The strongest soldier

Chapter 2137 Following all the way

As a passionate soldier, Lan Xue would never allow himself to watch the people suffer. On his first day as a soldier, Lan Xue swore an oath in front of the military flag. The second sentence in the oath was to serve the people wholeheartedly. Over the years, Lan Xue has transformed this sentence The words were engraved in his heart and he used his life to fulfill and defend them. Luo Zheng did the same. He glanced at Lan Xue with understanding and said in a deep voice: "The person must be saved, but the past will only make things worse."

"I know, I just looked anxious and asked you if there was anything I could do." Lan Xue whispered.

"It's not enough to create chaos. These tomb robbers are very nervous. They are all soldiers. If there is any disturbance, they will get into trouble and hurt the villagers. Wait for a while and find a suitable opportunity. If not, do it at night." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. , looked at the dense forest ahead and thought deeply, do these tomb robbers know where the tomb is?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately whispered through the headset: "Cao Xi, these bastards walked in a straight line without going around. Do they know where their destination is? What is your judgment?"

"I also have this feeling. Those tomb robbers must not know the location of the tomb, otherwise they would have done it long ago, and they would still have to wait until today. Could it be that the Dark Church knows the specific location, and those tomb robbers are only responsible for cracking the mechanism and sending people to the Dark Church Go in? Don’t forget that the Dark Church is an ancient church from more than 2,000 years ago, and it probably has a lot of things at its disposal." Cao Xi analyzed in a deep voice.

"You are thinking the same thing as me. Once they arrive at their destination, will the tomb robbers take advantage of them?" Luo Zheng continued to ask in a deep voice.

"It is entirely possible. I paid attention and found that someone left signs along the way. It is very simple and inconspicuous. Only an expert can understand it. I suspect there are more tomb robbers following behind." Cao Xi said.

"Lanxing, watch the tail behind you." Luo Zheng warned through the headset.

"Understood." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

Everyone rested on the spot for about ten minutes and ate some dry food. The little wolf in charge of the investigation in front sent a message and the target began to move. Everyone also continued to move forward, stopping and walking along the way. The villagers holding the chickens did not resist. Opportunity, the women's army following them had no intention of taking action. The three forces maintained restraint and kept pushing forward, waiting for the best opportunity.

We walked and stopped all the way, and before we knew it, at dusk, everyone came to a hillside and hid in the dense forest to rest. In front of the hillside was an open valley with dense woods and a river winding around it. The tomb robbers stopped in the canyon. After resting and looking ready to set up camp, Luo Zheng hid in a place with a better view and raised his binoculars.

While observing, Cao Xi walked up with a solemn face and whispered: "I paid attention to the surrounding terrain, and the valley in front is actually the "Nine Dragons Gathering"."

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked curiously as he didn't understand Feng Shui at all.

"There is a saying in the world of tomb robbers, called Qinling Hanpo, which means that people before the Qin Dynasty were buried on the mountains, and after the Han Dynasty they were buried on the hillsides. After that, people pay attention to the Feng Shui sand cave pattern, and there are more rules. However, the Qin and Han Dynasties did not pay much attention to it. As for the tombs before the Qin Dynasty, there are not many written records handed down, and some are ambiguous. According to my family’s classic records, it is said that in the tribal era before the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the tombs paid attention to the method of formation┅┅ "Cao Xi explained carefully.

"I don't understand you at all. Tell me something I can understand." Luo Zheng interrupted in a deep voice.

"Huh? Well, the tribal era is the age of mythology. You know Fengshen Yanyi. People in that era paid attention to the method of 'formation'. 'formation' is the source of the later evolution of Feng Shui. They pay attention to pattern, layout, etc., and 'position' It is even more profound and is not understood by future generations and has not been passed down. Some people say that 'shi' is the secret of the natural movement of heaven and earth┅┅" Cao Xi quickly explained as simply as possible.

But Luo Zheng still didn't understand, and was confused. He smiled bitterly and said, "Can it be simpler?"

"Let's put it this way, look at the valley in front of you. Is it round? Also, look around the valley. Are there nine peaks? Each peak is connected to a mountain range. The mountains are different in size and undulating, like nine dragons. Generally, the dragon's head faces the valley, and the circular valley is like the sun. This kind of mountain formation is natural and very rare. As long as you follow the trend and bury people in the valley, who would dare to enjoy this kind of 'power'?" Cao Xi explained.

Luo Zheng understood somewhat after hearing this, and asked: "Does it mean that the ancients did not make their own arrangements, but looked for a kind of mountain topography, and then followed the trend to bury people?"

"Yes, there should be no systematic Feng Shui tombology in the tribal era. This was developed later. However, the ancients also had their own considerations, such as looking for places with mountain trends and natural formations. To put it simply, they are looking for places with natural formations. Ready-made ones were used wherever they seemed rare or extraordinary, and then a system was gradually formed." Cao Xi explained seriously.

"If this is the case, then the tomb should be at the bottom of the valley, and the reason why those tomb robbers are camping is that they are making final preparations. It will be dark soon. These people should not start all night long and wait for dawn. Look. Come on, we have to do something." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"By the way, there are so many valleys. It's not easy to dig. Can you find the specific location of the tomb?" Lan Xue suddenly asked in a low voice from the side.

"Nine Dragons Gathering, Tai Chi Halo, True Dragon Cave, to put it simply, under this kind of mountain, when dragon energy gathers in the valley, a cave will be born. On the surface of the cave, there must be five circles of different shades and colors. The color is just like the outer periphery of the sun, with different layers of colors, different shades, and dazzling. This place is full of vitality and aura. It is a real dragon's lair. It is the place where the emperor belongs. In ancient times, such a place could only be enjoyed by the emperor. Someone used it secretly in the Ming Dynasty, and as a result, the entire family was executed by the Yellow Emperor," Cao Xi explained.

"You mean there is such a place in the valley? If it is true, then it is really easy to find this Tai Chi Halo. The soil on the ground is colorful. Do those tomb robbers also understand this?" Luo Zheng caught Cao Xi keenly. The key point in the words could not help but be asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, these are just common sense. Most knowledgeable people know it. They must also know it. Now it depends on whether Xuanyuan in the tribal era was buried according to this rule, and whether those tomb robbers will find out. After all, they have selfish motives. It’s impossible to tell people from the Dark Church easily,” Cao Xi reminded.

"That's right, as long as they don't tell us, our chance will come. And it's hard to identify the color of the soil at night. We can only wait until tomorrow. Tonight is the last chance to act. We can't delay it any longer. Let's eat some dry food and take the time to rest. Do it tonight." Luo Zheng said coldly, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

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