The strongest soldier

Chapter 2094 Capturing Prisoners

Soldiers are deceitful. Luo Zheng first used Balu's coalition forces to fight against his opponents. The coalition forces are not regular troops and have different moral standards. They do not have so many worries about their actions. They are not afraid even if the news spreads. Then he appears again as an anti-terrorist force and forces the opponent to surrender. The anti-terrorist force represents justice and the country, but their standards of conduct are different. At least they cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately, so Luo Zheng switched to siege tactics, trapping the city to death and forcing the enemy to compromise again.

A series of dazzling tactics made the opponent faint. Luo Zheng snorted coldly. He glanced at the enemy at the top of the city as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Suddenly an idea came to him and he whispered: "Ghost Hands, everyone listen to my orders. I will count them." On the third day, aim at the top of the city and fire, hit me hard."

"Yes." The brothers who were lying in ambush in the trench had been holding back their anger for a long time and were waiting for the order to attack. They were startled when they heard Luo Zheng's words. They didn't understand why Luo Zheng suddenly wanted to attack now, but they still calmed down. The voice responded.

"Three, two, one, hit!" Luo Zheng counted one word at a time, his body suddenly moved, he jumped off the camel like lightning, and rushed forward like a tiger. There was a dense sound of gunfire in his ears. Luo Zheng knew it was The brothers suddenly took action. Without raising their heads, they stared at the middle-aged man in front of him who had fainted on the ground. They rushed forward with a few steps, grabbed the man, turned around and ran away. They came back to the camel and threw him onto the camel. Throw it out, pull out the tiger-tooth saber and stab the camel's butt hard.

The camel was stinging and rushed forward. Luo Zheng grabbed a strap on the camel and rushed forward. When everyone saw this scene, they immediately understood Luo Zheng's tactical intentions and fired harder and fiercely. The firepower was so heavy that the enemy at the top of the city could not raise their heads. By the time they reacted, Luo Zheng had already taken the opportunity to rush far away.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he successfully snatched the middle-aged man. After rushing out of the shooting range, he pulled the middle-aged man off the camel's back and threw it on the ground. The injured camel continued to rush forward. Luo Zheng was too lazy to care about the camel. The camel stopped, he squatted down and pinched the middle-aged man, and revived the middle-aged man in two or two strokes.

"What do you want to do?" The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw Luo Zheng after waking up.

"You have been captured. According to international conventions, you can enjoy the treatment of prisoners, but I have a hundred ways to make you die in an accident. I believe you also know that I can do it. It is to cooperate with me honestly. Answer the question, or fight to the end? I don’t like to say things twice." Luo Zheng said coldly, and stood up slowly.

"What do you want?" The middle-aged man realized the danger, climbed up, looked at Luo Zheng coldly and shouted: "It's useless for you to catch me. There are still people in the city who are in charge, I'm just an errand boy."

"Your identity doesn't mean much to me. I only care about what's in your head. It's valuable and can keep you alive. On the contrary, I don't mind killing one more terrorist." Luo Zheng said coldly, staring sharply at Focus on the opponent and not miss any detail. Faced with such a stubborn enemy, it is very important to observe details during interrogation.

At this time, Jackson ran up and saw the captured middle-aged man. He was overjoyed and shouted: "Finally caught a big fish. It was so close just now. Old friend, good method. Use the crazy camel speed to evacuate. This method is good." , how about handing this bastard over to me for interrogation? I have plenty of ways to pry his mouth open."

"Huh? This kind of person has deep faith. What can you do?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Interrogation potion, considering the needs of the battle, we are all equipped with this substance." Jackson said with confidence: "Even without the interrogation potion, we can pry open his mouth."

"Okay, come on." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly.

Jackson chuckled, walked up to the middle-aged man coldly and said, "I believe you know about the interrogation potion. Your twinkling eyes have betrayed your soul. My interrogation potion is a bit special. Just give it an injection. What do I ask?" You will say something, after the incident you will become an idiot, all the memories in your mind will disappear, you will forget everything in the past, your body will begin to shrink, you will live in pain every day, and you will die in a year."

"Kill me." The middle-aged man's face was pale and his eyes were full of fear. He obviously knew the interrogation potion that Jackson was talking about.

Luo Zheng knows about interrogation potions, but they are not that powerful. Does the Sam Army really have special interrogation potions? He couldn't help but look at Jackson curiously. Jackson turned his back to Luo Zheng, looked at the middle-aged man coldly and said, "Not only can you speak Sam Mandarin fluently, but you also know the interrogation potion I mentioned. It shows that you have lived in Sam Country." , and you have unlocked many high-end military secrets. It seems that your status is not low?"

"I am the person in charge here. I have lived, studied, and received agent training in Sam Country since I was a child." The middle-aged man said truthfully, and his whole person became panicked.

"Agent training?" Jackson was startled and said in a deep voice: "Agent training has anti-interrogation courses. It seems that you are not a good student, or are you lying to me?"

"I'm afraid of the interrogation potion." The middle-aged man quickly agreed: "I don't want to shrink into a ball of flesh and die after a year of pain, but I really don't know much. I know everything here. I have a single line of contact with my superiors. The superiors are I don’t know who they are at all, I contacted them directly through the Internet.”

"Give me your contact information." Jackson shouted in a deep voice.

"It's useless. They can observe everything here through satellites. My capture must be under their observation. Even if you get the contact information, you can't find him." The middle-aged man explained quickly with a grimace.

"In other words, even if I let you go, you will still die." Jackson asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I request political asylum." The middle-aged man suddenly shouted, his voice becoming urgent.

Jackson knew at a glance that this guy was afraid of death, and snorted disdainfully: "Why?"

"For us, whether we are traitors or captured, there is only one outcome, and that is death. Even if we don't confess anything, as long as you ensure that I don't die, I can come forward and point out that the Forgotten Tribe is the base of the Cobra terrorist organization, but I can't go Sam Country, I can feel that Sam Country is the headquarters of the Cobra terrorist organization. I request to go to China Country, or go to a third country with the identity of China Country." The middle-aged man said quickly, looking at Luo expectantly. Zheng.

"What do you think?" Jackson turned back to look at Luo Zheng. Although everyone has some evidence to prove that the Forgotten Tribe is a terrorist base, the evidence is not strong enough. With this person in charge, things will be much easier to handle.

Luo Zheng naturally understood the reason. After thinking about it, he said, "Yes, but you must cooperate and tell us everything you know. Tell us, where did you receive agent training in Sam Country?"

Jackson also knew how to follow the clues after knowing the place, and asked: "Yes, where is it?"

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