The strongest soldier

Chapter 2124 The situation is reversed

After Ding Lei received the order from the chief executive, his position immediately changed. He put away his phone and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. After thinking for a while, he suppressed his curiosity and said seriously: "Hello, welcome to Aocheng. If there’s anything you need me to do, just ask.”

Luo Zheng saw that Ding Lei didn't ask the reason, and his attitude changed. Knowing that the other party had received the relevant order, he immediately became serious, glanced at the audience, and said, "I need to see the biggest boss here."

"No problem, leave it to me." Ding Lei quickly agreed, turned around and shouted to the police who were facing a formidable enemy: "Everyone is here, lift the alarm and seal off the scene. You guys will lead the team and kill all the uninjured people here." Take them back to the police station to record a statement, send the injured to the hospital, and send the dead to the funeral parlor, so act quickly."

"Yes." Several people whose names were called immediately agreed. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Without asking anything, they acted quickly and took away everyone who could stand, regardless of security or service staff. Luo Zheng He didn't move and looked at Ding Lei quietly. Ding Lei walked up to the security manager and shouted coldly: "I need to see your boss within five minutes, please call."

Seeing Ding Lei's sudden reversal, the security manager's face changed drastically. He looked at Luo Zheng with shock in his eyes. He quickly took out the phone and didn't dare to hesitate any more. He called immediately. Ding Lei was too lazy to pay attention to the security manager and came to Luo Zheng. Zheng stepped forward and said, "Please follow me to the police station. It's not safe here."

"No, just stay here. Send my people here. Also, all the surveillance cameras here will be destroyed. No traces can be left. Do it right away." Luo Zheng said lightly.

"Okay." Ding Lei quickly agreed and found someone to do it.

Not long after, Gui Shou and others hurried over. Seeing that Luo Zheng was fine, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and rushed forward. Gui Shou excitedly whispered: "Brothers had a great time just now, chasing for a few streets, these The bastard looks ruthless enough, but he loses control at the critical moment and is boring, but he still enjoys the battlefield, what's the situation now?"

The snow leopard and mountain eagle also pricked up their ears with concern. Luo Zheng looked around and whispered: "What else can you do? This is what you see? Wait for the hotel owner to come and see what's going on."

The three of them nodded and chatted for a while. Ding Lei came over and the three of them immediately stopped talking. Ding Lei looked at the three of them in surprise, then came to Luo Zheng and whispered: "Their boss is here, at the door, look? "

"Let him come in." Luo Zheng said lightly.

Ding Lei agreed, picked up the walkie-talkie and gave the order. Soon, a policeman came over guarding a middle-aged man with a big belly. He had a fat head, big ears, and a rich appearance. He looked like a wealthy businessman at first glance. The middle-aged man walked slowly over. He looked unflustered and had an ugly expression. He came up and gave Ding Lei a cold look, his eyes passed over the three ghost hands, and finally fell on Luo Zheng.

Being able to become a wealthy merchant, the middle-aged man's eyesight is naturally extraordinary. He stared at Luo Zheng coldly and shouted angrily: "Who can tell me what's going on? Why did you smash my shop? Is there any way to do it? Ah - —?"

"Fuck you, uncle—" Guishou rushed forward angrily and slapped him.

Snap - this slap was so powerful that it left a distinct five-finger mark directly on the middle-aged man's fat face. The middle-aged man's body, which weighed more than 100 kilograms after being beaten, spun around, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he stumbled to the ground. Guishou didn't give up. He went up and pressed his knee against the opponent's heart. He opened his bow from left to right and slapped him in a round. While slapping him, he cursed: "I will teach you what the king's method is."

Bang bang bang—a dozen slaps in a row. How has the middle-aged wealthy businessman ever suffered such a big loss? Have you ever been so humiliated? He was so furious that he fainted directly. Ding Lei looked at this scene with a shocked face. Isn't this too cruel? Are they law enforcement officers? He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng didn't notice it at all.

Thinking of the instructions from the Chief Executive, Ding Lei decided it would be better to ignore it. These fierce men dared to smash the store directly, chased them across several streets, and beat up more than a hundred gangsters running around the world. He was not someone he could provoke. At this time, the ghost hands pinched The middle-aged man was quickly revived by the crowd, and he directly picked up the fat body of more than 100 kilograms. He shouted coldly: "Now do you know why you smashed your store?" He said, and he was ready to fight.

"Stop fighting." The middle-aged wealthy businessman was shocked by the fierce fighting style of Ghost Hand. More importantly, Ding Lei didn't even ask a question. Knowing that these people's identities were not simple, he quickly shouted: "You have to tell me why? "

"Have you heard of the name Chu Xiong?" Luo Zheng walked up and asked coldly. Chu Xiong was the murderer's identity information traced by Blue Star. Luo Zheng was not sure whether it was true information. He stared at the other person's eyes with his sharp eyes. No matter how disguised people are, they can't hide their eyes. Luo Zheng keenly saw a flash of surprise in the other person's eyes, but they quickly returned to normal. This was enough, and Luo Zheng felt confident.

The middle-aged man did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he looked at Ding Lei and said, "I want to see your police inspector."

"You can call yourself." Ding Lei said coldly.

The middle-aged man actually touched the phone, and Guishou slapped him across the face. His body of more than 100 kilograms was slapped to the ground again by Guishou. Guishou stepped forward and pressed the middle-aged man with his knees. About to beat him again, he shouted coldly: "It seems that you don't remember to beat me, so I will try to teach you how to abide by the law."

"Don't, don't fight." The middle-aged man looked at the ghost hand with panic and shouted.

The ghost hand grabbed the opponent's heart, directly lifted the opponent's fat body, and lifted both feet off the ground. The arms were as steady as a rock, strong and powerful, and the sharp eyes were fixed on the opponent's eyes, full of aggression. , said coldly: "Boy, one last chance, otherwise you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

"Help." The middle-aged wealthy businessman was completely confused by the murderous eyes of the ghost hand. He looked at Ding Lei and shouted, with a helpless expression on his face asking for help. When he saw Ding Lei turn around, he knew that this encounter When he was in serious trouble, he felt it was difficult to breathe, and he quickly shouted: "Put me down, I said, Chu Xiong is the security director here."

"Hand him over." Luo Zheng glanced at Guishou and shouted coldly.

Guishou put down the middle-aged wealthy businessman knowingly. The middle-aged wealthy businessman quickly looked at the security manager and shouted in a stern voice: "Quickly, find your director and tell him that I want to see him, now, immediately." I vented all my grievances on myself.

When the security manager saw that his boss, who was usually the boss, was actually scared, he didn't dare to hesitate, so he called immediately. Ding Lei walked up to Luo Zheng and whispered: "Their security director's name is Ah Xiong. I'm not sure if it's Chu Xiong. He's a ruthless character. The boss of the largest underground force here has a cooperative relationship with him." He pointed to the middle-aged man.

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