The strongest soldier

Chapter 2073 Huge Trap

The war came suddenly, with no hope of ending. The two sides took up positions and fought a protracted battle. The Blood Leech King also attacked fiercely, but it was limited to firepower. The focus was on digging foxholes. Tang Tiantian's attack was also fierce, and Sharp, not only blocked the city with firepower, but also sent people to blow up the city wall. This kind of earthen city wall could not withstand an explosion. However, it encountered the opponent's top sniper and made no progress. However, Tang Tiantian did not change his tactics, but deployed five people. Launch simultaneous attacks from five directions.

The snipers ambush in Tucheng were not easy to find. They kept shooting at the people who came up. When Tang Tiantian saw that one of them was dead, he immediately arranged to rush in. After two rounds, Tang Tiantian discovered the sniper's position. The firepower was immediately blocked, and someone else rushed up. Hold the explosive pack and rush under the wall.

"Boom - boom!" Two huge explosions sounded, and the earthen city wall was overturned by the powerful explosion shock wave. Countless soil splashed away, and the smoke filled the air. People on the top of the city were also blown away randomly, leaving dead and injured. Tragic.

When Tang Tiantian saw that the city wall was finally opened, he was immediately overjoyed. He commanded the people to kill wildly, and his eyes were red with the killing. This battle was related to the future of the brothers, so he risked his life. Others also knew the importance of this battle, and screamed He rushed forward and fired fiercely at the city with the weapons in his hands. His shouts of killing could be heard far away.

The brutal tactics finally achieved results. Several more places were blown down and the defense was greatly reduced. Tang Tiantian led his men into the inner city in one breath. Jackson, who was waiting for the news at the main entrance, was overjoyed. He immediately found the Blood Leech King and shouted : "Tang Tiantian's people have already entered, and your people are still here fighting a war of attrition. This won't work, we must speed up."

"Yes." The Blood Leech King did not expect that Tang Tiantian would fight so hard and fight into the city, so he quickly agreed.

"The frontal defense force is strong. I understand that you are attacking like this, but the speed is too slow. Now Tang Tiantian has entered. We are weak and need your cooperation. If we cannot attack in a short time, Tang Tiantian's people will be violently attacked." If you counterattack, or even fail, the good situation will be gone. Now I order you to take people to the east and catch up with Tang Tiantian and others from the direction they went in." Jackson knew that the opportunity was rare, so he couldn't help but shouted sternly.

"Yes." Even though the Blood Leech King was reluctant, he had no choice but to agree.

Soon, Blood Leech King left more than a dozen people to continue to storm the main entrance, attracting enemy firepower. They were all heavy machine guns that were difficult to move. The others quickly left the battlefield and rushed toward the east. When Jackson saw Blood Leech King's arrangement, There was no objection. Someone was attracting enemy firepower at the main gate. He pulled the gun bolt and gave chase.

Soon, everyone came to the east. Jackson was overjoyed when he saw the collapsed city wall and shouted: "A large number of people is not conducive to street fighting. The troops are divided into three. After rushing in, they quickly destroy the enemy's armed forces and find the target. Anyone who stops them will be killed." Move quickly."

"Yes." The Blood Leech King quickly agreed and deployed tactics through the headset. Soon, the army was divided into three. Under the leadership of three leaders, they rushed into the city from different collapse openings. The Blood Leech King led the A team of people followed Jackson closely. They were all well-trained veterans who knew how to fight in street battles, and they cooperated very well.

Jackson rushed forward and saw many dead militants lying on the roadside. A fierce battle was going on in front. He knew that Tang Tiantian was fighting with his opponent. He quickly checked the surroundings. The street was too narrow and the troops could not be used in actual combat. Jackson's face changed. He was solemn and shouted: "Immediately let people go to the rooftops and city walls to seize the commanding heights."

The earthen city is all made of rammed clay. The walls are like this, and so are the houses inside. The earthen houses are next to each other, with the doors closed, criss-crossing the streets, and the alleys are very narrow. There is no place to hide. The best way is to seize the commanding heights. The Blood Leech King also understands this truth and immediately orders the troops to go to the roof.

The roof was only two meters high, so no one needed help. Everyone jumped up and climbed up. Jackson also got on the roof and saw many people lying on the roof and firing in front of them. It was Tang Tiantian's people. Bullets were flying and grenades exploded. The two sides fought extremely fiercely. Jackson shouted: "Outflank us, quickly."

"Yes." The Blood Leech King quickly agreed and ordered his troops to quickly outflank him.

Jackson saw Tang Tiantian lying on a roof, and he went up in one breath. He lay down next to Tang Tiantian and looked forward. There were fire points everywhere on the streets, rooftops, and rooms in front of him. There were quite a lot of people, and they were fighting back tenaciously. Tang Tiantian didn't expect that Jackson When he came over, he was not overjoyed and said: "The situation is not good. I propose to quickly occupy the surrounding houses, build defenses, and stabilize the battle situation."

"Can't we attack in one go?" Jackson was shocked and asked.

"The enemy's firepower is fierce, their combat effectiveness is very strong, and there are many people. I feel something is wrong. There may be a large number of enemies surrounding them. We must stabilize our position immediately, otherwise we have to evacuate." Tang Tiantian looked around with a solemn face and shouted. .

Seeing that Tang Tiantian was so nervous, Jackson looked around without any nervousness. Although everyone had entered the inner city, they were still on the edge and far away from the central area. In addition to the enemies blocking the front, there seemed to be many people rushing around. Come on, if you are surrounded, everyone is fighting separately, which is very disadvantageous. However, if you gather your troops, it means that the advancement is slowed down.

"We can't hesitate anymore. We must shrink our troops. Once we are divided and surrounded by the enemy, we will be in trouble. How can we complete the mission if all our people are dead? We must gather the manpower as soon as possible, use houses to build fortifications, and fight a protracted war with the enemy." Tang Tiantian was anxious shouted.

When Jackson heard this, he trembled and shouted quickly: "Okay, immediately notify your people to return to defense and blow up the house in front to form a vacuum zone to prevent the enemy from infiltrating. Blood Leech King, you also immediately order the troops Return to defense and be quick to avoid being divided and surrounded."

As soon as the Blood Leech King heard about the division and siege, his expression suddenly changed. He quickly issued an order to return to defense through the headset. The troops scattered around quickly retreated, but it was still too late. The two teams were blocked by troops who came out of nowhere. Death, Jackson's face changed drastically when he saw this scene, and he was secretly glad. It would have been more troublesome if he had withdrawn a little later.

"Boom -" Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in a house, and the roof was directly overturned by the powerful shock wave. The people hiding on it screamed and fell down. Tang Tiantian's face was livid when he saw this scene. They were from the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. They clenched their fists and shouted, commanding the troops to build defenses.

"Asshole." Jackson was furious when he saw this scene. Unexpectedly, his opponent directly blew up the room. Isn't this something that the attacker should do? Suddenly, Jackson realized a very serious problem. He didn't see a single civilian while fighting along the way. They were all armed elements. What was going on? Why does the room explode when no one is there?

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