The strongest soldier

Chapter 2047 Shi Qian attacks

Under the gray moonlight, on the vast sand ridge, a sniper lurks behind a pile of sand. He is covered in desert camouflage. Even the sniper rifle is camouflaged. Under the cover of the moonlight, he almost blends in with the desert. , difficult to find, the sniper's cold eyes were fixed on the slope ahead. It was empty, but the sniper felt that there was someone. This was a kind of combat intuition that had been tempered on the life-and-death line of the battlefield for a long time.

There was indeed someone on the empty slope, and it was Shi Qian who had been ordered to destroy the rockets. Shi Qian wore a stealth suit, and his whole body blended with the surrounding light. It was absolutely difficult to detect any abnormality until he was in front of him. After running for a distance, Shi Qian I also felt like I was being targeted by something, and there was a dull pain between my eyebrows. This feeling was very uncomfortable. I thought I might be targeted by a sniper, so I lay on the ground and didn't dare to move.

After observing for a long time, Shi Qian didn't notice anyone staring at him. Thinking that a lot of time had passed and he couldn't wait any longer, Shi Qian gritted his teeth angrily, got up carefully, and walked around to the other side, although the sandy slope in front was The nearest road, but it was dangerous and had to be detoured.

With the help of the stealth suit, Shi Qian quickly went two hundred meters away. The lurking sniper became impatient and touched it vigilantly. Where Shi Qian was lurking, he found traces of someone lying on the ground, and there were also traces of people lying on the ground in the distance. The footprints I left were too far away just now and there was not enough light to see them.

Looking at these footprints, the sniper's face turned cold. He hunched over and quickly chased after them. After running for a distance, he came to a mountain ridge. There were more footprints in the sand here, leading to several places. It was impossible to judge. Where did the opponent go? The sniper squatted down and carefully identified it. From time to time he looked at different directions in the same night. He quickly made a judgment. The person who came had either gone to the headquarters or to the place where ammunition was piled in the rear. Only these two targets had the ability. Night raid value.

Thinking of this, the sniper's face changed slightly, and he quickly whispered through the headset: "Report, found someone infiltrated, suspected to have gone to the headquarters or the rear munitions department, please give instructions."

"Received, the headquarters will take corresponding defensive measures and go to the rear to take a look." A cold voice sounded in the headset: "Attention all units, there is someone infiltrating, don't panic, be on guard secretly, and shoot if anything unusual is found."

"Yes." Countless people's voices rang in the headsets, and under the moonlight, a cold murderous aura spread out.

The sniper hunched over and chased forward. He looked like a civet cat under the moonlight. His feet were as fast as flying. He kept using the cover of the surrounding terrain to push forward. His sharp eyes were fixed on the front, but he did not find a suspicious person. Unknowingly, he reached the rear. , still no target was found. This result made the sniper suspicious. He hid behind a sand dune slope and lurked, watching everywhere vigilantly.

At this moment, on another sand dune, Shi Qian was lurking on the ground, staring at the sniper motionlessly, with a murderous look in his cold eyes. The invisibility suit on his body could hide his body, but there were traces of the ground he passed. Footprints, this is an unavoidable fact. Shi Qian is very clear about this, otherwise he wouldn't be so afraid.

After observing for a while, Shi Qian saw that the opponent had no intention of catching up. He looked ahead and saw a large number of rockets stacked two hundred meters away from him. There were more than a dozen people guarding him. The nearest road was right under the sniper's nose. He walked over. You will definitely be exposed, so you can only go around, but it will take more than ten minutes to walk around.

Time was running out, and Shi Qian wanted to blow up those rockets immediately, but the chasing sniper ruined his plan. Shi Qian was so angry that he wished he could kill the opponent with one shot. After thinking about it, Shi Qian suppressed the anger in his heart and moved quickly. Retract and go up from the other side.

Along the way, Shi Qian did not encounter any enemies and walked very quickly. After ten minutes, Shi Qian successfully detoured back to the vicinity of the rocket, lay down on the ground and observed for a while. The defenders were obviously much more vigilant, as if facing a formidable enemy. Normally, this phenomenon made Shi Qian startled, and he immediately guessed that the enemy was alert.

"The sniper must have discovered something and reported it." Shi Qian mused angrily, his eyes restrained with murderous intent, and he looked around vigilantly. Suddenly, an armed group of more than ten people rushed up quickly, and at the other side Martial law was spread around the rocket, and the rocket was surrounded by water.

Shi Qian was shocked when he saw this scene, and he hated the sniper even more. He quickly pulled out his pistol and hit the silencer. Since penetration was impossible, he attacked by force. So much time had passed and he couldn't wait any longer. After Shi Qian was ready, he quickly moved forward and touched slowly.

The slower and lighter the steps, the smaller the sound and the less alert the enemy will be. Shi Qian, as the heir to the stealing sect, naturally understands this problem. He tiptoes forward for a distance and unknowingly reaches the distance from the enemy. Ten meters away, Shi Qian squatted on the ground without moving, staring coldly at the enemy in front, and secretly took out three button bombs.

It has been a while since I came to the Mystery Bureau. As one of them, Shi Qian is naturally qualified to come into contact with high-tech weapons such as button bombs. He learned how to use them. After observing for a while, Shi Qian estimated that it would take him two seconds to rush forward. It takes three seconds to throw a button bomb and then evacuate.

With this judgment, Shi Qian quickly set the button to detonate after five seconds. Everything was ready. Shi Qian took a deep breath, stood up suddenly, and rushed forward with his heart pounding, striking first to gain the upper hand, with weapons in hand. He opened fire quickly, killing two enemies who were watching the surroundings vigilantly, and then opened a hole and rushed in.

The incident happened suddenly, and the pistol was equipped with a silencer. The enemies around them didn't know what happened. They shouted and reminded each other while looking around. Some people even started shooting randomly into the night sky, but Shi Qian had already broken through the defense line and was walking as fast as Fly to the vicinity of the rocket and throw the button bomb hard for exactly two seconds.

Once the mountains of rockets are detonated, there will be absolutely no place to die, and no one around will be spared. Shi Qian turns around and runs away, but the enemy is shooting at the outside indiscriminately. He may be hit by random bombs when he rushes out, but those left behind It was also a death. If the sniper hadn't discovered something, he would never have been so passive. At this moment, Shi Qian hated the sniper so much that he gritted his teeth and rushed outside.

"Puff--" Shi Qian, who was running, opened fire quickly, and the bullets accurately penetrated the heads of the two armed men. When the surrounding armed men took a look, they immediately judged that the bullets came from within the warning circle, and immediately turned their guns around. Shi Qian saw that he was still alive. With this unexpected surprise, I rushed forward excitedly.

Soon, Shi Qian rushed out of the warning circle, not daring to stop, and rushed forward desperately, silently counting seconds in his heart. After counting to three seconds, Shi Qian rushed forward without hesitation, holding his head with both hands, and died. Lying dead on the ground.

"Boom——!" An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

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