The strongest soldier

Chapter 205 Extreme Training

A week passed in a hurry. During this week, Luo Zheng, accompanied by the three ghost hands, continued to do recovery training. Unfortunately, Lan Xue was not seen this week, and he was worried about it. Fortunately, during this week, Guishou He and Xue Bao passed on their unique skills to Luo Zheng, including the sharp knife and joint skills. Luo Zheng did not practice hard after learning them. Countless lives and deaths made Luo Zheng understand a truth. No matter how good the skills are, they are in vain without absolute strength to support them.

A week later, in the morning, it was dawn. Luo Zheng, who felt that his body had basically recovered, put on his training clothes and set off. It was not a training ground, but straight to the sea. One kilometer is not far in a straight line. Luo Zheng is used to running in the mountains and forests. We arrived soon. Looking at the vast sea and the waves that kept coming up, Luo Zheng smiled. This is the best training ground and it is irreplaceable.

Luo Zheng believes that no sport can exercise muscles, endurance and physical coordination better than swimming. Hearing that there was a sea nearby, he decided on his own training method, which is to train in the sea. Seawater has high density, high resistance and waves. Irregular, erratic surges, unsteady standing, and not suitable for training at all.

The more impossible the place, the more powerful you can develop your super strength. Luo Zheng firmly believes in this. There is nothing impossible in this world, only the unimaginable and the impossible. One-kilometer mountain cross-country running almost relaxes the muscles and joints of the body. Without any adaptive training, Luo Zheng rushed directly along the beach into the sea.

The sea water quickly submerged into the top of his head. Luo Zheng continued to walk forward, controlling his body balance to prevent his body from floating, holding his breath. Two minutes later, Luo Zheng felt a lack of oxygen, his ears were ringing, he had a splitting headache, and his heart seemed to be broken. It was like an explosion. If you want to become a strong man, you must have super endurance and willpower. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted.

Excellent special forces can stay at the bottom of the sea for up to three minutes. The human body's hypoxia limit is three to five minutes. It varies from person to person. Three minutes is the human limit. Only people who have received special training or have lived in the sea for a long time can reach five minutes or even more. , Luo Zheng did not have any special training on the seabed, or even on swimming. He felt his limit within two minutes, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Luo Zheng, who was submerged in the water, counted silently to keep himself clear. He felt a stinging pain in his heart, his consciousness began to loosen, and his body floated up uncontrollably. Luo Zheng knew that he had reached his limit and could not eat the fat man in one bite. Strength is achieved not only by challenging limits and time, but by overdoing it, you will not achieve it. Get up quickly and breathe fresh air into your heart and lungs desperately.

After resting for a while, Luo Zheng squatted down again, holding his breath, and started boxing on the bottom of the sea. He had just learned the joint skills from Snow Leopard in a few days. This time, he only lasted for two minutes before he had to come out of the water to rest. After resting, continue training.

An hour later, Luo Zheng was exhausted. His body was almost washed up by the waves. Luo Zheng lay flat on the beach without any image. He used the breathing method passed down from his family to regain his strength. Half an hour later, he felt much better. , ate some steamed buns and dried meat brought over, drank some water, and jumped into the sea again.

In the dense forest on the coast, Gui Shou and the others were looking at Luo Zheng who was training so hard with worries on their faces. The mountain eagle was a little hairy and said: "Brothers, is he in danger if he is training so hard? This way of doing things , even we can’t stand it, are you challenging your own limits?”

"Even if it is, go and give it a try. Can you handle an hour of hypoxia training?" Snow Leopard said worriedly.

"I think he is determined and cannot be persuaded. Let's go back and bring more food and drink. The most important thing to do in the seabed is to drink water and keep up with nutrition. Otherwise, the body will be depleted and people will be exhausted." It's just useless." Guishou suggested, and everyone agreed, leaving the mountain eagle to take care of them just in case, and the other two hurried away.

Another hour passed. Luo Zheng came ashore again. He saw a lot of dry food, fruits and water where the supplies were piled. He guessed that it was Gui Shou and the others who had done it. There would be no outsiders on this deserted coast. He felt warm in his heart and added I drank some water and lay on the beach to regain my strength.

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng went into the water again, holding his breath and contacting the third set of Military Body Boxing at the bottom of the sea. Military Body Boxing is the collective crystallization of many martial arts masters in the past. It condenses the essence of each school, and its moves are all unique. Killing, how much one can comprehend depends on one's talent. Lan Xue once told Luo Zheng, so Luo Zheng paid special attention to military boxing training.

The morning slipped away unknowingly, and Luo Zheng was washed up on the beach again by the waves. He lay flat on his back, motionless, without any strength in his body. After training all morning, Luo Zheng felt that every muscle in his body was sore and he wanted to continue. He was training, but his body was completely disobedient and he couldn't even move his fingers, so he had to calm down and regain his strength. Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Luo Zheng knew that he didn't have much time left for him, and his eyes were extremely firm.

An hour later, Luo Zheng felt much better. After eating and drinking, he rested for about ten minutes. He looked at the rolling waves with determination in his eyes. He got up again and started running at top speed on the waves. The bottom of the sea can be Training lung capacity, training muscles, training physical strength, but not training speed. Luo Zheng knew very well that speed on the battlefield can determine life and death and is of vital importance.

The waves were irregular, irregular, and had great obstacles. It was very difficult to run, and every step he took faced resistance. Luo Zheng looked ahead firmly and ran with all his strength, without any effort or speed. Instead, he runs at an explosive speed, using his fastest speed and strength.

Every kick he took kicked the waves away, and every kick he landed on was steady and powerful. Luo Zheng unexpectedly discovered that this training method could not only increase his speed, but also enhance the power of his kicks. After all, if you want to kick It takes a lot of strength to drive the waves, so I couldn't help but be overjoyed and ran even more determinedly.

The waves not only blocked running footsteps, but also hit people, making them unable to stand firm. Training in such a difficult environment was very physically demanding. Within half an hour, Luo Zheng couldn't bear it anymore and was gasping for air. It's like a bellows blowing. I feel dizzy and exhausted. I don't have a clean spot on my body. I can't tell which is sea water and which is sweat. The hand holding the kettle starts to tremble, and my feet start to tremble, too. Zheng simply put himself down on the ground, relaxed his whole body, looked at the scorching sun, and smiled. There was a hint of helplessness on his immature face, but it was quickly replaced by determination.

"The Strongest Soldier King, I'm here." Half an hour later, Luo Zheng rushed into the sea again, lurked under the sea, held his breath, and tried his best to practice the Military Boxing. He did not hold back every punch, every time I used my full strength in every kick, hitting as fast as I could, training desperately, and my mind was filled with unyielding faith.

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