The strongest soldier

Chapter 2120 Prepare for Action

When the two armies are fighting, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. The same goes for fighting against underground forces. After checking into the hotel, Luo Zheng did not go back to the room immediately. Instead, he wandered around the hotel and memorized the terrain. The hotel was very large, and the accommodation was integrated. , catering, entertainment, shopping and gambling industries are integrated into one. Fortunately, the hotel has a tour guide map. With the guide map, it took Luozheng more than half an hour to have a rough tour, but he finally understood the basic layout.

After getting familiar with the environment, Luo Zheng returned to the hotel room and checked it carefully. After making sure that there was no problem with the hotel, he lay down and rested for a while. He looked at the bustling city scenery outside the window and thought about countermeasures. If the murderer was related to the hotel, he wanted to find it. It's not easy. If it has nothing to do with it, then the other party may or may not live here. The most direct way is to find local snakes and force them to cooperate.

If he were in the capital, Luo Zheng had many ways to force the other party to cooperate, but this was Aocheng, an autonomous region, and the laws were different. His rash actions would affect the relationship between the two places. Entrusting the local police would be too slow, and might alert the snake. What should he do? Luo Zheng's anger rose when he thought that Guo Guo was still being treated unfairly. His face darkened and he said to himself: It seems that I can only act in my personal capacity.

With the decision made, the next step was to make a specific plan. Luo Zheng continued to think about it. If he wanted the local snakes to cooperate, the most direct way was to cause trouble and force them to come out. Otherwise, these local snakes would hide in a dark corner and would not be seen at all. Not found.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang. Luo Zheng saw that it was Blue Star calling and immediately answered the call. He heard Blue Star say: "We found a surveillance photo of the murderer. It was taken by a traffic monitor at the airport. It's just enough." The angle has been sent to your mobile phone, what do we need to do next?”

"Erase all my travel records. I must act with my personal identity." Luo Zheng warned.

"I understand, you are weak on your own, so you should listen to my advice and find some helpers," Blue Star advised.

"I'm not worried about the local people. I can't make it in time. Let's not talk about it for now. I'm going to print the photos and find someone." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, hung up the phone and hurried downstairs, found a printing shop to develop the photos, and walked to the hotel. Sit on the sofa in the lobby's seating area and look at the photos.

The murderer looked unattractive, and it was not easy to spot him even if he was thrown into a crowd. This kind of person was very concealable, but Luo Zheng knew that such a person was terrifying. Judging from the photo, the murderer was about 1.77 meters tall and weighed about 75 kilograms. , looked very strong, wore sunglasses, and was not very recognizable. Luo Zheng looked at it seriously for a while, and put away the photo after making sure that he had the other person's appearance in his mind.

It is difficult to find someone in the hotel. Such people usually sleep during the day and are not easy to find. Luo Zheng sat quietly in the living room for a while, but found nothing, so he returned to the room to rest while waiting for further news from Blue Star. Until night, Blue Star Still no news came, Luo Zheng guessed that there was not much progress, so he went to a restaurant in the hotel to eat something, rested for a while, and looked at the time. It was already eight o'clock late.

This is when the hotel night life begins. Casinos, bars, cinemas, entertainment venues, etc. are all crowded. Luo Zheng thought for a while and decided that the best way to find someone is to go to the casino. There are many people in the casino, so come to Macao. Who in the city wouldn’t try their luck? If the casino is empty, there will only be bars and the like. Luo Zheng came to the casino first.

The casino in this hotel is very large and brightly lit. Countless tables are arranged neatly. Each table has one or two dealers sitting on it, accepting everyone's bets. The hall is very lively, and excitement can be heard from time to time. With cheers, Luo Zheng slowly searched along the aisle.

Half an hour passed, and an hour passed, and still no one was found. Luo Zheng's anger surged up, and he didn't want to search everywhere. He came to the service desk, took out the photo and showed it to a waiter and asked: "I need Looking for this person, please take a look."

"Sorry sir, we have never seen this person." The waiter said politely.

Of course Luo Zheng knew what the other party would say, so he looked solemn and shouted in a deep voice: "Call your boss, I don't want the wound to be too embarrassing." He took out the pistol and slapped it on the table.

The pistol was dark and exuded the aura of death. When the waiter saw the pistol, his face changed drastically. He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted in the local language. Luo Zheng could not understand and was too lazy to understand. He watched the surroundings vigilantly while speaking. He picked up the pistol and pushed the bullet forward. After all, he was a government law enforcement officer and it was domestic, otherwise Luo Zheng would have fired to create chaos.

Soon, a strong man in a suit and a headset came over. He looked at Luo Zheng warily. His eyes were drawn to the pistol. He could tell the real thing from the fake at a glance. He could walk around the streets with a gun and dare to show it in public these days. There are only two kinds of people, one is a senior government law enforcement officer, and the other is a fierce dragon crossing the river.

"Sir, I am the security manager of this hotel, who are you?" the other party said cautiously, not daring to show off his face. Being able to serve as the security manager in such a place, his knowledge and ability are naturally extraordinary, and he knows how to Tolerate and cope.

The other party spoke in local dialect. Luo Zheng didn't understand. The waiter next to him reminded him something. The manager switched to Mandarin and said it again. Luo Zheng looked at the other party coldly and said with a deep expression: "You don't have enough status to call you Come on, boss, otherwise don’t blame me for being ungrateful. If your boss doesn’t arrive within three minutes, the gun will probably go off. If this place is in chaos, stop doing business in the hotel. Don’t be shameless."

"What on earth do you have? You don't say anything. It's difficult for me to do. How can I report it to the boss?" the security manager said, intending to stabilize Luo Zheng first, while calling for help in local dialect through the headset. What happens in the hotel every day? Things happen, and I have experience in dealing with this kind of scene. Soon, many security guards in black suits and headsets gathered around and blocked the surroundings to prevent the fight from hurting the customers. Customers are cash cows in the hotel. They are God and cannot be offended. The dealers at the nearby venues were ordered to stop operations, virtually clearing a space.

Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly and did not take action first. After all, we are all citizens. It is important to save people, because it is not good to save people and hurt innocent people. He allowed these security guards to clear the place secretly. The security manager saw that the brothers had taken control of the situation. , but Luo Zheng had no intention of taking action, and immediately his face darkened, and he said coldly: "Brother, in this hotel, even if you are a dragon, you have to be coiled up. Come with us honestly, what can I be?" It has never happened, otherwise you know the consequences."

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