The strongest soldier

Chapter 2033 Besieging the Bandits

The bright moonlight fell softly on the vast grassland. The earth was gray and quiet. The wind at night was stronger, blowing the withered grass up and down, making a rustling sound, as if a poet was singing. This was a wonderful and peaceful scene. At night, in this night, an armed group was quietly lurking in a valley. They were all well-equipped and wearing disguises. They calmly watched the bandits eating meat and drinking wine around the bonfire below the valley. Their eyes were in the moonlight. Extraordinarily bright, it was Luo Zheng and others.

The team was quietly mobilizing, making final arrangements, and inadvertently occupied the high ground on both sides of the valley. Perhaps they believed too much in their secret whistle ability. The bandits below the valley were not alert at all. They were eating and drinking, shouting something, and from time to time. He burst into laughter, and his enthusiasm seemed to set the entire valley on fire.

Luo Zheng calmly lurked on a hillside observing this scene, waiting patiently. The sniper rifle had been set up, the safety had been turned on, and it was in the activated state. He held the gun with his index finger. Luo Zheng would not touch the trigger until the moment of shooting. Fire walking is a good habit developed over many years.

"Brothers are already in position, do you want to fight?" Mountain Eagle's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng looked at the moonlight, which was obscured by dark clouds. The moon was dark and the wind was high. It was the time to kill people. There were bandits in the valley, so he acted as a righteous man. Luo Zheng quickly locked on the suspected bandit leader, adjusted his breathing, and kept his voice quiet. Angry, his index finger slowly touched the trigger, constantly judging the sniper position and advance based on distance, wind speed, light, humidity and other conditions in his mind. Feeling this, Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoosh——" The sniper bullet whizzed out of the barrel, breaking the tranquility of the moonlit valley, drawing a terrifying air current in the void, and disappearing in an instant. Then, in the sniper scope, Luo Zheng clearly saw that the target's head was hit by a bullet. Explosion, red and white things flew into the air, and the body was knocked away and landed on the bonfire nearby.

The sound of gunshots was an order, and everyone opened fire to kill the targeted targets. The valley suddenly became chaotic, and people were constantly being knocked down. More people were panicking and looking for bunkers. No one bothered to check on the people who were killed. The second round The sniping continued. The powerful thermal imaging function of the sniper scope allowed everyone to accurately find the target and shoot it.

Facing the well-trained snipers, the bandits in the valley had no choice but to avoid them. They were almost one-sided. There were more than fifty snipers, and two shots per person meant a hundred rounds of ammunition. According to a 50% hit rate, there were fifty people. were shot dead, but in fact everyone's hit rate was much higher than this number.

After two rounds of attacks, the robber was frightened by the precise shooting. He found that the bunker was unreliable and there were too many snipers. It was useless to hide. He was frightened and rushed into the house with hands and feet. At this time, the third round The attack came again, and dozens more people were blown to the ground and shot to death cleanly.

When this scene fell upon Balu, he was even more stunned. He was secretly glad. If he had offended these murderous gods when he was in the tribe, the people of the tribe would have died. Such precise marksmanship, such terrifying murderous aura, and such cold fighting. I mean, what kind of army is this?

Immediately, Balu was secretly surprised by his choice and decided to make a good friendship. With a good relationship, he would do well in the future. He couldn't help but crawled next to Luo Zheng and said eagerly: "Shall I take someone down to fight?"

"No, if you go down, you will die. These people react very quickly." Luo Zheng vetoed in a deep voice. As an iron-blooded veteran, Luo Zheng's eyesight is incomparable to that of Balu. He keenly discovered that these people react very quickly. Everyone only has time. After firing two shots, two shots, within two seconds, these people made the most correct judgment. They were obviously veterans of the battlefield, and rushing down gave these people an advantage.

Balu was a little dissatisfied, but he did not force himself. He reluctantly agreed and ordered his followers to continue to lurk and stand by, observing the battlefield. He soon discovered that the people who rushed into the house began to fight back. He used the house as a cover and found everyone accurately. The hiding place, this strength is not simple, Balu is not stupid, and soon realized that he had been a little rash just now. If he really rushed down, he would become a living target for the robbers. He couldn't help but glance at Luo Zheng gratefully, and said nothing. .

Luo Zheng saw that he was powerful and had quick reactions and his marksmanship was not bad. He said in a deep voice through the headset: "Listen to my orders, change the sniper position, and be careful. The people below are not simple either, so don't be careless."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice. They rolled, crawled, etc. to change their sniper positions. When they found an opportunity, they started shooting again. However, the enemy was hiding in the house. The house was made of hard stone and was difficult to attack. Suddenly, , the enemy and we fell into a stalemate.

The sound of gunfire in the valley was as dense as rain, and the firelight danced and intertwined in the void. It looked terrifying. As a commander, Luo Zheng knew very well that his top priority was not to kill the enemy, but to change his tactics and command the troops to win. His sharp eyes were dead Staring at the valley below, he suddenly had an idea and shouted: "Brothers, change to incendiary bombs."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and quickly replaced the sniper incendiary bombs.

"咻咻咻——" Another round of attacks came, this time using incendiary bombs. The hot flames of the incendiary bombs burned in the void, pulling out long rays of light, like lightning, and hit hard. In a house, it is difficult to hit the target hiding in the house, but it is not difficult to launch an incendiary bomb into the house.

The incendiary bomb exploded immediately, and the incendiary agent with a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees was splashed out in all directions. It could ignite anything it touched. Soon, the gas caught fire in the house, and the light was particularly eye-catching. In some places, black smoke could be seen billowing out. Out, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, let's do another round of attacks, aim and hit them, drive these bastards out, and then quickly replace them with ordinary sniper bullets, and kill each of them for me."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice.

Another round of attacks passed, and more houses were ignited by incendiary bombs. Fires shot up into the sky in many rooms. The people inside could not bear it anymore. They rushed over with weapons in hand, walking as fast as flying. After leaving the room, they fell to the ground and rolled. We hid behind the bunker, but there were snipers on both sides of the valley. If we defended the front, we couldn't defend the back. We had already replaced the ordinary sniper bullets, and quickly hunted down the target when we found it.

Suddenly, someone shouted in the valley, but Luo Zheng couldn't understand a word. Balu hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything. Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and asked in a low voice: "Balu, they shouted What?"

"They said they were willing to surrender and let them live. Everything in the valley would be given to us, otherwise they would burn everything down," Balu said quickly.

"You still dare to bargain?" Luo Zheng said in a disdainful voice.

"Without a way to survive, these people can really do anything. Without horses, wouldn't our work be in vain?" Balu reminded enthusiastically.

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