The strongest soldier

Chapter 2100 Holy Son Heavenly Stone

The distance was too close, and the radiation was very powerful. The moment he closed the box, Ghost Hands felt a sudden darkness, and his brain felt as if someone was stabbing him with a knife. His body went limp, and he sat down on the ground. A burst of cold sweat broke out all over his body, and the box almost fell. , Fortunately, the ghost hand had strong will and firmly grasped the box.

After the box was closed, the radiation disappeared. Ghost Hand was breathing heavily, as if he had run for twenty kilometers. A sense of exhaustion came over him. His body was so exhausted that he wanted to sleep. He couldn't help but be horrified, and he took a bite. His tongue bit out blood, and he regained his consciousness. He quickly shouted through the headset: "It's Tianshi. I'm dying. Someone here to help." As he said this, he leaned back and fainted.

"Niu Gang, bring two people up!" Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." Niu Gang, the deputy captain of the first brigade, shouted, and called two brothers to rush up from the bunker and came to the ghost hand. He glanced at the two people next to him warily, squatted down to check the ghost hand, and saw that the ghost hand was in a In a coma, he quickly picked up the box and said through the headset: "The box is in hand, please give instructions."

"You take the box and brother Guishou first, and the other two brothers will escort the Holy Son. As for that person, please ask him to come over, and don't be violent." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Understood." Niu Gang agreed, gave the two brothers a few words, and quickly left with the box behind his back. The other two brothers also followed Luo Zheng's order and escorted the Holy Son forward. As for that The man hesitated for a moment and then followed.

Soon, everyone came to Luo Zheng. Niu Gang handed the box to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng knew the power of the sky stone inside and didn't dare to open it. He observed it curiously for a while and saw that it was dark and heavy on the outside and cold in his hands. He didn't know what it was. After making the materials, he thought about it, handed the box to Lan Xue and said, "You keep it, be careful."

"Yes." Lan Xue took the box and looked at it curiously. After tying it with a special rope a few times to make sure it wouldn't open, she solemnly received her backpack.

Luo Zheng looked at the Holy Son up and down and sneered: "With your status, you should know a lot, right?"

"You want me to confess?" Shengzi sneered disdainfully in fluent international lingua franca: "You can come and try to see if I can confess."

"With your identity, you must be very devout in your faith. Ordinary interrogation is useless. I don't have time to interrogate you. Let's change places and talk at another time." Luo Zheng said coldly, looked at Niu Gang, and lost A look.

Niu Gang knowingly took out a special rope from his backpack and tied the Holy Son tightly. Although the people from the Forgotten Tribe had already tied him up, Luo Zheng was worried. After explaining Niu Gang's instructions, he said to the middle-aged man: "Tell me He, I will keep my promise, let them prepare and follow us overnight, maybe the troops arranged by your superiors are on the way, and there will be a big battle if we leave late."

"Yes, hurry up and leave. The Tucheng has been burned down. There is nothing left to cherish. I will let the country airdrop a batch of living supplies to them to help them settle down and reassure them." Jackson also quickly became a fake good guy. This is a rare opportunity to establish a peace-loving image.

"Understood." The middle-aged man quickly agreed and went to negotiate with the new leader of the Forgotten Tribe. Soon, the other party agreed and hurried towards Tucheng.

Unless the people inside come out, Luo Zheng will naturally not stop the team. Just in case, after waiting for about half an hour, someone came out driving a camel. The camel was carrying a lot of materials. Life in the desert is difficult and the living environment is harsh. Everyone's There aren't many things in the first place, so you can just walk away.

Luo Zheng looked at the people who were coming out of Tucheng one after another, and said in a deep voice: "This is a big migration. You go over and notify them and ask them to go to the lake to get water for later use. It will take some time to get there, so if you can't take it away, just go there." Don't force it, survival is important, leaving too late will be very troublesome."

"Understood." The middle-aged man agreed and walked forward.

"Niu Gang, take a few people to protect him, just in case." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. No matter what, the middle-aged man was able to solve the problem peacefully.

"Yes." Niu Gang agreed and followed with his two brothers.

The evacuation was not very smooth. There were always people who were reluctant to part with their property. In addition, it was difficult to leave their homeland, so the evacuation was very slow. Luo Zheng understood this very well and was helpless. However, when he thought that the enemy would appear at any time, he immediately called a brother and gave instructions. He said: "Go and tell that middle-aged man, just say that an enemy army has appeared a hundred kilometers away, with more than 300 people. If you don't run away, it will be too late."

"Understood." The brother didn't know whether it was true or not, so he hurried over to find the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man heard that an enemy was coming, it was only 100 kilometers away. He immediately became anxious and immediately yelled to tell the others about the situation. When the others heard this, they also panicked and abandoned everything they couldn't take away. The evacuation speed suddenly increased. It was much faster. Luo Zheng held up the telescope to observe the scene and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes white lies are necessary.

After a while, Luo Zheng put down the telescope, looked at Jackson and said with a faint smile: "Old friend, you can get in touch with the country. Under our joint anti-terrorism campaign, all the Cobra terrorists who controlled the Forgotten Tribe were wiped out. Taking into account the losses of the Forgotten Tribes and the harsh living environment, in a humanitarian spirit and a peace-loving attitude, the anti-terrorist forces will protect the Forgotten Tribes and move them to a place more suitable for survival, and call on all countries and peace-loving organizations to donate money and materials."

"Hahaha, that's a good statement. It's a pity that you don't become a politician. It seems that you gave me the credit, but you asked me to provide supplies. It's a good method you used, but I like it. Anyway, I don't have to do it myself. Come on, it doesn’t matter, this matter is such a big deal, if it can end perfectly, it is also a good choice. I will contact the country immediately, but will the Dark Church take action halfway?" Jackson said worriedly.

"As long as public opinion is big enough and people pay enough attention, the Dark Church will not dare to take action at this time. Unless he risks the disapproval of the world, won't your country be able to send fighter jets to join the war? Are you still afraid of a mere terrorist organization?" Luo Zheng Analyzed with a confident look.

"It makes sense, I'm just afraid they won't come." Jackson said excitedly.

"Don't rejoice too early. Terrorists don't dare to come openly, but it's entirely possible to pretend to be bandits or thieves. We have to be careful. I'm afraid the migration journey will not be peaceful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a sharp look in his eyes. Worried, how could the Dark Church give up the Sky Stone and the Holy Son so easily? You must know that these two are top secrets of the Dark Church, and they will definitely fight to the death to snatch them.

"That makes sense, so what should we do?" Jackson asked in a deep voice.

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