this time, Lan Xue and others trotted up. Everyone asked about the situation curiously. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and briefly explained the situation. Shi Qian looked at Cao Xi and scolded: "You, you just care about the friendship between Jianghu, but you don't know that others I don’t appreciate it at all. There are murder cases involved. Wang Er may be able to survive, but what about the others? They are not stupid, so they will naturally not agree. What can Wang Er do on his own? If he dares to object, he will definitely be killed. in."

"I know." Cao Xi said shyly.

"Well, some things have to be experienced. This is the process of growing up. I believe Cao Xi will be less scholarly and more passionate in the future. Anyway, there is no loss. This matter ends here." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Shi Qian couldn't bear to blame Cao Xi. He was just pretending to tell Luo Zheng not to be angry. After hearing Luo Zheng's words, he couldn't help but feel grateful and said quickly: "Thank you, head!"

"You, we are all brothers of life and death, no more tricks." Luo Zheng said dissatisfied.

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