The strongest soldier

Chapter 2107 Tribe Alliance

At noon a few days later, the team arrived at the Balu tribe. Balu had already received a message from the mountain eagle sent by Luo Zheng and prepared a reception feast. Because of its location, the Balu tribe had almost become the trading center for the entire grassland. Wealthy, the Jiefeng Banquet was well organized, and at least they had enough food and drink. This made the worried people of the Forgotten Tribe completely relieved, and they enjoyed the food to their heart's content. When they were full, they lay down on the grassland and fell asleep.

In the largest tent of the Balu tribe, the old chief also prepared a sumptuous banquet of roasted lamb for Luo Zheng and others. Aoyi, Lan Xue, and Jackson were also present. Balu accompanied him, cutting the roasted lamb and passing it to everyone. Showing the enthusiasm of the owner, the wine was sold by caravans from outside. Although the taste was average, it was simply delicious for everyone who had eaten dry food for more than half a month.

Halfway through the reception banquet, when the greetings and polite words were almost finished, the old chief changed the topic, looked at Luo Zheng and asked seriously: "Dear friend, everything happened because of you. Now the matter is basically over, just wait for the final arrangements. It started because of you, and I hope it will end because of you. Please tell me your arrangements."

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly, organized his thoughts and said in a deep voice: "Is there any unclaimed land on the grassland? It's not too far from your tribe. I hope there is such a place to settle the Forgotten Tribe, and I don't dare to trouble your tribe too much." , of course, if your department is willing to form a brother tribe with the Forgotten Tribe and develop the alliance, that would be great."

"That's it?" The chief looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"Of course, I believe this is what Omi meant." Luo Zheng agreed, while looking at Omi.

Aoyi knew that it was time for him to express his position. He glanced at Luo Zheng gratefully and said solemnly: "Dear chief, our department has already caused you trouble. We dare not ask for anything more. Please accept our sincere gratitude."

"It's easy to say, you're welcome." The chief said sternly. Seeing that Luo Zheng really had no other requests, his eyes passed over Jackson and landed on his son Balu. He had lived for most of his life and was about to be buried. The chief's vision Original, far-sighted, and incomparable. Knowing that this meeting is very important and may even change the future of the entire tribe, it is time to make plans for his son. Thinking of this, the chief said in a deep voice: "Dear friend, Chief Omi, our tribe is north of There is a grassland with dense water and grass, suitable for grazing. If you don't mind, you can settle there. It is not far from the market and will be convenient for trade in the future."

"This?" Omi had observed the nearby terrain when he came and knew the river. He didn't expect that the other party would give up such a good land to him. He was a little surprised and moved even more. He said sincerely: "Your Majesty the Chief, that land It’s so great, we can’t bear it, please give us another place.”

"It's okay if you don't dislike me. You and my son are about the same age. If you want, why not become brothers with my son? In this way, you and I will be brothers and tribes, advancing and retreating together." The chief said with a smile. own true thoughts.

We are all smart people, so we cannot see through the chief’s intention. This is like annexing forgotten tribes. This kind of annexation is very common on the grassland. It is not surprising. Small tribes unite to develop together, which is beneficial to the future. The secret is not exclusive. On the contrary, I am very grateful for this kind of annexation. After the Forgotten Tribe broke away from the Dark Church, it became a rootless people. Anyone who got involved was a mess, and it was already good if someone accepted it.

Luo Zheng was not willing to get involved in issues related to the future development of the tribe. He looked at Ouyi quietly. Balu looked at his father with some surprise. Seeing the calm look on the old chief's face, he suddenly realized and looked at Ouyi and said, "That's right. If you are willing, we will become sworn brothers. If you are older, you will be my eldest brother. Wouldn't it be better for you and me to merge together and develop together? As for your enemies, they will be my enemies from now on."

Uanyi can feel Balu's sincerity. The annexation is not a bad thing for the forgotten tribe that has nothing. It can also get a resting place, relief, and security. If you don't agree, it is possible to find another place to develop at any time. Being retaliated by the Dark Church, staying here is more conducive to the tribe's reproduction.

Thinking of this, Aiyi solemnly said: "If you accept your Majesty the chief, our department is willing to submit to your department and obey your management."

Submission and annexation are two different things. Merger means losing everything. Submission can also retain some of one's own beliefs, lifestyles, etc. The old chief is so slick. He listened to the true thoughts of Uanyi and immediately said with a smile: "Uiyi, I I think you have misunderstood. It is not a surrender, but an alliance of brothers. You are still you. We have no right to interfere. We respect your choice. No matter who is bullied, the two tribes advance and retreat together and unite to resist. That's all. ."

"Thank you Chief for your care. Our department is willing to respect you as the chief and obey your orders." Aoyi said quickly. As the chief and person in charge of a tribe, Aoyi knows when to express his stance and how to express his stance. He put down his attitude. lowest.

After setting the tone, the old chief looked at Luo Zheng and Jackson happily and said, "I also invite you to be a witness."

"Okay." Luo Zheng promised that he would not interfere in the internal affairs of the tribe, and Jackson also agreed.

"Great, the alliance ceremony will be held tomorrow morning. Then the two of them will sworn in, and they will be the witnesses." The old chief smiled gratefully.

"It's easy. I'll see if I can contact China to send some gifts." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"I will also find a way to get some. It's not good to be a witness with empty hands." Jackson smiled knowingly.

Of course the old chief didn't care about the congratulatory gifts from the two people. What he cared about was the presence of two people, one representing the Huaxia Kingdom and the other representing the Sam Kingdom. When the two of them sat on top, it was a matter of face. When the chiefs of the surrounding tribes saw it, they had to respect it. You have enough say on the grassland.

"Thank you both." Aiyi is not stupid, he knows the benefits of forming an alliance, and also knows the benefits of being witnessed by Luo Zheng and Jackson, so he said gratefully.

Luo Zheng and Jackson exchanged glances and agreed. Witnessing is not a bad thing. Saving the Forgotten Tribe from water and fire and settling down this suffering tribe is a huge amount of political capital in the international community. It is the best of both worlds. There is no need. reject.

The matter was decided in this way, and everyone was happy. Everyone continued to drink and chat about the future development. Balu and Aoyi took the opportunity to ask for some advice on tribal defense. Luo Zheng did not hide his secrets, and Jackson also added some. The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves until dusk. It was time to disperse and everyone went back to their arranged tents to rest.

Back in the tent, Guishou came up and whispered: "There is news from the country, asking for arrangements for the Holy Son and Tianshi to return to the country as soon as possible, in case something changes, and the polar bear may have follow-up actions."

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