The strongest soldier

Chapter 2055 Brutal Charge

"Kill -" Twenty people used Luo Zheng as arrows, roaring and rushing forward, like tigers descending from the mountain. The guns in their hands were pressed against their shoulders, and they looked at the crosshairs and kept shooting at the enemies in front. Lan Xue led the ten The snipers lined up behind the attack formation, running and sniping at the enemy's exposed heavy firepower and suspected officers. They used incendiary bombs. This kind of functional bomb was helpful in creating chaos and exerting pressure on the enemy.

When encountering each other on a narrow road, the brave will win; when fighting in close combat, the ruthless will win! In this life-and-death contest, what is being competed is courage and who is more ruthless than who. Only by risking your life can you survive! At the moment of life and death, everyone burst out with endless fighting spirit. The team of thirty people actually displayed the momentum of a team of hundreds or even thousands. Accurate bullets roared into the air, and their feet were striding forward. No one was willing to fall behind.

Soldiers can die, but they cannot retreat, let alone be cowards! On the battlefield, fear of death will make you die faster.

Luo Zheng and others' frontal breakthrough caught the enemy off guard. They dispersed and lay down to hide. By the time they set up their weapons to counterattack, it had already taken more than ten seconds. This time was enough for everyone to rush downhill for about a hundred meters. They were only about 200 meters away from the enemy, and each one seemed like a magic weapon descending from the sky. The frightened enemy became even more panicked, and the morale of the army was shaken. However, no one dared to move without orders, and they fought back with force, firing bullets indiscriminately.

"Da da da!" Luo Zheng and others used captured automatic rifles. The dense bullets formed a fire net and enveloped the front, making it difficult for the frontal enemies to raise their heads. However, there were too many enemies, especially the enemies on the side who had no firepower. Threat, fight back, the threat is great, some brothers were hit by random bullets, but fortunately they have tactical vests and bulletproof vests, as well as a layer of tights with better bulletproof performance, three layers of protection, finally they did not die on the spot, but the bullets hit The pain in the body was also unstoppable, and everyone gritted their teeth and persisted and continued to rush forward.

This is a contest of willpower and a cruel battle of courage and ruthlessness. Whoever can't hold on loses. There is only one price for losing, and that is death. Luo Zheng and others have no shortage of willpower and have unparalleled courage. He Henjin rushed forward like a wind and a lingering cloud, with red eyes and only one thought in his mind, fight out and survive!

"Da da da -" Suddenly, dozens of gunshots rushed out from among the hostages. It was those armed people who split into two under the leadership of Balu and fired fiercely at both sides of the enemy. Perhaps their marksmanship It wasn't accurate enough, but the bullets put a lot of pressure on the enemies on both sides. The firepower attacking Luo Zheng and others in the front suddenly stagnated and weakened a lot.

Luo Zheng and others who were charging and fighting immediately discovered this, and their morale reached its peak. Luo Zheng, who was leading the way, roared: "Brothers, charge forward and kill--"

"Kill - da da da!" The roar and the roar of bullets intertwined together, endless murderous intent filled the surroundings, and the air seemed to be burning.

Soon, many brothers were injured to varying degrees, but they gritted their teeth and persisted, maintaining the order of the attack formation, using their chests to block bullets for other brothers. Everyone roared, venting the murderous intent in their hearts, and quickly killed one after another. Magazine, Luo Zheng, who was rushing in front, saw that he was only ten meters away from the enemy. It was no longer necessary to change the magazine. It would also affect the charging time. He threw the weapon away, pulled out the dragon tooth sword from his back, and roared. : "Brothers, kill, chop up these bastards, and avenge your dead brothers."

"Kill - chop them!" Everyone's flames of war were ignited by Luo Zheng. They abandoned their guns one after another, pulled out their dragon-tooth sabers from their backs and roared upwards. They howled like completely crazy wolves and pointed their swords at the enemy. Deadly claws.

Soon, Luo Zheng led a group of brothers and swept into the enemy like a storm. He slashed at them with the dragon tooth sword in his hand, like a mysterious black lightning. Every time he slashed, there was a cloud of blood. The other brothers also rushed with cold faces. Come up and slash with the dragon's teeth in battle.

"Puff puff -" There was a muffled sound as the dragon tooth sword cut into the enemy's body, and blood arrows flew wildly, reflecting a coquettish light in the sun.

"Ah——" The enemy's screams kept coming after being hit.

"Boooooooo—" Lan Xue and his men kept sniping from behind, igniting the enemies one after another with incendiary bombs and burning them, making chilling screams and continuing to destroy the enemy's will to resist.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Balu also rushed up with others, firing fiercely at the enemies on both sides, stabilizing the position for Luo Zheng and others. If someone fell, someone behind him would immediately rush up to take over. Maybe It was an old man, maybe a woman, who picked up the weapon and continued to fire violently. Although the marksmanship was not accurate, it also created a lot of pressure on the enemy. At the moment of life and death, everyone was risking their lives.

Those who were stunned were afraid of being killed, and those who were stunned were afraid of risking their lives. The enemy was completely shocked by the life-threatening fighting style of Luo Zheng and others. They had seen people who were not afraid of death, but never seen such life-threatening ones. They were panicked, scared, and retreated one after another. , rushed to both sides, got out of the way, and lost the fighting spirit.

When Luo Zheng saw it, he was overjoyed and roared: "Shandiao, take your people to the left. Xue'er, take your people to the rear. The others follow me to the right to cover the evacuation of the hostages."

"Yes." Everyone suppressed the pain and roared, their eyes turned red. They followed Luo Zheng's order and immediately dispersed to continue chasing the enemy.

In the eyes of the enemy, they should have escaped with their lives after finally breaking out. When they saw that these murderers were actually chasing them, the position was already unstable. The official was killed by Lan Xue and his men long ago. There was no command, and the enemy was horrified. He ran as fast as he could, fearing that he would become a target if he ran too slowly.

Luo Zheng and others were so angry that they would never give up. They chased after them, picked up their weapons and continued shooting. Balu took a look and urged the elderly, women and children to rush to the grassland, while shouting for the armed people to come up and help. The battle has reached this point, and Balu no longer needs to direct it. The armed men are also red-blooded. In order to take revenge and vent their anger, they rush forward and beat them one by one.

There were originally less than a hundred enemies. How could they withstand the precise shooting and close-quarters slashing attacks by Luo Zheng and others? Less than a third of them fled to both sides, and they seemed to have died again after being chased. Only about twenty were left. The people were in great chaos, unable to withstand everyone's pursuit, and soon they all fell into a pool of blood.

At this time, Luo Zheng looked back while he was busy, and saw that the enemy had appeared on the sand slope. He was shocked and shouted: "Brothers, after the sniper is broken, use incendiary bombs, Balu, and take the people to retreat quickly."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice. When they looked back, they saw that the pursuers were coming up. The fire in their eyes became more intense. They abandoned their guns, picked up the sniper rifles from their backs, replaced the incendiary bombs, and started shooting. While retreating, Balu also knew that staying would not help him much, so he delayed his retreat and quickly called the armed men to retreat.

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