The strongest soldier

Chapter 2118 Clues interrupted

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng and Liu Qingqing drove out of the base and rushed towards their destination. On the way, Liu Qingqing saw Luo Zheng with a cold face and said nothing, and asked curiously: "Brother, what are you doing?" What's going on? There's such a big fire, who are you that kid?"

"Call me chief, director or name." Luo Zheng corrected, his stern face full of solemnity, and he continued in a deep voice: "He is the orphan of my old squad leader, Guoguo, I must find him, I must."

"I understand, head." Liu Qingqing could feel Luo Zheng's anger and determination, but she still had her own way on the issue of address, and continued: "Tou, I think you should calm down now and regain your previous rationality, so that you can stay awake. Mind, find Guoguo. In your current state, your IQ has dropped to the point where you can no longer look directly."

"How else can I take you out?" Luo Zheng scolded angrily.

"Okay, I'm so honored. I'm exhausted at the base. I can't go shopping, I can't shop, I can't put on makeup, and I can't go out to sing and drink. It's so boring. Brother Yingming knows that I'm bored, so he took me out to relax. Don't worry. I will definitely help you find that bastard." Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

"I have a hunch that this matter is not simple." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, regaining some composure.

"It's good that you feel this way. It means you are not dazzled by hatred. The other party publicly kidnapped Guo Guo and brought down Guo Guo's mother. It is obvious that he is bound to win. As that bastard, he would never dare to do this. Unless someone lures him with a high commission, or threatens him with death, I'm sure that guy doesn't know much." Liu Qingqing said in a deep voice, and gave Luo Zheng a vaccination.

"I understand." Luo Zheng said angrily, concentrating on driving.

Liu Qingqing didn't say anything else and thought carefully. Half an hour later, the two of them arrived at their destination. They entered the community directly and found a building. They took the fire escape upstairs and came to the door. They saw that the anti-theft iron door was locked and opened it. It was not easy, Luo Zheng became angry, he would have called Shi Qian all the way.

At this time, Liu Qingqing took out a master key and said, "Let me give it a try. I usually pester Shi Qian to learn a few tricks, but I didn't expect to use them today." After that, he stepped forward and started tinkering.

Soon, there was a slight sound of the door lock spring, and the door was opened. There was a wooden door inside. Liu Qingqing quickly opened it again. Luo Zheng pulled Liu Qingqing behind him, made a careful gesture, and pulled it out himself. He picked up the pistol, loaded the bullet, and carefully observed the surrounding terrain. Then he gently pushed the door open, forming a crack, and carefully looked inside, while raising his ears.

It was quiet inside, without any movement. Luo Zheng opened the door wider. The living room was empty. Except for the debris on the floor, no one was seen. The bedroom door was wide open and no one could be seen, but Luo Zheng smelled blood. He couldn't help but be shocked at the smell. He signaled Liu Qingqing to wait at the door, opened the door and crept forward.

In the one-bedroom apartment, there was no one in the bedroom or the living room. Luo Zheng opened the kitchen door and found no one, but the toilet connected to the kitchen smelled full of blood. He couldn't help but be startled, and came to the door warily, holding on his back. He leaned against the wall, took a deep breath, quickly opened the door, aimed his gun inside, and took a closer look.

There was a corpse lying on the ground, its throat had been sealed with a knife, and the blood had dried up. Luo Zheng was shocked. He squatted down and saw that it was the person he was looking for. When he touched the corpse again, he found that it was still soft. It was obvious that he had not been dead for a long time. He couldn't help but He stood up angrily and said, "Qingqing, close the door and come in. The person is already dead."

"Dead?" Liu Qingqing was shocked. She quickly closed the door and came in. She walked to the door of the toilet and looked at the corpse, thinking deeply. She said to Luo Zheng, "Please, let me check it out."

"That's fine." Luo Zheng knew that Liu Qingqing had learned a lot and could be called the strongest behavioral expert in the base. He just lacked enough practical experience. He should be able to handle this kind of situation, so he exited the toilet and gave up his seat to Liu Qingqing said: "I'll look around."

"It's okay, don't touch anything here." Liu Qingqing quickly reminded.

"Understood." Of course Luo Zheng knew the importance of protecting the scene. A skilled behavioral expert could infer the owner's behavioral habits from the furnished furniture, and then infer the owner's personality, hobbies and other information based on these habits, and walked around the living room. Observe.

Not long after, Liu Qingqing came out, looked around, squatted on the ground and looked at the floor, and said in a deep voice: "This bastard was attacked and killed on the sofa. This shows that the murderer and the target are familiar, otherwise it would be impossible. His throat was cut without any struggle, and he was suspected to be the mastermind behind the target and killed to silence him."

"Can you deduce the precise time?" Luo Zheng said angrily.

"Three hours ago." Liu Qingqing said confidently as she walked towards the bedroom. Just as Luo Zheng took out his phone and was about to make a call, he suddenly heard Liu Qingqing shouting from the bedroom: "Brother, come here and take a look."

Luo Zheng hurriedly walked into the bedroom in surprise, and saw Liu Qingqing picking up a slender hair from the bed, and said in a deep voice: "The length of the hair exactly matches Guoguo's. I paid special attention to Guoguo when we were in the conference room. s hair."

"Okay, leave this to Shi Feng." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, took out his mobile phone, dialed Lan Xing's number and said: "Check all the records of entry and exit in the community three hours ago. The target is dead. The throat was cut with a knife. It was done by a master. Guoguo was taken away. Pay attention to all the vehicles that went out three hours ago and check them."

"Yes." Lan Xing's promised voice rang on the phone.

Luo Zheng hung up the phone and dialed Shi Feng's number. After he was connected, he briefly explained the situation. Shi Feng didn't expect Luo Zheng to find the clue so quickly. He was very impressed and promised to bring the best right away. Exploration experts come to inspect the scene and make sure to find clues.

The police have standard procedures and codes of conduct, and the step-by-step investigation was too slow. Luo Zheng did not expect Shi Feng, but just asked Shi Feng to deal with the aftermath. After hanging up the phone, he quickly left the room, closed the door, and went downstairs with Liu Qingqing. In the community, after getting into the car, Liu Qingqing whispered: "Wait a little longer, don't worry, the result will be good soon."

"I hope so." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice and waited patiently.

After a few minutes, the phone vibrated. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was from Blue Star. He immediately pressed the speakerphone so that Liu Qingqing could hear it, and asked eagerly: "Have you found it?"

"Thirty minutes before and thirty minutes after three hours, a total of ten cars left. After investigation, it was found that one car did not belong to the owner of the community, and the license plate number was a fake one. The surveillance found that the other car was going east, and we are calling in surveillance along the road to investigate. You go east first and keep in touch at any time." Lanxing said quickly.

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