The strongest soldier

Chapter 2134 Weird Poisonous Scorpion

Everyone has seen a lot of dead people, and it is not surprising that people die on the battlefield, but the strangeness of death is different. Luo Zheng does not dare to move forward until he understands it, lest his own people are also poisoned. Shi Qian knows the power of this, and dare not Carelessly, he carefully observed the wound for a while, his face became serious, he pulled out the tiger fang saber and gently cut open the wound, and squeezed out a needle-like object from inside.

"What is it?" Luo Zheng came up to observe in surprise.

Shi Qian did not dare to touch the needle-like object, so he carefully picked it up with a tiger-tooth saber. After carefully identifying it, he said in a deep voice: "It looks like a poisonous needle. There are two possibilities for this poisonous needle, one is a poisonous bee, and a poisonous bee The needle remains in the body after stinging a person, and there is also a poisonous scorpion. After the poisonous scorpion stings a person, the tail needle breaks inside the finger for some reason."

"No matter what it is, it's not good for us. Look at the other one." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll do it." Shi Qian agreed, and quickly searched for the wounds of the other corpse. It looked like death, with the whole body black and no obvious wounds. Shi Qian took off the other body's clothes and finally found it above the ankle bone. A small hole was cut open and the poisonous needle was not found.

This result made Shi Qian's expression change drastically. He quickly looked at Luo Zheng and said, "If it's a poisonous bee, there should be poisonous needles in it. The poisonous bees will definitely break the poisonous needles when they kill people. There is no poisonous needle here, which means that the poisonous needle is more likely. Big, poisonous scorpions are more difficult to deal with than poisonous bees, we are in trouble."

"No wonder those people left in a hurry." Luo Zheng's face changed slightly and he began to think deeply.

"Poisonous scorpions? That's right. The air pressure here is very low and cool, which is suitable for the growth of poisonous scorpions. There may be many around. We must speed up and pass through this valley. Everyone, please be careful where you step." Cao Xi He reminded urgently, while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"Xixissuosuo——" Suddenly, there was a slight sound in front, as if something was crawling. Everyone's hearing was good, and they looked up warily. The dense forest in front was quiet, and nothing could be seen. Everyone was surprised and confused. He looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for orders, and tightened his grip on the weapon.

Luo Zheng also heard a slight noise, raised his binoculars to observe, and suddenly found many poisonous scorpions in front of him, each one the size of a fist, running quickly from all directions, and seemed to be followed by more, all dark in color, with their scorpions raised high. But the tail is red, like a big flag, which makes me look majestic and menacing.

"No, it's poisonous scorpions." Luo Zheng's face changed drastically, and he quickly warned: "There are too many, so we can't rush over directly. Everyone retreats quickly to avoid the poisonous scorpions."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard this, and they all turned around and ran away. After Luo Zheng stopped, he put down his binoculars and raised the weapons in his hands vigilantly. He saw dozens of venomous scorpions rushing up, running very fast on the ground. Although you can hit with a gun, there are too many poisonous scorpions. Shooting them will only waste ammunition and expose everyone's whereabouts, so you can't shoot.

Luo Zheng quickly retreated, more than twenty meters away, and saw the poisonous scorpions rushing towards the two corpses. They quickly piled up the corpses and did not pursue them. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng immediately understood that these The poisonous scorpion came for the corpse, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

Generally speaking, scorpions have very poor eyesight and basically have no ability to search, track, hunt, or detect targets at long distances. They mainly detect targets by sensing air vibrations caused by the activities of small insects around them, so they are very sensitive to house flies that move very quickly. It has a strong predatory ability, but its predatory ability is relatively poor for the relatively slow-moving rat woman. How do these scorpions travel long distances to find corpses?

For safety reasons, Luo Zheng knew that he should evacuate, but out of curiosity, Luo Zheng decided to stay. Seeing that Luo Zheng refused to leave, others also returned one after another, looking at this scene with shocked faces, Luo Zheng turned his heart to The question was answered softly, and Cao Xi immediately added: "The climate here is weird, and there is no guarantee that some species we don't know about will not appear. Do you remember the corpse rat and the golden-scaled snake? This kind of poisonous scorpion is larger and has a black body. , the tail is red, and it looks extraordinary at first glance, I am afraid it is also a mutated species."

"Mutation?" Luo Zheng looked at Cao Xi in surprise.

"Yes, maybe these poisonous scorpions are tomb-guarding beasts, similar to corpse rats and golden-scaled snakes. They have been specially fed and mutated due to other reasons, and have certain functions, especially toxicity. Although poisonous scorpions are poisonous, But it won't poison everyone into blackness, there is something weird in it." Cao Xi analyzed solemnly.

"All things are in conflict with each other, including poisonous scorpions. Is there any way to restrain them?" Shi Qian asked.

"These poisonous scorpions are not ordinary, let me think about it." Cao Xi said in a deep voice, frowning and thinking, everyone remained silent and observed the surroundings vigilantly. From time to time, he glanced at the corpse wrapped in the poisonous scorpions, which was shrinking. It looks weird like a deflated balloon.

"Have you noticed in the village that there are many roosters crowing for breakfast, and the sound is loud and powerful?" Cao Xi said suddenly.

Everyone thought for a while and found that there was indeed a rooster crowing. They all nodded. Cao Xi continued to add in surprise: "That's right, roosters can restrain poisonous scorpions. There are so many poisonous scorpions in the village. It is obvious that they know the existence of poisonous scorpions. Raising chickens can prevent scorpions." , a good method, this is enough to show that the poisonous scorpion is the mausoleum guardian beast, and the people in the village are the mausoleum guardians. The poisonous scorpion hurts people, and raising chickens to protect themselves is really smart."

"You mean we get a few roosters here?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Since poisonous scorpions are mausoleum-guarding beasts, they are not just here, but there should be many more, including inside the mausoleum. It is difficult for us alone to prevent the sudden attack of these little things. Once stung, you will definitely die. There is a rooster. It can play a certain degree of defense and early warning role. The rooster is the natural enemy of the poisonous scorpion and it is beneficial to us. It is up to you to decide how to do it." Cao Xi looked at Luo Zheng and suggested.

"Going back to get the rooster will waste time, and people in the village will find it, which is difficult to handle." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Suddenly he heard gunshots coming from the front. The sound was a bit far away, but very dense. He couldn't help but his face darkened and he stood up. When you open your ears, you can hear various weapons and explosions.

"Why did the fight start? Are those people in danger?" Lan Xue walked up and said in a deep voice.

"The gunfire is getting closer and closer, they are retreating." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looked at the terrain on both sides, pointed to one side and shouted: "Everyone, follow me, avoid it first."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, followed Luo Zheng and quickly evacuated, rushing to the side with all their strength.

Soon, everyone came to a hillside and hid in the dense forest. When they heard the sound of gunfire gradually becoming sparse, but getting closer, they all raised their weapons and waited seriously. Soon, everyone saw many people rushing over from the valley in front. , looking panicked, ran towards the village.

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