The strongest soldier

Chapter 2153 Who is the fisherman?

Luo Zheng didn't have time to tell Ji Wu that there were other people around. When Ji Wu heard the news, he was stunned for a moment, and soon regained his composure. He didn't take these people seriously. Under the power of nature, No matter how many people there are, it will be in vain. Luo Zheng smiled understandingly and didn't take it to heart. Even without the power of nature, this is within the territory. How can we still be afraid of a few armed men?

Everyone hid in place and waited, chatting. Unknowingly, it was noon. Blue Star's announcement came from the headset. The two forces stopped a thousand meters away from the camp. The reason was unknown. Everyone ate some dry food and continued to wait. Then, in the afternoon, excited shouts suddenly came from the valley ahead.

Luo Zheng was startled, quickly stood up, raised his telescope and took a look. Many tomb robbers gathered in an underground passage to watch, excited. Suddenly, many tomb robbers pulled out their sharp blades and rushed towards the armed men. A dozen armed men gathered in Together, they were well prepared, picked up their guns and started shooting, knocking down more than a dozen tomb robbers in one breath.

When the tomb robbers saw that the other party was prepared, they dispersed and fired back. More than a dozen armed men quickly retreated to the west. However, the firepower of the tomb robbers was also very fierce. Half of them were knocked down, and the remaining half escaped. Some of the tomb robbers As they pursued, more tomb robbers cheered, as if they had won a battle.

Luo Zheng and others watched the two forces on the hillside, and they couldn't help laughing. Luo Zheng even whispered disdainfully: "Cao Xi, these tomb robbers are ruthless enough, and their methods are good. They dare to risk their lives, but in the end They are quacks who have failed to keep up with the times and don’t know that the oriole is behind them.”

"Yes, these people are considered masters in the world of tomb robbers. They are all worth a lot of money, but they just can't let go of the word greedy. They only know the things in the Tao and don't know how to keep pace with the times. How old are they? Everything will be fine for the team behind them. Little did they know that satellites have been invented in this world, and all their actions are controlled by their opponents. The dozen or so people were obviously on guard, but they didn't notice it and were still complacent. After this battle, the world of tomb robbers was It will be many years to be clean." Cao Xi said a little lonely, after all, they are colleagues, so he couldn't bear it.

"They are all scum in the world of tomb robbers. Don't worry about them." Shi Qian comforted him from the side.

"You're right." Cao Xi was startled, then realized and said with a smile, "I was the one caught in the act."

"The entrance has been opened, and the tomb robbers have also killed another group of people. There will be a good show next, so please wait." Luo Zheng said with a smile, indicating that everyone should not be anxious.

"The people from the east are coming up, and the people from the west are coming up too." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"It's interesting. The fun is about to begin." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone also heard Lan Xing's words through the earphones. Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu didn't know what was going on and asked, but also showed mocking looks. Everyone hid quietly on the hillside, waiting for the two tigers to fight. It didn't take long. , the people from the east arrived first and joined the tomb robbers. Then, what Luo Zheng and others did not expect was that the group rushed up and suddenly started shooting at the previous tomb robbers.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. He quickly raised his telescope and soon found that only Wang Er was standing still among the tomb robbers. He looked at the tomb robbers around him with a proud face as they fell into a pool of blood one by one. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng Who didn't know how vicious Wang Er was, he actually continued to take advantage of others and wanted to monopolize them all.

"Is this Wang Er very powerful?" Luo Zheng handed the binoculars to Cao Xi and asked.

Cao Xi didn't know what was going on, so he quickly took the telescope and started observing it. After looking at it for a while, his expression changed drastically. He handed the telescope back to Luo Zheng and said with a bitter smile: "The Wang family has been inherited for hundreds of years. On the surface, they are engaged in business and politics. They are rich and powerful. , they are called the King of Jiangnan on the road, that is, the king of the entire Jiangnan, but behind the scenes they are indeed a family of tomb robbers, and the wealth accumulated by more than ten generations is amazing."

"No wonder, he is so rich and powerful. It is not a problem to hire gunmen and support thugs. He is too smart and confused for a while. He is too hasty and starts killing before he gets the things. I want to see how he deals with those armed men and whether he is still behind the times. That's it." Luo Zheng said teasingly.

"Yeah, it's a common thing for gangsters to do on the road. Wang Er himself didn't do anything. His fault was that he didn't understand his employer and the truth behind the whole thing. He still acted in the same old way. I guess he will die with his eyes open in a while. ." Cao Xi said with some emotion.

"Da da da -" As soon as he finished speaking, intensive gunshots came from the west.

Luo Zheng quickly raised his telescope and looked, only to see countless firepower from the west rushing up in a semi-encirclement formation. This was a posture to catch all the tomb robbers. His marksmanship was precise. The tomb robbers on the periphery fell to the ground one after another. In the blink of an eye, ten people were lost. Several people, when the tomb robbers reacted, countless armed men rushed up to kill them.

"A fight started?" Everyone looked at this scene in surprise and smiled excitedly. It doesn't matter which group of people dies, it doesn't matter which group of people dies. It has nothing to do with everyone. It's best if they all die.

Gunfire was like rain in the valley ahead, and two groups of people fought fiercely. Perhaps aware of the danger, the tomb robbers also aroused their ferocity and fired back one after another. However, more armed men rushed up from the west, each with precise shooting skills and more They kept throwing grenades over, causing the tomb robbers to tremble with fear.

Luo Zheng watched this scene carefully and found that there were at least nearly a hundred armed men with unknown origins but strong fighting power. They quickly surrounded the tomb robbers. They cooperated tacitly, advanced and retreated in a well-organized manner, and soon defeated the tomb robbers. All the people on the outside were shot dead, and the encirclement began to shrink.

Not long after, most of the tomb robbers were killed and wounded. The armed men suddenly stopped firing. Luo Zheng was startled when he suddenly heard someone shouting in the woods in the valley: "Wang Er, you dare to take advantage of others. You are brave enough. Now I will give you two choices. First, take us in, crack the mechanism inside, let you live when we come out, and the balance of the commission will still be settled, and second, kill you all."

In the woods, Wang Er looked at this scene with a cold face. He thought he was an oriole, but he didn't expect that there was a fisherman. He was careless. Seeing countless good fishermen being killed, he was so despairing that he wanted to kill himself by swallowing a bullet. But when he thought about it, After his death, everyone here will be the same. The family's strength will be greatly reduced. It is better to take a chance. Anyway, it is death. Maybe there will be a chance after entering. Thinking of this, Wang Er's self-confidence surged up again and shouted: "Choose the first one." one."

When entering the mausoleum, it's not whoever has the weapon in his hand who is the boss. Wang Er made his own calculations, but he didn't know that the other party seemed to know his stuff, and shouted: "All your people, go in and clear the way in front."

Wang Er's face froze, and he looked blankly at his subordinates who suffered heavy casualties. He rushed forward fiercely. After entering the mausoleum, he still didn't know who would win. He shouted: "Brothers, come in with me. No matter what, you will die. Give it a try."

Anyone who dared to rob a tomb was extremely bold, and no one was stupid. They all understood the implication of Wang Er's words, agreed one after another, and walked towards the underground passage.

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