The strongest soldier

Chapter 2052 Using trenches

Fear can spread on the battlefield and affect the morale of the entire army. Those who were hit by incendiary bombs were buried with sand and the fire was covered. Although the wounded were still alive and disabled, at least they didn't look so scary. This As a result, the enemy's morale instantly increased greatly, as if they saw hope. Under this abnormal psychological trend, they struggled to drive the hostages forward one by one, and shot and killed those who refused.

From a distance, Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. The terrorists became even more crazy. If there are no hostages, it is easy to deal with them, but if there are hostages in front, madness will greatly increase the combat effectiveness and make it difficult to deal with them. What should I do? Are we really going to die here today?

The hostages were getting closer and closer, and they had already started to climb the mountain. If they didn't fight, it would be too late. Luo Zheng frowned and stared ahead, constantly thinking about countermeasures. Suddenly he saw the trench from the corner of his eye. He had an idea and shouted: "Balu ."

"Here." Balu quickly rushed up from the side and responded.

"Can you communicate with the hostages?" Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay." Balu agreed quickly, with a heavy expression on his face.

"Shout and tell the hostages to rush to the trenches and hide and not move. Are you sure?" Luo Zheng asked.

"I'll try my best." Balu shouted in a deep voice, understanding Luo Zheng's tactics.

"Go ahead, let everyone speed up suddenly and rush forward so that the enemy cannot react. Then everyone hides and doesn't move. Be careful yourself." Luo Zheng warned, seeing Balu hunched over and rushing forward, His face turned cold and he shouted in a deep voice: "Zhou Gang, quickly lead the brothers to withdraw. Remember to bring all weapons and ammunition and distribute them to everyone."

"Yes." Zhou Gang and others shouted in a deep voice.

The enemy's hostage tactics gave Luo Zheng a headache. The only solution he could think of was to deal with the hostages. As long as the hostages were safe, the brothers would be able to unleash a killing spree. Whether they could succeed or not depended on Balu. Soon, Zhou Gang The others rushed up the mountain carrying various weapons and ammunition, while Balu rushed down the mountain.

The enemies were all behind the hostages. The hostages were climbing up, which invisibly blocked the view of the enemies behind them. The enemies did not see Luo Zheng's tactical adjustment. Zhou Gang and others successfully rushed to the sand slope, while Balu rushed there in one breath. In the trench halfway up the mountain, I found a safe place and shouted.

Balu's shouting gave the horrified hostages a glimmer of hope. The news spread quickly. Everyone reminded each other that the enemy was hiding behind, a little far away, and did not know what was happening in front. They only saw the hostages suddenly speeding up. They rushed forward, everyone yelling in panic, no one knew what was happening.

"Aim at the enemy behind and hit me." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this scene and roared angrily.

"Boom, boom, boom -" More than a dozen sniper rifles fired almost at the same time. The bullets fired fiercely, killing the visible enemies on the spot. The enemies were so frightened that they fell down to hide. In this way, the hostages and the enemy were invisibly drawn to each other. The distance is increased, making it easier for everyone to shoot.

Another round of sniping passed, and more enemies were killed on the spot. The enemy also realized that something was wrong. Under the strict orders of the officer, he jumped out of the bunker and rushed forward. Only by hiding behind the hostages was he safe. Luo Zheng saw this scene. , looked at the enemy commander for a bit, and snorted coldly: "Brothers, aim at the enemy behind the hostages to prevent them from catching up, and let the hostages and the enemies distance themselves."

"Yes." Everyone agreed knowingly, and adjusted the angle of the gun muzzle to shoot at the enemies behind the hostages. As for the enemies further behind, everyone gave up even if there was a shooting angle. More than a dozen sniper rifles rang out again, one after another. The bullets whizzed away, killing the enemy accurately.

The enemy also saw Luo Zheng's tactical intentions. Once there were no hostages blocking the way, everyone became a living target. The officer directed some people to rush up with all their might, regardless of casualties, while others started shooting at the top of the sand slope indiscriminately. , trying to use firepower to prevent Luo Zheng and others from shooting.

At this time, the hostages were frightened when they saw bullets flying randomly around their heads. They rushed forward instinctively and soon came to the trench. They saw that the trench was deep enough to avoid bullets. It was a temporary safe haven. No instructions were needed. One by one, they quickly squatted down, held their heads in their hands, and did not dare to move. There were cries and calls.

Balu shouted at the top of his voice to calm everyone's emotions, but the effect was very little. After all, he was just an ordinary herdsman. It was good that he was not frightened. Balu continued to shout helplessly at the top of his voice, asking everyone to stop moving. , some panicked people climbed out of the trenches and tried to rush up the mountain, but were shot into pieces and killed on the spot. Others who wanted to run were shocked when they saw it, and quickly retracted.

In the face of death, everyone was frightened and instinctively huddled in the trenches. More hostages rushed over. When they saw the people in the trenches, they jumped down one after another and stopped running due to the herd mentality. There was no room for them in the trenches in front. , everyone rushed to both sides, shouting in panic.

Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. He didn't know how many he could save, but he had a clear conscience. He saw the enemy chasing after him crazily. If no measures were taken, the enemy would rush to the trenches, and then the hostages would face the enemy's crazy attack. Counterattack would definitely be a disaster.

"Zhou Gang." Luo Zheng stared at the enemy and shouted.

"Arrived!" Zhou Gang shouted in a deep voice.

"Detonate the button bomb." Luo Zheng shouted coldly.

"Yes." Zhou Gang shouted in a deep voice, took out the remote control, and looked coldly at the enemy rushing up. The fire of war was beating in his eyes. Seeing that the hostage had left the bomb area, he pressed the button without hesitation. remote control.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Countless button battles exploded one after another. There were fires everywhere, explosions everywhere, and sand flying everywhere. The explosions were like the god of death emerging from hell, roaring and sweeping the surroundings. Devour the enemy's life.

Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly, watching countless enemies being blown to the ground, watching the enemies behind him lying on the ground in panic, his face turned cold, and he roared: "Brothers, charge forward, *** *F*ck, kill——”

"Kill--" More than a dozen people jumped up one after another, like tigers descending from the mountain, and rushed towards the mountainside. Each of them was holding the automatic rifle sent by Zhou Gang, howling and beating, as if strong fighting spirit was surging. The waves enveloped the panicked enemy at the foot of the mountain.

More than a dozen people roared wildly, but they were like thousands of troops, with indomitable murderous intent. The guns in their hands fired fiercely, click, click, click - countless bullets accurately found the target, the guns bit the flesh, and the bullets exploded. head.

Soon, everyone rushed to the trench and jumped over, like a tiger. They were in the air, and the guns in their hands did not stop shooting. After landing, they continued to rush up wildly, with the momentum of a fight to the death. When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. Everyone The brothers all risked their lives.

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