The strongest soldier

Chapter 2049 Unexpected Information

After doing all this, Shi Qian observed his surroundings again. The enemies were all rushing towards the explosion site. No one paid attention to his side, so he picked up his weapons and evacuated quickly, running away wildly. The sniper was a high-ranking presence in the team. Some secret sentries along the way discovered Shi Qian in disguise and mistook Shi Qian for a sniper, thinking that the "sniper" was going to infiltrate the enemy's position to complete some important task, but no one came forward to stop him.

Shi Qian rushed up the mountainside in one smooth breath and shouted through the headset: "It's me, don't shoot."

Luo Zheng, who was lying in ambush in the trench on the mountainside, spotted Shi Qian rushing over in disguise. He had already suspected something was wrong. If it were an enemy, he would never dare to rush up openly. He asked everyone not to shoot and to be on guard secretly. When they heard Shi Qian He couldn't help but laugh at Qian's shout, and said: "Why did you make such a noise? The invisibility suit is not good, it can be easily exposed."

Shi Qian chuckled and did not explain immediately. Instead, he continued to rush up and quickly rushed to the trench. He squatted down and took a big breath. The rapid running just now consumed a lot of energy. When his breath became smoother, he saw Luo Zheng's curious eyes. , chuckled, and explained: "I killed a sniper and buried him. The enemy saw me dressed up and thought it was their companions who had infiltrated me."

"That makes sense. Why are you doing this?" Luo Zheng smiled.

"For this." Shi Qian handed the seized earphone to Luo Zheng and explained: "When the enemy learns that the sniper has been killed, they will definitely change the call frequency and they will not be able to eavesdrop. Come and try it and see what they say. ."

"It makes sense, you have good intentions." Luo Zheng said with admiration, while putting the earphones to his ears to listen, he only heard a gurgling sound, and could not understand a word. Luo Zheng was startled, and immediately turned off the earphones, He shouted through his headset: "Baru, come down and lie down, move faster."

"Understood." Balu agreed in a deep voice.

The enemy's attention was all on the scene of the big explosion. Balu rushed down in one breath. No enemy fired a cold shot. After Luo Zheng motioned Balu to squat down, he opened the captured headset and handed it to Balu. Balu nodded knowingly and quickly He put down the headset and listened, and his face became more solemn the more he listened.

After a while, Balu handed the headset to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng quickly turned it off to prevent the sound of everyone's conversation from being transmitted. He looked at Balu and asked, "What did you hear?"

"The enemy is talking about a rocket attack and is searching everywhere. In addition, their reinforcements are on the way. They are expected to arrive in half an hour. There will be a thousand people." Balu said quickly, his eyes were solemn, a thousand The number of people is not a small number. Balu looked at Luo Zheng worriedly and continued: "What should we do?"

This unexpected information shocked Luo Zheng, and he frowned. There were more than a hundred people around him and it was nothing to worry about. Luo Zheng was sure to kill them after dawn and kill them out. However, more than a thousand people were no joke, and they were only a few steps away from here. Half an hour later, it was too late to break out. What should I do?

It was quiet in the trenches. Everyone was shocked by the news. After a while, Zhou Gang whispered: "Boss, just kill as many as you come. Anyway, it's already like this. There's no point in worrying. The key is whether the mission can be completed." ? If we can attract the enemy and indirectly help the headquarters complete the rescue mission, death will be worth it."

"Zhou Gang, this line of defense is under your command, leaving four people to assist. Are you sure you can block the enemy's fierce attack?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"No problem. We just need to bury a certain number of button bombs on the road ahead and detonate them remotely. No amount is enough to kill. There are trenches here, which are conducive to defense. The enemy must also know this. I am worried that they may not regard this direction as their main attack. Click." Zhou Gang agreed and reminded.

"You're a very capable boy. You can think of so much. I'm relieved to leave it to you. Your mission is this trench. I will deploy the others separately. Others on the sandy slope will provide sniper cover. Don't worry. "Qian, Balu, come with me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking at Zhou Gang.

Zhou Gang nodded knowingly and shouted to the four brothers around him in a deep voice: "Brothers, did you hear that? The leader has given us this important task. Before the enemy came, everyone quickly moved closer to me and arranged a defense. Tactics, be fast.”

"Yes." The other four people responded in a deep voice and quickly moved over.

Seeing Zhou Gang immediately enter the role, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He nodded to Zhou Gang and quickly rushed towards the top of the sand slope. Shi Qian and Balu followed closely behind. The three of them rushed up in one go. The enemy's attention was They were all at the scene of the explosion, and no one cared about what was happening on the mountainside.

Arriving at the top of the sand slope, Luo Zheng signaled Shi Qian to move away and hide, leaving Balu beside him. He handed the headset to Balu. Balu took it knowingly and continued to listen, while Luo Zheng found a safe spot and sat down. , reported the information to Shan Diao and Lan Xue through the earphones, and finally added: "The enemy is surrounded but refuses to attack, and is making small fuss. Obviously, he is testing our firepower and combat effectiveness. He will wait for reinforcements to arrive before launching a general attack. It is expected that the general attack will be At dawn, everyone took out the button bombs, planted them on the road ahead where the enemy must pass, and detonated them remotely."

"Yes." Shan Diao and Lan Xue were shocked when they heard that there were a thousand enemies, and quickly agreed.

"Be careful when burying. Don't expose it. Deploy immediately." Luo Zheng warned, without further delay, we can't wait any longer. We can take advantage of the enemy's attention on the explosion site to set up defenses.

Lan Xue and Shan Diao were both shrewd people and knew that time was precious. They quickly arranged for everyone to take out all the button bombs and arranged for five people to go over and set up defenses. The other five people sniped and covered at the top of the mountain to prevent the enemy from shooting illegally, perhaps the enemy's. All attention was focused on the explosion site, and the defense was very safe.

Luo Zheng had Zhou Gang here, so he didn't have to worry. He looked at the deep night sky and pondered. The sudden appearance of a thousand enemy troops was like a big mountain, pressing heavily on Luo Zheng's head. Can he block the enemy's large-scale attack? Just look at button bombs, but button bombs can only block it for a moment. Once the enemy attacks madly, without button bombs, they will be defeated. You must find a way to get the best of both worlds.

There is no grass growing on the sand ridge, the sand is soft, and there is no danger to defend. It all depends on the hiding position of the trenches. Such trenches cannot block bullet attacks. As long as the firepower is intensive enough to form a barrage attack, people hiding in the trenches will also be hit by stray bullets. In the middle, you will definitely die when the time comes. This kind of mountain is a dead place, a desperate place, and you cannot stay for a long time.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly contacted Blue Star through the headset, and after being connected, he asked: "What's going on with Shadow and the others now?" The purpose of staying in this sand ridge was to attract the enemy's attention, and to save Shadow and the others. Rescue and cover.

"It's expected to land in an hour. Everything is normal now." Blue Star quickly agreed.

"Urge them to hurry up." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, becoming uneasy.

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