The strongest soldier

Chapter 2109 Abnormal Situation

The next morning, after sleeping well for another day and night, Luo Zheng felt that his mental state was much better. He came to the office to deal with the documents on his desk. The documents were all matters related to the Secret Bureau. He just needed to understand them and give his opinions. However, it was not difficult, but it was time-consuming. Luo Zheng forced himself to sit down at his desk and read through it. As the head of a bureau, Luo Zheng knew that he had to adapt to these tasks.

An hour passed unknowingly. Hong Meihua hurried in and saw Luo Zheng flipping through documents, but she was no longer in a joking mood. She coughed lightly to attract Luo Zheng's attention. She closed the office door and said softly: "I discovered something. I need to report to you.”

"What's wrong? Sit down and talk." Luo Zheng looked at the red plum blossoms in surprise and said. He could make the red plum blossoms come running instead of dealing with it directly by himself. He believed that the matter was not small, so he couldn't help but cheer up.

"There was no trouble during the day and night yesterday. The security department also sent people to keep an eye on the floating population in surrounding towns and launched street surveillance, but nothing was found. Just now, I saw a local news saying that a civil society organization I suspect there will be some kind of kite competition being held nearby," Hong Meihua said in a deep voice.

"Kite competition? Non-governmental organization?" Luo Zheng looked at the red plum blossoms in surprise and asked. Seeing the red plum blossoms nodding, he couldn't help but think deeply and said, "What is your opinion?"

"Our place is impregnable. Outsiders can't get in at all, and people inside can't get out. Even if agents want to pretend to be someone and infiltrate, they can't find a chance to do so. Satellites are also interfered with by our specially deployed equipment. The enemy has no idea what's going on inside the base. , Naturally, I will not take action rashly. You can overlook the base deployment through the kite. I am worried that someone will take action." Hongmeihua has rich experience and knows the subtleties, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

"You mean the enemy will put the camera on the kite and then investigate our internal situation at high altitude?" Luo Zheng was not stupid. He also thought of the seriousness of the problem and couldn't help but said in a deep voice. When Hong Meihua nodded, he immediately asked: " What is the origin of this organization?"

"City Kite Association, someone sponsored this event and registered it. It is a legal act. We are a military organization and are not allowed to interfere in local government affairs." Hong Meihua quickly explained, pointing out the difficulty of the problem.

It is an iron rule that soldiers do not interfere with external affairs and do not interfere in internal affairs. There is nothing Red Plum Blossom can do to stop this. More importantly, all of this is speculation. You cannot interfere in local affairs based on speculation. You have to report that Luo Zheng is here. Luo Zheng pondered. After a moment, he said: "This is simple. Immediately disguise yourself and arrange reconnaissance equipment. Once someone takes a photo, follow him immediately. Don't alert the snake."

"Don't let the superiors come forward to coordinate the cancellation?" Hong Meihua reminded in surprise.

"There is no need to embarrass our superiors with this matter, we can still handle it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I know, but didn't you say no action within a week? Brothers haven't rested enough. It's not good to enter a fighting state at this time. I suggest that the chief intervene and change the venue. It's not that they are not allowed to An event is being held." Hong Meihua reminded.

"What you said makes sense, but if the enemy takes action, why shouldn't we take action? Don't worry about the physical condition of the brothers. There is no need for the brothers to take action in this kind of thing. As long as we find them, let the security department or the police The department can just take action and leave the great work to them, I believe they will be very happy." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"I understand." Hong Meihua's eyes lit up and she agreed: "I'll go make arrangements, and you continue to read the report."

After Hong Meihua left, Luo Zheng couldn't calm down and read the report. He couldn't help but ponder. Is it the polar bear's KGB who wants to snatch the Sky Stone and the Holy Son, or is it Sam's country? Or some other country? It seems that the battle for future technology has been taking place in major countries for a long time, and I have only just come into contact with it.

In the future country, whoever has the leading technology will have the right to speak in the forest of the world. No country is willing to fall behind and become a vassal, especially the superpowers. It is not difficult to keep the Holy Son and the Sky Stone. This is a local battle. It is impossible for the enemy to send large-scale troops to rush up and snatch it. The only thing to guard against is agent warfare.

Agent combat is not Luo Zheng's strong point. Fortunately, there are red plum blossoms, so there is no need to worry. After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng's irritable heart gradually calmed down. Seeing Lan Xue come in with a cup of tea, he stood up to greet her, took the tea and said : "Hongmeihua discovered that someone was holding a kite competition near the base. I have already deployed, don't worry."

"Well, it's best to leave this kind of matter to Sister Hua. She's better at it than both of us. By the way, I'm going to see my grandpa tomorrow. He just called me. The time is tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon. Otherwise, I can go home and see him early tomorrow morning. Look, have lunch with your parents and go see grandpa in the afternoon." Lan Xue reminded.

Seeing that Mr. Li's matter had been decided a long time ago and was due tomorrow, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said, "Okay, you can go back later to stay with your dad and ask Lan Xing to go too. She has also been there these days. You are very tired, be careful on the road, beware of enemy agents attacking you, come home tomorrow morning, I will stay here until the end of the day, and I will be home at ten o'clock tomorrow, I hope there won't be any trouble."

"Okay." Lan Xue agreed. Seeing that Luo Zheng still had a lot of documents to deal with, she smiled and left.

Luo Zheng sat down and continued to review the documents. Unknowingly, the day passed. At seven o'clock the next day, Luo Zheng came to the office to continue reviewing the unfinished documents. Hong Meihua knocked on the door and came in, telling Luo Zheng that all the disguises were in place and arranged. Specialized people investigated aerial cameras. Luo Zheng thought for a moment and asked, "Have you contacted the security department and the police department? How can they cooperate?"

"When they heard that it was our matter, they were very active. They organized some capable people to form a temporary action team, appointed liaison persons, and were waiting for our instructions at any time." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"That's good, you take full responsibility. I'll go home in a while and see the leader in the afternoon. If you need anything, call me." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and warned.

"Okay." Hongmeihua agreed. Seeing Luo Zheng rushing to review documents, she turned around and left.

At nine o'clock sharp, Luo Zheng drove away from the base and returned to the community before ten o'clock. After parking the car, he was about to get out of the car and go upstairs. He saw a woman walking in the community astride a basket, as if she was going out to buy groceries. It was Luo's mother. Luo Zheng didn't expect to see his mother like this. He was very happy. Suddenly he found that his mother's temples were a little gray. She looked much older and thinner. Her heart felt like a needle pricking her. She felt raw and thick. Guilt welled up in my heart.

If you are loyal to your country, you cannot be filial to your family. It is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. A line of tiger tears fell down involuntarily. At this moment, Luo Zheng's heart was like a knife.

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