The strongest soldier

Chapter 2128 Cold Interrogation

Interrogation is a battle of wits and courage. Luo Zheng had already expected that his opponent would not compromise easily, so he was not in a hurry. He snorted coldly, glanced at the others with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I already know that he is Chu Xiong. You all have no chance of survival, but I am still willing to give you a chance. Where is the little girl Chu Xiong kidnapped? Who can tell me who can survive."

Everyone looked at the person who was bleeding hesitantly and hesitated to speak. At this time, the person who was bleeding tightly pressed the bleeding spot on his wrist and laughed with a cold face: "It turned out that I came for that little girl. I thought I was here." You are the police. If I had known better, I would not have surrendered. The police do not kill people. There is no death penalty here. It is not a big deal to go in for a year and a half and then come out. But you are soldiers, and you are from the mainland. You cannot give us a way to survive. In this case , everyone is dead, and you, stop dreaming, do you still want to survive in the hands of mainlanders? "

Luo Zheng looked at the other party coldly and did not stop him until the other party finished speaking. Luo Zheng saw that the other people's faces had lost any vitality and they were already desperate. He couldn't help but snorted coldly and said: "Are you done? It's done. Let me say a few words, if you can’t find anyone, you will all die, and your families will be in trouble as well.”

"You are a government law enforcement officer. You cannot do this. It is a rule of the world and will not bring harm to your family." A middle-aged man in his forties shouted in a panic.

"Yes, it won't harm your family, but you violated the rules of the world first, and you still expect me to abide by the rules? It's a joke. Do you know who he kidnapped? They are military relatives, and all of you will have to go to military court, right? The local court." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"What? Mr. Xiong, didn't you say that he is just a child of a wealthy businessman who can extort a large sum of money?" A man in his fifties shouted anxiously, staring at the bleeding person on the ground, with a hint of emotion in his words. question.

"You dare to threaten me?" The person bleeding on the ground was Chu Xiong. He was used to having fun with his hands and jaw, but he didn't expect that someone dared to threaten him. He was furious and regretted in his heart. He originally thought it was the local police, so he didn't bother to resist. Unexpectedly, Those coming were mainland soldiers. If they had known this, they should have resisted to the end.

The matter has become a foregone conclusion. It's too late to say anything. Chu Xiong laughed angrily and shouted: "You bastards, someone will come to deal with you. I have them in my hands. I am the only one who knows where they are. Without me, who among you She can’t find it either. She will die of thirst or starvation in less than a day, hahaha——”

"Really?" Luo Zheng said coldly: "In ten minutes, two-thirds of your blood will be lost. By then, your consciousness will be scattered, your thinking will be out of control, and you will say whatever you ask. I don't need it. I'm in a hurry to make a confession, it only takes ten minutes, I can afford to wait, I hope you won't disappoint me."

"You?" The other party obviously knew that excessive blood loss would cause loss of consciousness. He looked at Luo Zheng angrily and thought of countermeasures.

"I know, don't I have to die if I tell you?" Suddenly, a young junior student shouted anxiously, his eyes full of horror. Seeing Chu Xiong's angry gaze, the young man explained as if he was begging for mercy: "Master Xiong , I’m still young and I don’t want to die. My wedding is in three days and I want to live.”

"Say it, you will be considered guilty and meritorious." Luo Zheng said coldly, but his sharp eyes were fixed on Chu Xiong.

"In the basement, I know the mechanism, but the iron door to enter is explosion-proof, and only he knows the password." The young man shouted quickly, as if a drowning man had grabbed a life-saving wooden board.

Luo Zheng keenly noticed the look of surprise flashing in Chu Xiong's eyes. He obviously didn't expect that the other party actually knew about this. He suddenly felt confident and gave Gui Shou a look. Gui Shou stepped forward knowingly, grabbed the young man and went to find him. After the machine was turned off, Luo Zheng looked at Han Bin and said, "Take everyone else out and leave this bastard alone."

"Yes." Han Bin said quickly.

"Don't arrest me, spare your life, I said, I said everything, and I know a lot." Seeing that the situation was over, these people suddenly panicked and started shouting indiscriminately.

How could the army listen to these people's nonsense? They just took them all away and they were soon cleared. Luo Zheng stared coldly at Chu Xiong on the ground without saying a word. Although he was anxious and wanted to rescue Guoguo immediately, after a while, Guishou hurried over. , Fu Er whispered: "But there is a mechanism. It looks like a basement, but it can't be entered without the password. Do you want to transfer Shi Qian?"

Luo Zheng shook his head and said no. It would take time to get someone here, so he might not be able to afford it. Luo Zheng looked at his watch, his eyes fell on Chu Xiong on the ground, and he shouted in a deep voice: "How do you feel now?"

"Dream on, this method is like giving in, and you will die anyway." Chu Xiong said coldly.

"Well, you are tough. I want to see how long you can hold on. Are you someone sent by the Dark Church?" Luo Zheng said coldly, staring at the other party with his sharp eyes.

A flash of panic flashed in Chu Xiong's eyes, but he quickly recovered and said coldly: "I don't know what you are talking about. Come on if you feel like it."

Luo Zheng's eyes were so sharp that he keenly noticed the change in Chu Xiong's expression. He was immediately shocked. It was just a test at first, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually related to the Dark Church, and things became more complicated. Kidnapping is a crime, but it's just ordinary. Once a crime is related to the Dark Church, it is treason.

"Are you from the Dark Church? It's interesting. I'm curious about why you don't run away?" Luo Zheng said coldly. Seeing that the other party was about to refute, he snorted disdainfully and said, "Boy, stop comforting yourself. Could it be that you Your superiors didn’t tell you what we do? Have you heard about your desert base being destroyed? I was the one who led the team there. How does your stronghold compare to that base? "

"You? Chu Xiong looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face, speechless.

"That's great. We all understand, so why bother talking? Tell me everything you want, and I won't touch your family. Otherwise, your whole family will be guilty of treason. I will arrest you wherever you go. Don't doubt it. My ability and determination." Luo Zheng threatened coldly.

"You are a national soldier, you cannot do this." Chu Xiong shouted in fear.

"Yes, I am a national soldier and I need to follow orders and not act recklessly, but I am also the brother of my comrades in arms, and I will never watch the orphans of my comrades in arms suffer. Therefore, I will pursue this matter to the end. You killed the orphans of my comrades in arms. , I will kill your whole family, if you don’t believe me, try it.” Luo Zheng said coldly, with a strong sense of threat, facing such a stubborn bastard, you have to be more fierce, evil, and ruthless than him.

With Luo Zheng's character, it was natural that he would not kill innocent people, but now that it was an interrogation, he had to pretend to be a villain. His words frightened the other party's face and completely changed his position.

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